397 research outputs found

    General technique of calculating drift velocity and diffusion coefficient in arbitrary periodic systems

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    We develop a practical method of computing the stationary drift velocity V and the diffusion coefficient D of a particle (or a few particles) in a periodic system with arbitrary transition rates. We solve this problem both in a physically relevant continuous-time approach as well as for models with discrete-time kinetics, which are often used in computer simulations. We show that both approaches yield the same value of the drift, but the difference between the diffusion coefficients obtained in each of them equals V*V/2. Generalization to spaces of arbitrary dimension and several applications of the method are also presented.Comment: 12 pages + 2 figures, RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Relaxation at late stages in an entropy barrier model for glassy systems

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    The ground state dynamics of an entropy barrier model proposed recently for describing relaxation of glassy systems is considered. At stages of evolution the dynamics can be described by a simple variant of the Ehrenfest urn model. Analytical expression for the relaxation times from an arbitrary state to the ground state is derived. Upper and lower bounds for the relaxation times as a function of system size are obtained.Comment: 9 pages no figures. to appear in J.Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Mean-Field Treatment of the Many-Body Fokker-Planck Equation

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    We review some properties of the stationary states of the Fokker - Planck equation for N interacting particles within a mean field approximation, which yields a non-linear integrodifferential equation for the particle density. Analytical results show that for attractive long range potentials the steady state is always a precipitate containing one cluster of small size. For arbitrary potential, linear stability analysis allows to state the conditions under which the uniform equilibrium state is unstable against small perturbations and, via the Einstein relation, to define a critical temperature Tc separating two phases, uniform and precipitate. The corresponding phase diagram turns out to be strongly dependent on the pair-potential. In addition, numerical calculations reveal that the transition is hysteretic. We finally discuss the dynamics of relaxation for the uniform state suddenly cooled below Tc.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Hopping motion of lattice gases through nonsymmetric potentials under strong bias conditions

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    The hopping motion of lattice gases through potentials without mirror-reflection symmetry is investigated under various bias conditions. The model of 2 particles on a ring with 4 sites is solved explicitly; the resulting current in a sawtooth potential is discussed. The current of lattice gases in extended systems consisting of periodic repetitions of segments with sawtooth potentials is studied for different concentrations and values of the bias. Rectification effects are observed, similar to the single-particle case. A mean-field approximation for the current in the case of strong bias acting against the highest barriers in the system is made and compared with numerical simulations. The particle-vacancy symmetry of the model is discussed.Comment: 8 pages (incl. 6 eps figures); RevTeX 3.

    Critical dimensions for random walks on random-walk chains

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    The probability distribution of random walks on linear structures generated by random walks in dd-dimensional space, Pd(r,t)P_d(r,t), is analytically studied for the case ξr/t1/41\xi\equiv r/t^{1/4}\ll1. It is shown to obey the scaling form Pd(r,t)=ρ(r)t1/2ξ2fd(ξ)P_d(r,t)=\rho(r) t^{-1/2} \xi^{-2} f_d(\xi), where ρ(r)r2d\rho(r)\sim r^{2-d} is the density of the chain. Expanding fd(ξ)f_d(\xi) in powers of ξ\xi, we find that there exists an infinite hierarchy of critical dimensions, dc=2,6,10,d_c=2,6,10,\ldots, each one characterized by a logarithmic correction in fd(ξ)f_d(\xi). Namely, for d=2d=2, f2(ξ)a2ξ2lnξ+b2ξ2f_2(\xi)\simeq a_2\xi^2\ln\xi+b_2\xi^2; for 3d53\le d\le 5, fd(ξ)adξ2+bdξdf_d(\xi)\simeq a_d\xi^2+b_d\xi^d; for d=6d=6, f6(ξ)a6ξ2+b6ξ6lnξf_6(\xi)\simeq a_6\xi^2+b_6\xi^6\ln\xi; for 7d97\le d\le 9, fd(ξ)adξ2+bdξ6+cdξdf_d(\xi)\simeq a_d\xi^2+b_d\xi^6+c_d\xi^d; for d=10d=10, f10(ξ)a10ξ2+b10ξ6+c10ξ10lnξf_{10}(\xi)\simeq a_{10}\xi^2+b_{10}\xi^6+c_{10}\xi^{10}\ln\xi, {\it etc.\/} In particular, for d=2d=2, this implies that the temporal dependence of the probability density of being close to the origin Q2(r,t)P2(r,t)/ρ(r)t1/2lntQ_2(r,t)\equiv P_2(r,t)/\rho(r)\simeq t^{-1/2}\ln t.Comment: LATeX, 10 pages, no figures submitted for publication in PR

    Force-velocity relation and density profiles for biased diffusion in an adsorbed monolayer

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    In this paper, which completes our earlier short publication [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 511 (2000)], we study dynamics of a hard-core tracer particle (TP) performing a biased random walk in an adsorbed monolayer, composed of mobile hard-core particles undergoing continuous exchanges with a vapor phase. In terms of an approximate approach, based on the decoupling of the third-order correlation functions, we obtain the density profiles of the monolayer particles around the TP and derive the force-velocity relation, determining the TP terminal velocity, V_{tr}, as the function of the magnitude of external bias and other system's parameters. Asymptotic forms of the monolayer particles density profiles at large separations from the TP, and behavior of V_{tr} in the limit of small external bias are found explicitly.Comment: Latex, 31 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized model for dynamic percolation

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    We study the dynamics of a carrier, which performs a biased motion under the influence of an external field E, in an environment which is modeled by dynamic percolation and created by hard-core particles. The particles move randomly on a simple cubic lattice, constrained by hard-core exclusion, and they spontaneously annihilate and re-appear at some prescribed rates. Using decoupling of the third-order correlation functions into the product of the pairwise carrier-particle correlations we determine the density profiles of the "environment" particles, as seen from the stationary moving carrier, and calculate its terminal velocity, V_c, as the function of the applied field and other system parameters. We find that for sufficiently small driving forces the force exerted on the carrier by the "environment" particles shows a viscous-like behavior. An analog Stokes formula for such dynamic percolative environments and the corresponding friction coefficient are derived. We show that the density profile of the environment particles is strongly inhomogeneous: In front of the stationary moving carrier the density is higher than the average density, ρs\rho_s, and approaches the average value as an exponential function of the distance from the carrier. Past the carrier the local density is lower than ρs\rho_s and the relaxation towards ρs\rho_s may proceed differently depending on whether the particles number is or is not explicitly conserved.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, 4 ps-figures, submitted to PR

    The Largest Cluster in Subcritical Percolation

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    The statistical behavior of the size (or mass) of the largest cluster in subcritical percolation on a finite lattice of size NN is investigated (below the upper critical dimension, presumably dc=6d_c=6). It is argued that as NN \to \infty the cumulative distribution function converges to the Fisher-Tippett (or Gumbel) distribution eeze^{-e^{-z}} in a certain weak sense (when suitably normalized). The mean grows like sξlogNs_\xi^* \log N, where sξ(p)s_\xi^*(p) is a ``crossover size''. The standard deviation is bounded near sξπ/6s_\xi^* \pi/\sqrt{6} with persistent fluctuations due to discreteness. These predictions are verified by Monte Carlo simulations on d=2d=2 square lattices of up to 30 million sites, which also reveal finite-size scaling. The results are explained in terms of a flow in the space of probability distributions as NN \to \infty. The subcritical segment of the physical manifold (0<p<pc0 < p < p_c) approaches a line of limit cycles where the flow is approximately described by a ``renormalization group'' from the classical theory of extreme order statistics.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figs, expanded version to appear in Phys Rev

    Industrial Structure and Political Outcomes: The Case of the 2016 US Presidential Election

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    This paper analyzes the US presidential election of 2016, examining the patterns of industrial structure and party competition in both the major party primaries and the general election. It attempts to identify the new, historically specific factors that led to the upheavals, especially the steady growth of a “dual economy” that locks more and more Americans out of the middle class. It draws extensively on a newly assembled, more comprehensive database to identify the specific political forces that coalesced around each candidate, including the various stages of the Trump campaign