477 research outputs found

    Micro-mineral profile in different grassland species

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    The aim was to investigate the micro-mineral profile of herbage as affected by grassland species, cutting time and seasonality and in relation to dairy cow requirements. The different grassland species were grown and harvested in mixtures with one grass and one legume for two growing seasons. The species turned out to have very individual mineral profiles, not influenced by year. Among the legumes red clover (Trifolium pratense) had high concentrations of Co, Cu and Zn, white clover (Trifolium repens) of Mn and Fe, lucerne (Medicago sativa) of Se and lotus (Lotus corniculatus) of Co, Mn, Zn and Fe. Among the grasses perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) generally had the highest concentrations of all the micro-minerals. Hybrid ryegrass (Lolium hybridum) had slightly lower concentrations than perennial ryegrass for all minerals. Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) had lower concentrations still, and timothy (Phleum pratense) had, with the exception of Zn, the lowest concentrations. In general, the mineral concentrations were higher in summer than in spring growth. During the growth Cu, Zn and Fe concentrations decreased, whereas Co, Se and Mg were unaffected. It was concluded that a mixture of red clover and perennial ryegrass had the best profile of micro-minerals for cattle feeding

    Vitamin and mineral content and feeding value of different legumes and grass species grown in seven legume-grass mixtures

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    The aim was to examine if including a range of grassland species could help to balance the diet on organic dairy farms compared with traditional mixtures. Four different grass species and four legume species were grown and harvested in mixtures with one grass and one legume for two growing seasons. The species turned out to have very individual mineral, vitamin and fiber profiles and organic matter digestibility, not influenced by year. Among the legumes red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens) had the highest feeding value and red clover had further a high content of Co, Cu and Zn. Lucerne (Medicago sativa) had as red clover a high growth potential in mixture but had in general a low content of macro and micro minerals with exception of Se. Lotus (Lotus corniculatus) had a low competitive strength, and the effect of the whole herbage was therefore limited even that the content of the vitamins were high. Among the grasses perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) generally had the highest feeding value, and a higher content of the macro and micro minerals and of vitamins as well than the other grasses (hybrid ryegrass (Lolium hybridum), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and timothy (Phleum pratense)). The only exception was meadow fescue, which had a higher content of alfa-tocopherol

    Selvforsyning med øko-mineraler og -vitaminer

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    Forskere ved DJF har vist, at det er muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til økologiske malkekøer ved at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med en høj andel af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler

    Vitaminer, mineraler og foderværdi af græsmarksarter

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    Med det formål at undersøge mulighederne for selvforsyning med mineraler og vitaminer samtidig med at udbytte og foderværdi er tilfredsstillende, blev forskellige græsser og bælgplanter dyrket i blandinger bestående af en græs og en bælgplante. Forskellen mellem arterne var meget større end betydningen af udviklingstrin. Blandt græsserne konkurrerede hybridrajgræs og engsvingel hårdere mod hvidkløver end alm. rajgræs og timothe. Alm. rajgræs og hybridrajgræs havde den bedste foderværdi. Alm. rajgræs havde generelt det højeste indhold af både makro og mikromineraler, mens timothe med undtagelse af Zn havde et lavt indhold. Engsvingel skilte sig ud ved at have et højt provitamin A og lavt vitamin E indhold. Blandt bælgplanterne havde rødkløver og lucerne den største konkurrenceevne overfor alm. rajgræs, hvidkløver en middel og kællingetand en lav konkurrenceevne. Bælgplanternes mineralprofil var meget forskellig. Kællingetand havde både et højere pro-vitamin A og vitamin E indhold end de øvrige bælgplanter. På sidste side af dette bilag ses en oversigt over disse karakteristiske forskelle. Prøverne og resultaterne er anvendt til ensileringsforsøg og som baggrund for fodringsforsøg og modellering i andre bilag i denne rapport

    Den internationale Landbrugs-Konference i Rom 1905.

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    Den internationale Landbrugs-Konference i Rom 1905

    Dyrkning af kløvergræs

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    Vitaminer, mineraler og foderværdi i forskellige græsmarksarter samt bælgplanternes N-dynamik samt kløvertræthe

    Identity dynamics as a barrier to organizational change

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    This article seeks to explore the construction of group and professional identities in situations of organizational change. It considers empirical material drawn from a health demonstration project funded by the Scottish Executive Health Department, and uses insights from this project to discuss issues that arise from identity construction(s) and organizational change. In the course of the project studied here, a new organizational form was developed which involved a network arrangement with a voluntary sector organization and the employment of “lay-workers” in what had traditionally been a professional setting. Our analysis of the way actors made sense of their identities reveals that characterizations of both self and other became barriers to the change process. These identity dynamics were significant in determining the way people interpreted and responded to change within this project and which may relate to other change-oriented situations

    Effekt af mineral- og vitaminrige, grønne fodermidler på malkekoens produktion og sundhed

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    Forsyningen af de økologiske husdyr med mineraler og vitaminer er et af de områder, hvor der endnu ikke er fundet løsninger, som udnytter muligheden for recirkulering og selvforsyning på bedriften. Formålet med dette forsøg var at undersøge, om en integreret vitamin- og mineralforsyning kunne opnås i økologisk mælkeproduktion ved i så høj grad som muligt at anvende hjemmedyrkede grovfodermidler med et højt naturligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler. Perspektivet er at opnå en højere grad af selvforsyning med mineraler og vitaminer til malkekøerne på den enkelte bedrift. I forsøget var det muligt at opnå et tilstrækkeligt indhold af vitaminer og mineraler i foderrationen til malkekøerne i forhold til fodringsnormen i såvel Danmark som USA uden tilskud af indkøbte mineraler og vitaminer. Fodringsstrategien var ligeså god eller bedre end en traditionel økologisk strategi med standardtilskud af vitaminer og mineraler med hensyn til køernes foderoptagelse, mælkeproduktion og reproduktion