204 research outputs found

    Self-esteem, general and sexual self-concepts in blind people

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    Background: People with visual disability have lower self-esteem and social skills than sighted people. This study was designed to describe self-esteem and general and sexual self-concepts in blind people. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted in the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2013-2014. In this study, 138 visually impaired people participated from Isfahan Province Welfare Organization and were interviewed for measuring of self-esteem and self-concept using Eysenck self-esteem and Rogers’ self-concept questionnaires. The correlation between above two variables was measured using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software by Pearson correlation test. Results: Mean [± standard deviation (SD)] age of patients was 30.9 ± 8 years. The mean (±SD) of general self-concept score was 11 ± 5.83. The mean (±SD) of self-esteem score was 16.62 ± 2.85. Pearson correlation results showed a significant positive correlation between self-esteem and general self-concept (r = 0.19, P = 0.025). The mean of sexual self-concept scores in five subscales (sexual anxiety, sexual self-efficacy, sexual self-esteem, sexual fear, and sexual depression) were correspondingly 11 ± 4.41, 19.53 ± 4.53, 12.96 ± 4.19, 13.48 ± 1.76, and 5.38 ± 2.36. Self-esteem and self-concept had significant positive correlation with sexual anxiety (r = 0.49; P < 0.001) (r =-.23; P < 0.001) and sexual fear (r = 0.25; P = 0.003) (r = 0.18; P = 0.02) and negative correlation with sexual self-efficacy (r =-0.26; P = 0.002) (r =-0.28; P = 0.001) and sexual-esteem (r =-0.34; P < 0.001) (r =-0.34; P < 0.001). Conclusion: Self-esteem and self-concept had significant correlation with sexual anxiety and sexual fear; and negative correlation with sexual self-efficacy and sexual-esteem. © 2015 Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

    Ground Motion Duration Effects on the Seismic Risk Assessment of Wood Light-Frame Buildings

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    Wood construction comprises a large portion of building stocks of several countries across the globe with high preparedness for earthquakes including Japan, Canada, and the United States. Built environments of these countries are prone to long-duration ground shakings due largely to the proximity of subduction faulting systems. However, the current seismic design requirements do not adequately emphasize this key feature of ground motions. This study evaluates the impact of long-duration ground motions on seismic risk characteristics of code-conforming wood lightframe buildings. To this end, a study matrix of wood light-frame buildings is developed incorporating with two different heights (i.e., 1-story and 4-story) and two distinct occupancies (i.e., multi-family and commercial) designed for a very high seismic region according to the latest pertinent design requirements of the United States. The seismic performance of these buildings is assessed through incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) in accordance with FEMA P-695 recommendations. Each building is analyzed using three sets of ground motions, i.e., far-field FEMA P-695 ground motions ensemble, an ensemble of short-duration ground motions, and an ensemble of long-duration ground motions. For each building, structural responses are obtained, and collapse fragility for these three sets of ground motions are derived. Next, the structural analysis results are relayed to a component-based loss assessment framework developed based on performance-based earthquake engineering principles in order to predict the seismic risk characteristics of the adopted buildings including the vulnerability function, risk curve, and average annual loss (AAL). The loss assessment is conducted separately for the structural and nonstructural components as well as the content of the buildings. The study reveals the considerable effect of ground motion duration on the seismic vulnerability of light-frame wood buildings, specifically in the case of 4-story wood light-frame building which reveals approximately a mean increase of 140.0% in the predicted losses

    A Probabilistic Casualty Model to Include Injury Severity Levels in Seismic Risk Assessment

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    Despite the increasing adoption of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) in seismic risk assessment and design of buildings, earthquakes resulted in around 1.8 million injuries (three times the number of fatalities) over the past two decades. Several existing PBEE-based methodologies use rudimentary models that may not accurately estimate earthquake-induced casualties. Even when models are suitable for predicting the total number of fatalities and critical injuries, they may fail to adequately differentiate between different levels of injury severity. This paper draws attention to the importance of extending the seismic casualty assessment method by broadening the perspective on injury severity. To this cause, a probabilistic model is developed to predict fatalities and injuries due to earthquakes. The proposed model adopts the FEMA P-58 framework for risk assessment and considers six injury severity levels (minor, moderate, serious, severe, critical and fatal), in accordance with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The aforementioned framework evaluates the casualty risk with five modules: seismic hazard analysis, structural analysis and response evaluation (using incremental dynamic analysis), building collapse simulation, detailed casualty assessment caused by structural, nonstructural, and content components of the building, and injury severity assessment. The injury severity assessment module assumes two modes of injury: occupants falling on the floor resulting in injury and injuries caused by unstable building contents hitting occupants as a result of sliding or overturning. The framework uses an occupant-time location model to predict the number of injuries and a set of building content fragility curves for sliding and overturning failure modes, developed by the incremental dynamic analyses. The proposed model was applied to a case study of a reinforced concrete, moment-frame office building furnished with 21 different content objects. The results show that the frequency of injuries resulting in hospitalization can be up to 30 times more than that of the fatal injuries at low shaking intensity levels and may amplify by 20 times at high intensity shaking

    Analysis of Flood Governance and Risk Management

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    Flood governance and risk management involve measures and strategies aimed at reducing the risk of floods and managing their impacts. This process includes identifying and evaluating risks, planning and prevention, readiness for response and performance in crisis situations, effective and rapid response to floods, and constructive measures and continuous improvement. The main approach of this research is based on five themes related to various issues related to flood risk management, which include stakeholder engagement, policies and action, research on practice, supporting tools, governance, and frameworks. The study of flood risk management has experienced significant developments over the past two decades. Attention to the application of flood risk management and comparative analysis of flood governance in flood management studies has been undertaken, which means creating a complex arrangement that shapes the behavior of governance and social actors regarding flood risk management. Based on the results of the review of research sources, the main structures of flood risk management and flood governance studies are strongly interrelated but also differ in their main structures, which are evident in the discovered keywords in the analysis. The articles were codified based on the main topics in MAXQDA software, and then the complete sets of codes in all reviewed articles were examined. The findings of the research show that improving flood resilience requires extensive efforts in the fields of physical and social sciences. Researchers should, for flood forecasting and modeling, in addition to the physical sciences, develop social science tools. These actions can help improve the planning and management of flood crises and reduce their social and economic effects

    Charge-ordering and optical transitions of LiV2O5 and NaV2O5

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    We present the measurements of the polarized optical spectra of NaV2O5 and LiV2O5. In an energy range from 0.5 to 5.5 eV we observe similar peaks in the E parallel a spectra of LiV2O5 and NaV2O5, which suggests similar electronic structure along the a axis in both materials. On the other hand, we find an almost complete suppression of the peaks in sigma_b of LiV2O5 around 1 and 5 eV. We attribute this suppression to the charge localization originating from the existence of double-chain charge-ordering patterin in LiV2O5.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures final version, to appear in PR

    Customized clinical practice guidelines for management of adult cataract in Iran

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    Purpose: To customize clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for cataract management in the Iranian population. Methods: First, four CPGs (American Academy of Ophthalmology 2006 and 2011, Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2010, and Canadian Ophthalmological Society 2008) were selected from a number of available CPGs in the literature for cataract management. All recommendations of these guidelines, together with their references, were studied. Each recommendation was summarized in 4 tables. The first table showed the recommendation itself in clinical question components format along with its level of evidence. The second table contained structured abstracts of supporting articles related to the clinical question with their levels of evidence. The third table included the customized recommendation of the internal group respecting its clinical advantage, cost, and complications. In the fourth table, the internal group their recommendations from 1 to 9 based on the customizing capability of the recommendation (applicability, acceptability, external validity). Finally, customized recommendations were sent one month prior to a consensus session to faculty members of all universities across the country asking for their comments on recommendations. Results: The agreed recommendations were accepted as conclusive while those with no agreement were discussed at the consensus session. Finally, all customized recommendations were codified as 80 recommendations along with their sources and levels of evidence for the Iranian population. Conclusion: Customization of CPGs for management of adult cataract for the Iranian population seems to be useful for standardization of referral, diagnosis and treatment of patients. © 2015 Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

    Electrostatic charging of jumping droplets

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    With the broad interest in and development of superhydrophobic surfaces for self-cleaning, condensation heat transfer enhancement and anti-icing applications, more detailed insights on droplet interactions on these surfaces have emerged. Specifically, when two droplets coalesce, they can spontaneously jump away from a superhydrophobic surface due to the release of excess surface energy. Here we show that jumping droplets gain a net positive charge that causes them to repel each other mid-flight. We used electric fields to quantify the charge on the droplets and identified the mechanism for the charge accumulation, which is associated with the formation of the electric double layer at the droplet–surface interface. The observation of droplet charge accumulation provides insight into jumping droplet physics as well as processes involving charged liquid droplets. Furthermore, this work is a starting point for more advanced approaches for enhancing jumping droplet surface performance by using external electric fields to control droplet jumping.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center Award DE-FG02-09ER46577)United States. Office of Naval ResearchNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Major Research Instrumentation Grant for Rapid Response Research (MRI- RAPID))National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award ECS-0335765)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant 1122374

    A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial of a Traditional Chinese Herbal Formula in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhoea

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    BACKGROUND: Most traditional Chinese herbal formulas consist of at least four herbs. Four-Agents-Decoction (Si Wu Tang) is a documented eight hundred year old formula containing four herbs and has been widely used to relieve menstrual discomfort in Taiwan. However, no specific effect had been systematically evaluated. We applied Western methodology to assess its effectiveness and safety for primary dysmenorrhoea and to evaluate the compliance and feasibility for a future trial. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot clinical trial was conducted in an ad hoc clinic setting at a teaching hospital in Taipei, Taiwan. Seventy-eight primary dysmenorrheic young women were enrolled after 326 women with self-reported menstrual discomfort in the Taipei metropolitan area of Taiwan were screened by a questionnaire and subsequently diagnosed by two gynaecologists concurrently with pelvic ultrasonography. A dosage of 15 odorless capsules daily for five days starting from the onset of bleeding or pain was administered. Participants were followed with two to four cycles for an initial washout interval, one to two baseline cycles, three to four treatment cycles, and three follow-up cycles. Study outcome was pain intensity measured by using unmarked horizontal visual analog pain scale in an online daily diary submitted directly by the participants for 5 days starting from the onset of bleeding or pain of each menstrual cycle. Overall-pain was the average pain intensity among days in pain and peak-pain was the maximal single-day pain intensity. At the end of treatment, both the overall-pain and peak-pain decreased in the Four-Agents-Decoction (Si Wu Tang) group and increased in the placebo group; however, the differences between the two groups were not statistically significant. The trends persisted to follow-up phase. Statistically significant differences in both peak-pain and overall-pain appeared in the first follow-up cycle, at which the reduced peak-pain in the Four-Agents-Decoction (Si Wu Tang) group did not differ significantly by treatment length. However, the reduced peak-pain did differ profoundly among women treated for four menstrual cycles (2.69 (2.06) cm, mean (standard deviation), for the 20 women with Four-Agents-Decoction and 4.68 (3.16) for the 22 women with placebo, p = .020.) There was no difference in adverse symptoms between the Four-Agents-Decoction (Si Wu Tang) and placebo groups. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Four-Agents-Decoction (Si Wu Tang) therapy in this pilot post-market clinical trial, while meeting the standards of conventional medicine, showed no statistically significant difference in reducing menstrual pain intensity of primary dysmenorrhoea at the end of treatment. Its use, with our dosage regimen and treatment length, was not associated with adverse reactions. The finding of statistically significant pain-reducing effect in the first follow-up cycle was unexpected and warrants further study. A larger similar trial among primary dysmenorrheic young women with longer treatment phase and multiple batched study products can determine the definitive efficacy of this historically documented formula. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN23374750