427 research outputs found

    Viskosimeter Digital Menggunakan Water Flow Sensor G1/2 Berbasis Mikrokontroller 8535

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    Designing digital viscosimeter using water flow sensor application G1/2 ATMega853 AVR microcontroller based useful for measuring the viscosity of the fluid in a practical value. The core of this tool is used the sensor water flow sensor G1/2 which is a type of flow sensor, which when energized by the fluid can be determined rotations per second (rps). Sensor works on a certain viscosity which the more viscous fluid will flow the smaller the value generated rps. Measurement capability of this tool is in the range of 8-22 rps or on the viscosity range from 0.8340 - 42.3878 cP. Data of sensor processing used a microcontroller ATMega 8535 chip and language used is a C language program while the data processing system using Lagrange interpolation

    Pendekatan Paradigmatik (Kuhn) terhadap Problematika Analisis Ekonomi Materialisme (Marx dan Engels) Atas Ilmu Hukum

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    Gagasan Kuhn tentang Revolusi Ilmiah dengan pendekatan paradigmanya dengan memfokuskan penelitian sejarahnya menentang positvisme dan jadi pelopor post-positivisme dengan epistemologi post-modernnya. Pendekatan paradigma juga mempengaruhi ilmu hukum serta analisis ekonomi materialisme Marx dan Engel atas hukum yang ternyata memiliki problematika yang syarat dengan aliran positivismenya. Berdasarkan kajian konseptual, maka dapat diketahui bahwa pendekatan paradigma atas ilmu hukum menguatkan kembali konsep yang disyaratkan oleh Savigny, yaitu volkgeist atau rasa kebangsaan yang digali dari konsep-konsep yang ada di tengah masyarakat. Sehingga mampu merumuskan problematika analisis ekonomi materialisme dan memformulasikan ilmu (sistem) hukum yang mampu menjadi road map dalam tatanan keseluruhan kesisteman di Indonesia

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Pemilik Hak Atas Tanah yang Telah Diterbitkan Sertipikatnya Atas Nama Pihak Lain (Studi pada Sertipikat Hak Milik Nomor 1.022 di Kecamatan Tarutung, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara)

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    The position of the Letter of Notification of Land is legally used as the recommendation to request for land certificate. The Letter of Notification can give evidence that the land has been tilled by the owner and the case has been acknowledged by the other tillers and strengthened village head, and subdistrict head. The problems of the research were as follow Certificate No. 1.022 could be issued on another person\u27s land at Aek Ristop, Kelurahan Hutatoruan VII Tarutung Subdistrict. North Tapanuli. The research used judicial empirical approach with descriptive analytic as its specification. The data were gathered by conducting field research The result of the research showed that by government officials from village, subdistrict. until the Land Office has violated law and good government principles. and why due diligence and carefulness. The research was that the issuance of the Proprietary Rights Certificate No.1.022 was invalid as follows: the factor of the authority that issued the certificate, the factor of lhe applicant\u27s bad faith by hiding the judicial data, thirdly, the factor of ambiguity of the origin of Ihe land so that the mapping of registering the land in the Land Office is incomplete, In consequence, the certificate is legally and administratively defective and the certificate holder does not get legal protection

    Potensi Tindak Pidana Kriminal oleh Anak Remaja Ditinjau dari Faktor Umur dan Pendidikan dengan Metode Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP)

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    According to statistics in 2013 there were 535 cases and in 2014 there were 723 cases, and based on the data there was an increase of ± 1.35%. The cause of this crime is caused by many factors, but if the factors that cause this crime are known to be earlier by the parents (community), perhaps parents can educate their children and can reduce the number of juvenile perpetrators of physical criminal offenses. The physical crimes referred to in this study are: Robbery, Public order theft and murder. Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) is a quantitative method that uses a "weighting system". In multifactorial decision making, decision makers are subjectively and intuitively weighing various factors that have an important influence on their alternative choices. For decisions that have a strategic influence, it is advisable to use a quantitative approach such as MFEP. In MFEP, all criteria are first, which are important factors in making consideration given appropriate weighting. The same steps are also taken for the alternatives to be chosen, which can then be evaluated in relation to these consideration factors. The MFEP method determines that the alternative with the highest value is the best solution based on the selected criteria

    Vegetasi Alami Dan Perubahannya Setelah 22 Tahun (1986 - 2008) Di Hutan Tanaman Altingia Excelsa Noronha Candikuning-Bali [Natural Vegetation and Its Changes Over 22 Years (1986 - 2008) in Plantation Forest of Altingia Excelsa Noronha Candikuning-Bali]

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    Research at the three locations of Altingia excelsa Noronha plantations in Candikuning, Bali has been carried out to examine the changes in vegetation that grows naturally in the low layer after 22 years (1986 -2008). The results showed that 40 species of seedling, and 4 species of shrubs and young trees were found in three plots of the plantation forest. Compared to the results of the previous study, 22 years before the present study (1986), species richness was decreased dramatically accompanied by changes in species composition. Crown cover of herbs group were decreased, but shrubs and young trees were increased except for the plot 1938 due to edge effects. Lightdemanding species were disappeared and replaced by shaded-tolerant species. The primary tree species which are commonly found in the surrounding natural forest and previously found in research plots had been disappeared, and replaced by late secondary tree species, and seedlings of A. excelsa which is actually animmigrant species. Succession under the plantation forest of A. excelsa are generally slow

    Perancangan Aplikasi SMS Alert Berbasis Web

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    Bermacam ragam teknologi yang hadir untuk ikut meramaikan dunia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi saat ini, SMS (Short Message Service) atau layanan pesan singkat masih belum ketinggalan, teknologi SMS memungkinkan orang saling berkirim atau bertukar informasi (berupa teks) melalui mobile device seperti handphone. Seiring dengan derasnya arus informasi dan komunikasi serta semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan, maka semakin banyak pula media atau sarana penyedia informasi yang bermunculan. SMS Gateway hadir sebagai media atau sarana penyedia informasi berbasis SMS. Melihat perkembangannya, saat ini SMS Gateway semakin banyak digunakan oleh banyak instansi-instansi atau Perusahaan sebagai salah satu alat pengelola informasi. Sudah hampir semua instansi pemerintahan maupun Perusahaan swasta memanfaatan perkembangan teknologi informasi tersebut, dengan aplikasi SMS alert sehingga memberikan kemudahan. istem akan mengirimkan SMS sebagai alert (peringatan) kepada yang membutuhkan sesuai dengan kondisi yang sudah ditentukan pada sistem. Dengan terciptanya aplikasi SMS alert ini informasi akan dapat dapat terkirim lebih cepat dan tepat serta dapat meringankan pekerjaan dalam hal pengiriman informasi sehingga pekerjaan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien Kata kunci : SMS (Short Message Service), Peringatan (Alert), PHP My SQ
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