348 research outputs found

    Cytogenetic studies of PCB77 on brown trout (<i>Salmo trutta fario</i>) using the micronucleus test and the alkaline comet assay

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are stable pollutants, which can be found in almost every compartment of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They are very lipophilic and therefore have the potency of accumulating in the fat stores of animals. The mechanisms by which PCBs exert their adverse effects are still unclear. It is known that PCBs induce some important biotransformation enzymes, but their mutagenic properties are still controversial. The DNA breakage and clastogenic potency of a planar PCB77 (3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl) was determined in vivo in fish, using the single cell gel electrophoresis or comet assay and the micronucleus test, on erythrocytes of the brown trout exposed for 3, 9 and 14 days to initial PCB concentrations of 780 and 918 pg/ml, dissolved in the water, Blood was taken by a caudal puncture and the erythrocytes were either deposited in an agarose gel (0.6%) for the comet assay or smeared directly on slides for the micronucleus test. Five fish were studied per treatment and 50 and 2000 erythrocytes per concentration and per animal were analysed for the comet assay and the micronucleus test respectively. ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) at a concentration of 25 mg/l water was used as a positive control. Although EMS induced a statistically significant increase of single strand breaks in the comet assay, in neither of the two tests used, were mutagenic effects due to PCB exposure observed

    Stability of central finite difference schemes for the Heston PDE

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    This paper deals with stability in the numerical solution of the prominent Heston partial differential equation from mathematical finance. We study the well-known central second-order finite difference discretization, which leads to large semi-discrete systems with non-normal matrices A. By employing the logarithmic spectral norm we prove practical, rigorous stability bounds. Our theoretical stability results are illustrated by ample numerical experiments

    Development and validation of the <i>in vivo</i> alkaline comet assay for detecting genomic damage in marine flatfish

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    Biomonitoring is an important subject within environmental sciences. Biomonitoring tests are required to be quick, relatively inexpensive, accurate, and reproducible. No genetic test currently fulfils all of these requirements. The chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange tests are very time consuming, the DNA adduct technique is rather expensive, and the micronucleus test has not inconclusively proven its use as a reliable monitoring tool. This work is focused on the validation of the comet assay as a candidate for monitoring marine ecosystems. For the comet assay, this work deals with the effectiveness of tissue dissociation, storage of cells in lysing buffer and in liquid nitrogen, different electrophoretic conditions, neutralisation and fixation of slides, interindividual variation between samples, and responsiveness of four tissue types to ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). The main conclusions are: (i) dissociation of solid tissues in a phosphate buffer supplemented with 200 mM N-t-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone provides cells with an acceptable background DNA damage; (ii) freezing of cells or tissues in liquid nitrogen generally leads to an increase in DNA breakage, especially for liver, gill and kidney tissue; (iii) storage of slides in the lysing solution for up to one week gives minor changes in comet tails; (iv) differences in protocols for neutralisation and fixation may influence the results; (v) high intra- and interindividual variations in comets (length and DNA content) may obscure the interpretation of comet results; (vi) blood, gill, liver and kidney all showed a statistically significant increase of DNA damage after exposure to 50 mg EMS/l; (vii) electrophoresis at low voltage for longer periods is to be preferred to high voltage and short electrophoresis times. The simplicity and sensitivity of the comet assay make it an adequate test system for biomonitoring of chronic low level exposure. However, protocols and experimental conditions have to be chosen carefully

    Rabl's model of the interphase chromosome arrangement tested in Chinise hamster cells by premature chromosome condensation and laser-UV-microbeam experiments

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    In 1885 Carl Rabl published his theory on the internal structure of the interphase nucleus. We have tested two predictions of this theory in fibroblasts grown in vitro from a female Chinese hamster, namely (1) the Rabl-orientation of interphase chromosomes and (2) the stability of the chromosome arrangement established in telophase throughout the subsequent interphase. Tests were carried out by premature chromosome condensation (PCC) and laser-UV-microirradiation of the interphase nucleus. Rabl-orientation of chromosomes was observed in G1 PCCs and G2 PCCs. The cell nucleus was microirradiated in G1 at one or two sites and pulse-labelled with 3H-thymidine for 2h. Cells were processed for autoradiography either immediately thereafter or after an additional growth period of 10 to 60h. Autoradiographs show unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) in the microirradiated nuclear part(s). The distribution of labelled chromatin was evaluated in autoradiographs from 1035 cells after microirradiation of a single nuclear site and from 253 cells after microirradiation of two sites. After 30 to 60h postincubation the labelled regions still appeared coherent although the average size of the labelled nuclear area fr increased from 14.2% (0h) to 26.5% (60h). The relative distance dr, i.e. the distance between two microirradiated sites divided by the diameter of the whole nucleus, showed a slight decrease with increasing incubation time. Nine metaphase figures were evaluated for UDS-label after microirradiation of the nuclear edge in G1. An average of 4.3 chromosomes per cell were labelled. Several chromosomes showed joint labelling of both distal chromosome arms including the telomeres, while the centromeric region was free from label. This label pattern is interpreted as the result of a V-shaped orientation of these particular chromosomes in the interphase nucleus with their telomeric regions close to each other at the nuclear edge. Our data support the tested predictions of the Rabl-model. Small time-dependent changes of the nuclear space occupied by single chromosomes and of their relative positions in the interphase nucleus seem possible, while the territorial organization of interphase chromosomes and their arrangement in general is maintained during interphase. The present limitations of the methods used for this study are discussed

    Epigenetic memory in response to environmental stressors

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    Exposure to environmental stressors, toxicants, and nutrient deficiencies can affect DNA in several ways. Some exposures cause damage and alter the structure of DNA, but there is increasing evidence that the same or other environmental exposures, including those that occur during fetal development in utero, can cause epigenetic effects that modulate DNA function and gene expression. Some epigenetic changes to DNA that affect gene transcription are at least partially reversible (i.e., they can be enzymatically reversed after cessation of exposure to environmental agents), but some epigenetic modifications seem to persist, even for decades. To explain the effects of early life experiences (such as famine and exposures to other stressors) on the long-term persistence of specific patterns of epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, we propose an analogy with immune memory. We propose that an epigenetic memory can be established and maintained in self-renewing stem cell compartments. We suggest that the observations on early life effects on adult diseases and the persistence of methylation changes in smokers support our hypothesis, for which a mechanistic basis, however, needs to be further clarified. We outline a new model based on methylation changes. Although these changes seem to be mainly adaptive, they are also implicated in the pathogenesis and onset of diseases, depending on individual genotypic background and types of subsequent exposures. Elucidating the relationships between the adaptive and maladaptive consequences of the epigenetic modifications that result from complex environmental exposures is a major challenge for current and future research in epigenetics.-Vineis, P., Chatziioannou, A., Cunliffe, V. T., Flanagan, J. M., Hanson, M., Kirsch-Volders, M., Kyrtopoulos, S. Epigenetic memory in response to environmental stressors

    Automation and validation of micronucleus detection in the 3D EpiDerm™ human reconstructed skin assay and correl

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    Recent restrictions on the testing of cosmetic ingredients in animals have resulted in the need to test the genotoxic potential of chemicals exclusively in vitro prior to licensing. However, as current in vitro tests produce some misleading positive results, sole reliance on such tests could prevent some chemicals with safe or beneficial exposure levels from being marketed. The 3D human reconstructed skin micronucleus (RSMN) assay is a promising new in vitro approach designed to assess genotoxicity of dermally applied compounds. The assay utilises a highly differentiated in vitro model of the human epidermis. For the first time, we have applied automated micronucleus detection to this assay using MetaSystems Metafer Slide Scanning Platform (Metafer), demonstrating concordance with manual scoring. The RSMN assay's fixation protocol was found to be compatible with the Metafer, providing a considerably shorter alternative to the recommended Metafer protocol. Lowest observed genotoxic effect levels (LOGELs) were observed for mitomycin-C at 4.8 μg/ ml and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) at 1750 μg/ml when applied topically to the skin surface. In-medium dosing with MMS produced a LOGEL of 20 μg/ml, which was very similar to the topical LOGEL when considering the total mass of MMS added. Comparisons between 3D medium and 2D LOGELs resulted in a 7-fold difference in total mass of MMS applied to each system, suggesting a protective function of the 3D microarchitecture. Interestingly, hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2), a positive clastogen in 2D systems, tested negative in this assay. A non-genotoxic carcinogen, methyl carbamate, produced negative results, as expected. We also demonstrated expression of the DNA repair protein N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase in EpiDerm™. Our preliminary validation here demonstrates that the RSMN assay may be a valuable followup to the current in vitro test battery, and together with its automation, could contribute to minimising unnecessary in vivo tests by reducing in vitro misleading positives. © The Author 2014

    Reliability of panel-based mutational signatures for immune-checkpoint-inhibition efficacy prediction in non-small cell lung cancer

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    OBJECTIVES: Mutational signatures (MS) are gaining traction for deriving therapeutic insights for immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI). We asked if MS attributions from comprehensive targeted sequencing assays are reliable enough for predicting ICI efficacy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).METHODS: Somatic mutations of m = 126 patients were assayed using panel-based sequencing of 523 cancer-related genes. In silico simulations of MS attributions for various panels were performed on a separate dataset of m = 101 whole genome sequenced patients. Non-synonymous mutations were deconvoluted using COSMIC v3.3 signatures and used to test a previously published machine learning classifier.RESULTS: The ICI efficacy predictor performed poorly with an accuracy of 0.51 -0.09 +0.09, average precision of 0.52 -0.11 +0.11, and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.50 -0.09 +0.10. Theoretical arguments, experimental data, and in silico simulations pointed to false negative rates (FNR) related to panel size. A secondary effect was observed, where deconvolution of small ensembles of point mutations lead to reconstruction errors and misattributions. CONCLUSION: MS attributions from current targeted panel sequencing are not reliable enough to predict ICI efficacy. We suggest that, for downstream classification tasks in NSCLC, signature attributions be based on whole exome or genome sequencing instead.</p

    Cone beam CT: non-dental applications

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    Initially Cone Beam CT was almost exclusively used to perform dental radiology. However, the first generation CBCT systems were later increasingly used to study sinuses, facial and nose fractures, temporomandibular joints etc. 3D-cephalometric head and neck studies became possible once CBCT systems were available that allowed scanning of the complete head. For this purpose a double rotation technique with stitching of the resulting two data sets was needed. CBCT systems on which the rotation could be stopped were needed to perform dynamic swallow or pharyngography studies. The advent of more powerful high-end CBCT systems led the way to temporal bone and skull base imaging. Finally, high-end “supine” CBCT systems using a “gantry” made small joint musculoskeletal imaging possible. These non-dental CBCT studies gradually replaced conventional X-rays and CT/MDCT studies because they allowed imaging with higher resolution, lower radiation dose and less metal artifacts. In this paper the most important non-dental CBCT indications will be discussed

    Analysis of chromosome positions in the interphase nucleus of Chinese hamster cells by laser-UV-microirradiation experiments

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    Unsynchronized cells of an essentially diploid strain of female Chinese hamster cells derived from lung tissue (CHL) were laser-UV-microirradiated (=257 nm) in the nucleus either at its central part or at its periphery. After 7–9 h postincubation with 0.5 mM caffeine, chromosome preparations were made in situ. Twenty-one and 29 metaphase spreads, respectively, with partial chromosome shattering (PCS) obtained after micro-irradiation at these two nuclear sites, were Q-banded and analyzed in detail. A positive correlation was observed between the frequency of damage of chromosomes and both their DNA content and length at metaphase. No significant difference was observed between the frequencies of damage obtained for individual chromosomes at either site of microirradiation. The frequency of joint damage of homologous chromosomes was low as compared to nonhomologous ones. Considerable variation was noted in different cells in the combinations of jointly shattered chromosomes. Evidence which justifies an interpretation of these data in terms of an interphase arrangement of chromosome territories is discussed. Our data strongly argue against somatic pairing as a regular event, and suggest a considerable variability of chromosome positions in different nuclei. However, present data do not exclude the possibility of certain non-random chromosomal arrangements in CHL-nuclei. The interphase chromosome distribution revealed by these experiments is compared with centromere-centromere, centromere-center and angle analyses of metaphase spreads and the relationship between interphase and metaphase arrangements of chromosomes is discussed