323 research outputs found

    Hubungan Penerimaan Diri Dengan Penalaran Moral Pada Penghuni Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak Di Blitar

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    The study was conducted to determine the relationship between self-acceptance with moral reasoning at occupants of child penitentiary in Blitar. The populations in this study were in Blitar of 245 people. The samples in this study were occupants of child penitentiary in Blitar who continue junior high school education in penitentiary as many as 30 people. The sample was purposive sampling technique. The process of data analysis used was correlation product moment. Results for self-acceptance scale 70 items made as many as 33 valid items. The self-acceptance reliability calculation give coefficient value 0.722 where that number according to reliability norm stated as reliable self-acceptance variable. The results of data analysis showed that calculated r bigger than r table (- 0.411 > 0.361) with a significance level of 0,05, which indicates that there is a negative relationship between self-acceptance with moral reasoning, so that the working hypothesis (Ha) which states there is a relationship between self-acceptance with moral reasoning, acceptable

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Leverage, Profitabilitas,operating Capacity dan Biaya Agensi Manajerial terhadap Financial Distress (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2013)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of liquidity, leverage, profitability, operating capacity and managerial agency cost on financial distress in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2013. Purposive sampling method is used as a method of sampling, in order to obtain a sample of 18 companies. Technique of analysis data used logistic regression analysis. Based on the result of the research showed that liquidity, leverage and profitability that have significant impact on the financial distress. While operating capacity and managerial agency cost do not have a significant effect on the financial distress

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Lompat Tinggi Gaya Straddle Melalui Modifikasi Media Karet Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA

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    Improving Learning Through High Jump Style Straddle Rubber Modified Media Students In Class XI SMA N 2. Experimental method using the media to replace the rubber strap high jump bar equipment. Because the game is very popular among rubber strap Slash society generally. The study used a qualitative approach, descriptive method, this type of research is action research. Research techniques that direct observation techniques and techniques of direct communication with a data collector. The subjects were students of class XI of SMAN 2 Slash. Male students were 30 0rang. The study was conducted in the first semester of academic year 2013/2014 starting in October and ending in December 2013. Study was conducted for 2 cycles. results obtained by students in the high jump ability straddle style are significant results after replacing the bar in the high jump media using a rubber strap. Inferred from the data obtained an increase in each cycle. studies using strategies to replace the high jump crossbar with rubber strap in the high jump high jump skills can improve straddle style

    Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Bahasa Siswa Kelas I Sdn Bulakrejo Madiun

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    Early reading is a stage of learning reading for elementary school students of early grades. They learn to acquire the reading skill and techniques tosuccessfully decode passages. Learning atmosphere should be created through the language plays for reading. It goes with their characteristic of enjoying playing, Language playsplay a vital role to support their cognitive and social development. The current study aims to describe the process as well as the results of early reading through a language play at early grades of elementary school. Qualitatively approached, the current study involves participants of the first graders of the elementary school SDN BulakrejoMadiun. Data were collected through observation and documentation. Results show: (1) high achievement of average 80.7; (2) high enthusiasm specifically on the play batuloncatan (stepping stone); (3) the play could be carried out in and out of classroom and increasing their interest; and (4) headmaster, teachers and students appreciate the learning reading through the play


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    Abstrak : Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman karier siswa yang disebabkan kurangnya informasi tentang karier yang tersedia. Layanan informasi karier adalah salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki masalah tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian layanan informasi karier dalam meningkatkan pemahaman karier siswa kelas XI IS-4 SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas Bimbingan dan Konseling yang dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa angket pemahaman karier dan observasi. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh simpulan bahwa layanan informasi karier efektif untuk meningkatkan pemahaman karier siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya skor persentase rata-rata pemahaman karier siswa dari 69,84% pada saat pretest, menjadi 74,79% pada siklus I dan meningkat lagi menjadi 80,15% pada siklus II.  Kata kunci : Layanan Informasi Karier, Pemahaman Karie

    Studi Komparasi Model Discovery Learning dan Inkuiri terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Ekosistem

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    : This research aims to compare the student learning outcomes taught with the Discovery learning model and Inquiry in the lesson on ecosystem in the tenth grade of natural science class (IPA) MAN 1 Pontianak. The research used a quasi experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The IPA class 3 ( Discovery Learning) and IPA class 2 (Inquiry) as a sample, with techniquesIntact Group as sampling. The instrument used was the multiple choice test with 20 items in total. The average score of learning outcomes and the percentage of students' mastery taught using the Inquiry model were 17,11 and 93,75% respectively, which were higher than using Discovery Learning model scoring 13,34 and 54,29% in the ecosystem material in the tenth grade class. The comparison between student learning outcomes can be seen from the results of the U Mann-Whitney test where Zcount<Ztable (-5,23 < -1,96), meaning that there were no significant differences between the learning outcomes of students taught using the Inquiry model and the Discovery Learning model

    Indeks Kuning Telur (Ikt) Dan Haugh Unit (Hu) Telur Itik Lokal Dari Beberapa Tempat Budidaya Itik Di Jawa

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    One of the effort to increase the duck support to egg production was necessary to consideration some factors. One of the factor was feed. Parameter to determined egg quality namely : yolk index, and haught unit (HU). IKT (Yolk Index) was a comparison between yolk and yolk diameter. Whereas HU was a quality parameter of egg freshness which was numbered based on the high of albumen and egg weight. The aim of this research was to know the yolk index and Haugh Unit. The local egg duck from some culture place in Java and to know the management from each place as knowledge to duck farmer to optimalized the management duck culture. The sample was got from four place culturing in Java, namely Kroya Cirebon Village (A), Pasar Bawang Brebes Village (B), Kalijoso Magelang Village (C), dan Modopuro Mojokerto Village (D), each of them 20 eggs. The Methode which used in this research was with egg measurement the parameter, such as measurement the weight duck, egg weight, albumen high, yolk hight, yolk diameter. The measurement of IKT and HU was done in structure and function of animal biology laboratory. The research design that be used was Completely Randomozed Design with SAS programme. The product of IKT and HU from four culturing duck place in Java were different, IKT has range rata (A) 0.419, (B) 0.463, (C) 0.482, and (D) 0.492. whereas the range of HU value were A) 86.93, (B) 97.53, (C) 100.33, (D) 99.45. this was caused by the difference of management from kind of feed offering, the management that can choosed to applied for other duck farmer, such as from the duck farmer from Modopuro Mojokerto Village and Kalijoso Magelang Village

    Relationship between Affective Commitment and Work Engagement in Employees of Savings and Loans Cooperatives in Kupang City

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    Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and cooperatives in NTT, especially in the city of Kupang, have a strategic role in the economic development of the community, especially in overcoming poverty. This makes organizations pay important attention to Organizational Commitment, especially the affective commitment that employees have so that services can be carried out properly. This study aims to determine the relationship between affective commitment and work engagement among cooperative employees in Kupang City. The type of research used is quantitative research with correlational methods. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 81 employees who work in cooperatives in Kupang City. Data collection used is a modification of the affective commitment scale developed by Meyer, Allen &amp; Smith (1993) and an adaptation of the work engagement scale developed by Schaufeli &amp; Bakker (2004). The analysis technique uses Pearson Product Moment Correlation and shows that there is a significant relationship between affective commitment and work engagement where the Pearson Correlation value= 0.225 with a significance of 0.044. This shows that employees who work in cooperatives in Kupang City have high work engagement and affect the level of affective commitment shown in the cooperative where they work
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