8,597 research outputs found

    Space charge and charge trapping characteristics of cross-linked polyethylene subjected to ac electric stresses

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    This paper reports on the result of space charge evolution in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) planar samples of approximately 220 ?m thick. The space charge measurement technique used in this study is the PEA method. There are two phases to this experiment. In the first phase, the samples were subjected to dc 30 kVdc/mm and ac (sinusoidal) electric stress level of 30 kVpk/mm at frequencies of 1 Hz, 10 Hz and 50 Hz ac. In addition, ac space charge under 30 kVrms/mm and 60 kVpk/mm electric stress at 50 Hz was also investigated. The volts off results showed that the amount of charge trapped in XLPE sample under dc electric stress is significantly bigger than samples under ac stress even when the applied ac stresses are substantially higher. The second phase of the experiment involves studying the dc space charge evolution in samples that were tested under ac stress during the first phase of the experiment. Ac ageing causes positive charge to become more dominant over negative charge. It was also discovered that ac ageing creates deeper traps, particularly for negative charge. This paper also gave a brief overview of the data processing methods used to analyse space charge under ac electric stress

    Multiscale Technicolor and the Zbb-bar Vertex

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    We estimate the correction to the Zbb-bar vertex arising from the exchanges of the sideways extended technicolor (ETC) boson and the flavor-diagonal ETC boson in the multiscale walking technicolor model. The obtained result is too large to explain the present data. However, if we introduce a new self- interaction for the top quark to induce the top quark condensate serving as the origin of the large top quark mass, the corrected R_b=Gamma_b/Gamma_h can be consistent with the recent LEP data. The corresponding correction to R_c=Gamma_c/Gamma_h is shown to be negligibly small.Comment: 9-page LaTex fil

    Emergent particle-hole symmetry in spinful bosonic quantum Hall systems

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    When a fermionic quantum Hall system is projected into the lowest Landau level, there is an exact particle-hole symmetry between filling fractions ν\nu and 1ν1-\nu. We investigate whether a similar symmetry can emerge in bosonic quantum Hall states, where it would connect states at filling fractions ν\nu and 2ν2-\nu. We begin by showing that the particle-hole conjugate to a composite fermion `Jain state' is another Jain state, obtained by reverse flux attachment. We show how information such as the shift and the edge theory can be obtained for states which are particle-hole conjugates. Using the techniques of exact diagonalization and infinite density matrix renormalization group, we study a system of two-component (i.e., spinful) bosons, interacting via a δ\delta-function potential. We first obtain real-space entanglement spectra for the bosonic integer quantum Hall effect at ν=2\nu=2, which plays the role of a filled Landau level for the bosonic system. We then show that at ν=4/3\nu=4/3 the system is described by a Jain state which is the particle-hole conjugate of the Halperin (221) state at ν=2/3\nu=2/3. We show a similar relationship between non-singlet states at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 and ν=3/2\nu=3/2. We also study the case of ν=1\nu=1, providing unambiguous evidence that the ground state is a composite Fermi liquid. Taken together our results demonstrate that there is indeed an emergent particle-hole symmetry in bosonic quantum Hall systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 appendice

    Structural relaxation in a system of dumbbell molecules

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    The interaction-site-density-fluctuation correlators, the dipole-relaxation functions, and the mean-squared displacements of a system of symmetric dumbbells of fused hard spheres are calculated for two representative elongations of the molecules within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of glassy dynamics. For large elongations, universal relaxation laws for states near the glass transition are valid for parameters and time intervals similar to the ones found for the hard-sphere system. Rotation-translation coupling leads to an enlarged crossover interval for the mean-squared displacement of the constituent atoms between the end of the von Schweidler regime and the beginning of the diffusion process. For small elongations, the superposition principle for the reorientational α\alpha-process is violated for parameters and time intervals of interest for data analysis, and there is a strong breaking of the coupling of the α\alpha-relaxation scale for the diffusion process with that for representative density fluctuations and for dipole reorientations.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Origins of ferromagnetism in transition-metal doped Si

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    We present results of the magnetic, structural and chemical characterizations of Mn<sup>+</sup>-implanted Si displaying <i>n</i>-type semiconducting behavior and ferromagnetic ordering with Curie temperature,T<sub>C</sub> well above room temperature. The temperature-dependent magnetization measured by superconducting quantum device interference (SQUID) from 5 K to 800 K was characterized by three different critical temperatures (T*<sub>C</sub>~45 K, T<sub>C1</sub>~630-650 K and T<sub>C2</sub>~805-825 K). Their origins were investigated using dynamic secondary mass ion spectroscopy (SIMS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques, including electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), Z-contrast STEM (scanning TEM) imaging and electron diffraction. We provided direct evidences of the presence of a small amount of Fe and Cr impurities which were unintentionally doped into the samples together with the Mn<sup>+</sup> ions, as well as the formation of Mn-rich precipitates embedded in a Mn-poor matrix. The observed T*<sub>C</sub> is attributed to the Mn<sub>4</sub>Si<sub>7</sub> precipitates identified by electron diffraction. Possible origins of and are also discussed. Our findings raise questions regarding the origin of the high ferromagnetism reported in many material systems without a careful chemical analysis

    A mode-coupling theory for the glassy dynamics of a diatomic probe molecule immersed in a simple liquid

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    Generalizing the mode-coupling theory for ideal liquid-glass transitions, equations of motion are derived for the correlation functions describing the glassy dynamics of a diatomic probe molecule immersed in a simple glass-forming system. The molecule is described in the interaction-site representation and the equations are solved for a dumbbell molecule consisting of two fused hard spheres in a hard-sphere system. The results for the molecule's arrested position in the glass state and the reorientational correlators for angular-momentum index =1\ell = 1 and =2\ell = 2 near the glass transition are compared with those obtained previously within a theory based on a tensor-density description of the molecule in order to demonstrate that the two approaches yield equivalent results. For strongly hindered reorientational motion, the dipole-relaxation spectra for the α\alpha-process can be mapped on the dielectric-loss spectra of glycerol if a rescaling is performed according to a suggestion by Dixon et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 65}, 1108 (1990)]. It is demonstrated that the glassy dynamics is independent of the molecule's inertia parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, Phys. Rev. E, in prin

    Improvement of dielectric loss of doped Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films for tunable microwave devices

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    Al2O3-Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (Al2O3-BST) thin films, with different Al2O3 contents, were deposited on (100) LaAlO3 substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. The Al2O3-BST films was demosnstrated to be a suitable systems to fabricate ferroelectric thin films with low dielectric loss and higher figure of merit for tunable microwave devices. Pure BST thin films were also fabricated for comparison purpose. The films' structure and morphology were analyzed by X-ray diffractiopn and scanning electron microscopy, respectively; nad showed that the surface roughness for the Al2O3-BST films increased with the Al2O3 content. Apart from that, the broadening in the intensity peak in XRD result indicating the grain size of the Al2O3-BST films reduced with the increasing of Al2O3 dopant. We measured the dielctric properties of Al2O3-BST films with a home-made non-destructive dual resonator method at frequency ~ 7.7 GHZ. The effect of doped Al2O3 into BST thin films significantly reduced the dielectric constant, dielectric loss and tunability compare to pure BST thin film. Our result shows the figure of merit (K), used to compare the films with varied dielectric properties, increased with the Al2O3 content. Therefore Al2O3-BST films show the potential to be exploited in tunable microwave devices.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted & tentatively for Feb 15 2004 issue, Journal of Applied Physic

    Superconductivity and Magnetism in REFeAsO1-xFx (RE=Rare Earth Elements)

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    Fluoride-doped iron-based oxypnictides containing rare-earth gadolinium (GdFeAsO0.8F0.2) and co-doping with yttrium (Gd0.8Y0.2FeAsO0.8F0.2) have been prepared via conventional solid state reaction at ambient pressure. The non-yttrium substituted oxypnictide show superconducting transition as high as 43.9 K from temperature dependent resistance measurements with the Meissner effect observed at a lower temperature of 40.8 K from temperature dependent magnetization measurements. By replacing a small amount of gadolinium with yttrium Tc was observed to be lowered by 10 K which might be caused by a change in the electronic or magnetic structures since the crystal structure was not altered.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Proceedings in the LT25 Low Temperature Physics Conference) Submitte