177 research outputs found

    TAKE OFF! How to Make Your College Course More Exciting

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    TAKE OFF! How to make your college course more exciting As many universities transition to online Learning Management Systems (LMS), many of the traditional techniques familiar and used by generations of professors are lost in the process. Utah State University has moved to the CANVAS LMS, and there are many methods to incorporate these former strategies, and new applications that online systems bring to keep millennial learners engaged, excited and entertained while maintaining the educational purpose of courses. But for some of the seasoned professors who haven’t yet made the leap, a few simple steps can have tremendous impact on their courses. Using my experience as a United States Air Force pilot, and through a powerful story of watching one of the last Space Shuttle launches, I highlight 10 techniques that have helped my courses Takeoff! While much of the research into online or eLearning is relatively new, there is a growing body of work related to these technologies. This article makes no attempt to capture all the ideas, but counts down ten that can be easily incorporated in any existing course. Using storytelling is one idea that is easily adapted to an online format, and build the anticipation by counting down from 10 in the final seconds of a rocket launch. My goal is that each reader will find at least one idea that they can incorporate or improve on that reaches the one student, and helps them start their journey, wherever it may lead

    Effective combination treatment of GD2-expressing neuroblastoma and Ewing's sarcoma using anti-GD2 ch14.18/CHO antibody with Vγ9Vδ2+ γδT cells

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    Gamma delta T lymphocytes (γδT cells) have pleiotropic properties including innate cytotoxicity, which make them attractive effectors for cancer immunotherapy. Combination treatment with zoledronic acid and IL-2 can activate and expand the most common subset of blood γδT, which express the Vγ9Vδ2 T cell receptor (TCR) (Vδ2 T cells). Vγ9Vδ2 T cells are equipped for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) through expression of the low-affinity FcγR CD16. GD2 is a highly ranked tumor associated antigen for immunotherapy due to bright expression on the cell surface, absent expression on normal tissues and availability of therapeutic antibodies with known efficacy in neuroblastoma. To explore the hypothesis that zoledronic acid, IL-2 and anti-GD2 antibodies will synergize in a therapeutic combination, we evaluated in vitro cytotoxicity and tumor growth inhibition in the GD2 expressing cancers neuroblastoma and Ewing's sarcoma. Vδ2 T cells exert ADCC against GD2-expressing Ewing's sarcoma and neuroblastoma cell lines, an effect which correlates with the brightness of GD2 expression. In an immunodeficient mouse model of small established GD2-expressing Ewing's sarcoma or neuroblastoma tumors, the combination of adoptively transferred Vδ2+ T cells, expanded in vitro with zoledronic acid and IL-2, with anti-GD2 antibody ch14.18/CHO, and with systemic zoledronic acid, significantly suppressed tumor growth compared to antibody or γδT cell-free controls. Combination treatment using ch14.18/CHO, zoledronic acid and IL-2 is more effective than their use in isolation. The already-established safety profiles of these agents make testing of the combination in GD2 positive cancers such as neuroblastoma or Ewing's sarcoma both rational and feasible

    Adaptive und Maladaptive Emotionen aus Sicht der REVT

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    Die Theorie der Rational-Emotiven Verhaltenstherapie (Ellis, 1985; Ellis & DiGiuseppe, 1993) postuliert, dass sich adaptive Emotionen nicht nur quantitativ von maladaptiven unterscheiden, sondern insbesondere qualitativ. Adaptive Emotionen wie Furcht, Ärger, Bedauern und Trauer sind eher angemessene Reaktionen auf ein auslösendes Ereignis und helfen, individuelle Ziele zu erreichen. Maladaptive Emotionen hingegen wie Wut, Schuld, Angst und Depression stellen unangemessene Reaktionen dar, die den individuellen Zielen zuwiderlaufen. Auch vermeintlich ähnliche Emotionen wie beispielsweise Furcht und Angst sollten sich demnach hinsichtlich etablierter emotionsrelevanter Variablen unterscheiden lassen. In zwei Experimentalstudien wurden die Einschätzungen adaptiver und maladaptiver Emotionen bezüglich der Dimensionen Funktionalität, Valenz, Aktivierung, Dauerhaftigkeit, Einflussweite und Typizität mittels unterschiedlicher Instrumente erhoben (N = 96 bzw. N = 240). Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass adaptive Emotionen insgesamt funktionaler, angenehmer und weniger unangenehm sind sowie weniger Lebensbereiche beeinflussen als maladaptive Emotionen, sich aber keine Typizitätsunterschiede zwischen den beiden Emotionsgruppen ergeben

    Employer voices: Insights on Bolstering Career Development for Graduate Students

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    Title: Employer voices: Insights on Bolstering Career Development for Graduate Students Alexandria J. Ashraf, MPH; Josh Hodsden, MBA, CPH; Justin Howe, BA; Danielle Ross, BA, CPH; Dalton Wesemann, BA; Lisa K. Marriott, PhD Background: The development of the public health workforce has become increasingly vital as our world faces current and future challenges. The workforce has gained considerable insight into job skills that enhance responses to emergent needs. Building the foundation for a larger scale study on public health workforce needs, this project established processes for engaging with professionals who have hired recent public health graduates. Methods: Open-ended questions assessed the skills employers prioritize among new public health graduates. Organizations that had at least five or more employees were recruited for semi-structured interviews, limited to organizational representatives who had direct experience hiring public health graduates. Interviews were less than 30 minutes in length with interview transcriptions qualitatively coded in Taguette using thematic analysis to identify common themes regarding knowledge and skills that employers consider to be pertinent when hiring. Results: Ten interviews with organizational representatives described skillsets gained from public health graduate education programs as well as from prior work experience. Themes highlighted the importance of professional communication and an understanding of health equity. Employers shared suggestions to enhance preparation of public health students to meet future workforce needs. Conclusion: This project builds the foundation for a broader needs assessment of the public health workforce, while highlighting opportunities where this work can inform career development services in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health (SPH). This project establishes a foundation for future SPH students. This work can be continued, leading to more effective career preparation for public health graduate students

    Periodic trends and easy estimation of relative stabilities in 11-vertex nido-p-block-heteroboranes and -borates

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    Density functional theory computations were carried out for 11-vertex nido-p-block-hetero(carba)boranes and -borates containing silicon, germanium, tin, arsenic, antimony, sulfur, selenium and tellurium heteroatoms. A set of quantitative values called “estimated energy penalties” was derived by comparing the energies of two reference structures that differ with respect to one structural feature only. These energy penalties behave additively, i.e., they allow us to reproduce the DFT-computed relative stabilities of 11-vertex nido-heteroboranes in general with good accuracy and to predict the thermodynamic stabilities of unknown structures easily. Energy penalties for neighboring heteroatoms (HetHet and HetHet′) decrease down the group and increase along the period (indirectly proportional to covalent radii). Energy penalties for a five- rather than four-coordinate heteroatom, [Het5k(1) and Het5k(2)], generally, increase down group 14 but decrease down group 16, while there are mixed trends for group 15 heteroatoms. The sum of HetHet′ energy penalties results in different but easily predictable open-face heteroatom positions in the thermodynamically most stable mixed heterocarbaboranes and -borates with more than two heteroatoms

    The integration of occlusion and disparity information for judging depth in autism spectrum disorder

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    In autism spectrum disorder (ASD), atypical integration of visual depth cues may be due to flattened perceptual priors or selective fusion. The current study attempts to disentangle these explanations by psychophysically assessing within-modality integration of ordinal (occlusion) and metric (disparity) depth cues while accounting for sensitivity to stereoscopic information. Participants included 22 individuals with ASD and 23 typically developing matched controls. Although adults with ASD were found to have significantly poorer stereoacuity, they were still able to automatically integrate conflicting depth cues, lending support to the idea that priors are intact in ASD. However, dissimilarities in response speed variability between the ASD and TD groups suggests that there may be differences in the perceptual decision-making aspect of the task

    Microarray analysis identifies a set of CXCR3 and CCR2 ligand chemokines as early IFNβ-responsive genes in peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro: an implication for IFNβ-related adverse effects in multiple sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: A substantial proportion of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients discontinue interferon-beta (IFNβ) treatment due to various adverse effects, most of which emerge at the early phase after initiation of the treatment and then diminish with time. At present, the molecular mechanism underlying IFNβ-related adverse effects remains largely unknown. The aim of this study is to identify a comprehensive list of early IFNβ-responsive genes (IRGs) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) that may play a key role in induction of adverse effects. METHODS: Total RNA of PBMC exposed to 50 ng/ml recombinant human IFNβ for 3 to 24 hours in vitro was processed for cDNA microarray analysis, followed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. RESULTS: Among 1,258 genes on the array, IFNβ elevated the expression of 107 and 87 genes, while it reduced the expression of 22 and 23 genes at 3 and 24 hours, respectively. Upregulated IRGs were categorized into conventional IFN-response markers, components of IFN-signaling pathways, chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, and their receptors, regulators of apoptosis, DNA damage, and cell cycle, heat shock proteins, and costimulatory and adhesion molecules. IFNβ markedly upregulated CXCR3 ligand chemokines (SCYB11, SCYB10 and SCYB9) chiefly active on effector T helper type 1 (Th1) T cells, and CCR2 ligand chemokines (SCYA8 and SCYA2) effective on monocytes, whereas it downregulated CXCR2 ligand chemokines (SCYB2, SCYB1 and IL8) primarily active on neutrophils. CONCLUSION: IFNβ immediately induces a burst of gene expression of proinflammatory chemokines in vitro that have potential relevance to IFNβ-related early adverse effects in MS patients in vivo

    Towards a comprehensive estimate of national spending on prevention

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    Background Comprehensive information about national spending on prevention is crucial for health policy development and evaluation. This study provides a comprehensive overview of prevention spending in the Netherlands, including those activities beyond the national health accounts. Methods National spending on health-related primary and secondary preventive activities was examined by funding source with the use of national statistics, government reports, sector reports, and data from individual health associations and corporations, public services, occupational health services, and personal prevention. Costs were broken down by diseases, age groups and gender using population-attributable risks and other key variables. Results Total expenditures on prevention were €12.5 billion or €769 per capita in the Netherlands in 2003, of which 20% was included in the national health accounts. 82% was spent on health protection, 16% on disease prevention, and 2% on health promotion activities. Most of the spending was aimed at the prevention of infectious diseases (34%) and acute physical injuries (29%). Per capita spending on prevention increased steeply by age. Conclusion Total expenditure on health-related prevention is much higher than normally reported due to the inclusion of health protection activities beyond the national health accounts. The allocative efficiency of prevention spending, particularly the high costs of health protection and the low costs of health promotion activities, should be addressed with information on their relative cost effectiveness