146 research outputs found

    Critical Analysis on the Concept of Kashyapa’s Phakka Chikitsa in the Management of Motor Developmental Delay

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    Acharya Kashyapa is considered as the father of Kaumarabhritya and author of a book Kashyapa Samhita or Vruddajeevakeeya Tantra has described the diagnosis of many pediatric diseases and concepts of management. Phakka is a disease complex characterized by a symptom as the child is unable to walk even after the age of one year. Phakkatva denotes that it is a syndrome developing due to various causes characterized mainly with emaciation and gross motor function deficit. Kashyapa has explained the concept of phakka chikitsa in detail. Presently, these types of symptoms are commonly seen in children during early period of childhood as “developmental disorder.” Many conditions are included in developmental disorders, such as developmental delay, cerebral palsy, failure to thrive, motor function deficit, global motor delay, gross motor delay, Down’s syndrome, etc., wherein the development is delayed and child is not able to perform the motor activities. Applicaton of Kashyapa’s concept of phakka chikitsa in motor function disabilities helps to improve the children’s condition in the present scenario

    Management of Meniere’s Disease - An Analytical Ayurveda Perspective

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    Meniere’s disease, also called endolymphatic hydrops, is a disorder of the inner ear where the endolymphatic system is distended. It is characterized by vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, and tinnitus. The main pathology in Meniere’s disease is distention of endolymphatic system due to increased volume of endolymph. This can result either from increased production of endolymph or its faulty absorption or both. As the Meniere’s disease pathology, clinical signs and symptoms may be correlated to karnakshweda, karnanada, badirya and bhrama in which the vitiation of karnagata tarpaka kapha vikruti can be seen. Hence the treatment protocol for Menier’s disease should include agni deepana, amapachana, anuloma, shirovirechana, vatashamana sneha, and rasayana therapies which will give promising results

    Building Robust Machine Learning Models for Small Chemical Science Data: The Case of Shear Viscosity

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    Shear viscosity, though being a fundamental property of all liquids, is computationally expensive to estimate from equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) methods have been used to augment molecular simulations in many contexts, thus showing promise to estimate viscosity too in a relatively inexpensive manner. However, ML methods face significant challenges like overfitting when the size of the data set is small, as is the case with viscosity. In this work, we train several ML models to predict the shear viscosity of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid, with particular emphasis on addressing issues arising from a small data set. Specifically, the issues related to model selection, performance estimation and uncertainty quantification were investigated. First, we show that the widely used performance estimation procedure of using a single unseen data set shows a wide variability on small data sets. In this context, the common practice of using Cross validation (CV) to select the hyperparameters (model selection) can be adapted to estimate the generalization error (performance estimation) as well. We compare two simple CV procedures for their ability to do both model selection and performance estimation, and find that k-fold CV based procedure shows a lower variance of error estimates. We discuss the role of performance metrics in training and evaluation. Finally, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) and ensemble methods were used to estimate the uncertainty on individual predictions. The uncertainty estimates from GPR were also used to construct an applicability domain using which the ML models provided more reliable predictions on another small data set generated in this work. Overall, the procedures prescribed in this work, together, lead to robust ML models for small data sets.Comment: main: 17 pages, 11 figures ; SI: 55 pages, 29 figures ; to be submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    A Study on Inventory Management in Manufacturing Industry with specific reference to Bangalore

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    The study evaluates inventory control aspects, including turnover, stock outs, carrying costs, and order fulfilment rates.Commendable aspects of industryof current practices include maintaining adequate stock levels and minimizing excess inventory. However, opportunities for improvement lie in enhancing demand forecasting accuracy and real-time stock monitoring. The study suggests integrating advanced technologies and data analytics to address these gaps. Using the secondary data of the balance sheet we have analysed the inventory turnover, growth of total inventory, current assets on raw materials. Also, we have analysed the ABC analysis of the materials. The result shows that the business has maintained a relatively high percentage of inventories on current assets, indicating its reliance on inventory as a key asset

    Understanding the effect of stress hormones on ovarian cancer cells

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    Department of Cancer Systems Imaging Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicinehttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/sumexp22/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Protocol for Qualitative Systematic Review

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    A rapid urbanization, surging population numbers, limitations of funding, emerging limitations of both energy and raw materials coupled with different increasing industrial, commercial and Social economic development in a durg city. The Durg city area has given rise to an increased generation of various types of wastes. Among these wastes, managing of solid waste is a major problem faced by the Durg city. The Durg city maintaining daily logs of collection and transport of solid waste is time consuming and difficult as it involves large filed data and statistics. 80% of the total cost of solid waste management is being spent on collection and transportation so there is to a need of proper monitoring of the system. This paper attempts to analyze the proposed status of location of municipal bins along with the various secondary routes followed for the solid waste collection of durg city. Then using Arc GIS 10 , a GIS based urban MSW management system is proposed for the study area by proper optimizing the waste collection and transportation routes and reallocating the bins  for efficiency in distance travelled and time taken. Thus Geographical Information System model would reduce the complications in waste management system to some extent and exhibit remedies for the same in the study area

    PCR-SSCP and Sequencing of CXCR2 Receptor Gene in Vrindavani Cattle

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    Genetic markers associated with inflammatory responses during mastitis could aid in the selection of diseased cattle. One potential marker is CXCR2, a chemokine receptor required for neutrophil migration to infection sites. The objective of this experiment was to identify genetic polymorphism of CXCR2 gene and associate it with subclinical and clinical mastitis. Ninety five Vrindavani crossbred cows (42-mastitis tolerant and 53-clinical mastitis) that completed at least two full lactations were taken for study. Blood of selected crossbred cows was collected, and genomic DNA was isolated by phenol chloroform method. The DNA of good quality having OD ratio (260/280 nm) between 1.7-1.9 were used for further analysis. PCR-SSCP technique was used to reveal the polymorphism in 269bp fragments of CXCR2 gene. The 269 bp fragment of CXCR2 gene was found to be monomorphic in all the DNA samples of crossbred cows
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