3,976 research outputs found

    Forgiveness Pada Istri Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mengembalikan Keutuhan Rumah Tangga Akibat Perselingkuhan Suami

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    Forgiveness merupakan sikap individu yang telah disakiti untuk tidak melakukan perbuatan balas dendam terhadap pelaku, tidak adanya keinginan untuk menjauhi pelaku, sebaliknya adanya keinginan untuk berdamai dan berbuat baik terhadap pelaku, walaupun pelaku telah melakukan perilaku yang menyakitkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran forgiveness pada istri sebagai upaya untuk mengembalikan keutuhan rumah tangga akibat perselingkuhan suami dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan istri memaafkan perselingkuhan yang dilakukan suami. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 2 orang yang masih bertahan dalam perkawinan. Karakteristik subjek adalah istri yang telah menikah minimal dua tahun, memiliki anak dari hasil perkawinan dan tingkat pendidikan minimal SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kedua subjek belum dapat memaafkan sepenuhnya perselingkuhan yang dilakukan suami. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya rumination about transgression, yaitu kecenderungan subjek untuk terus menerus mengingat kejadian perselingkuhan suami, sehingga menghalangi dirinya untuk memaafkan. Oleh karena itu, perilaku pemaafan subjek terhadap perselingkuhan suami tergolong dalam dimensi Hollow Forgiveness, yaitu subjek dapat mengekspresikan secara konkret pemaafan melalui perilaku, namun sebaliknya ia belum dapat merasakan dan menghayati adanya pemaafan dalam dirinya. Subjek masih bertahan dalam perkawinan dikarenakan anak. Walapun pada subjek A ia masih bertahan dalam perkawinan dikarenakan alasan finansial yaitu ketergantungan secara ekonomi terhadap suami dan menganggap apabila ia bercerai belum tentu ia akan mendapatkan suami yang lebih baik dari suaminya sekarang

    International Playgroup: Friendship Support for International Women Mothers/Parents in Greater Lafayette

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    Pamela K. Sari is a PhD candidate in the American studies program at Purdue University with a graduate concentration/certificate in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. Inspired by the Archival Theory and Practice class taught by Professors Susan Curtis and Kristina Bross at Purdue University, her career aspirations are to teach in higher education settings using service-learning as pedagogical and activism tools. This article reflects on her service-learning experience with International Playgroup, a community organization in Greater Lafayette that helps international mothers of preschoolers in their parenting journey by giving advice, providing monthly play activities, and providing swap activities of baby and toddler equipment, clothing, toys, and books. The service-learning experience with International Playgroup inspired her class, Religion and Feminism, which she taught as an Introduction to Women’s Studies class (WGSS280) in fall 2016 and spring 2017


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    Dalam olahraga karate teknik tendangan yang biasa dilakukan oleh atlet adalah teknik tendangan mawashi geri dan ushiro mawashi-geri, namun teknik tersebut masih jarang menghasilkan poin karena kurangnya power seorang atlet saat melakukan tendangan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara power tungkai dengan hasil tendangan mawashi geri dan ushiro mawashi-geri pada cabang olahraga karate. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan studi korelasional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa UKM Karate UPI sebanyak 10 orang yang telah mengikuti berbagai event Nasional. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah digital vertical jump dan nuboya maeter dengan validitas sebesar 0,70 dan reabilitas 0,72.. Hasil analisis data dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara power tungkai dengan hasil tendangan mawashi geri dan ushiro mawashi-geri pada cabang olahraga karate. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai hasil tendangan yaitu 0,815 dengan signifikansi 0,004 < 0,05 dan 0,782 dengan signifikansi 0,008 < 0,05. hal ini menggambarkan bahwa power tungkai merupakan faktor penting untuk menghasilkan tendangan mawashi geri dan ushiro mawashi-geri. Dengan kata lain semakin besar power tungkai maka semakin baik upaya menendang dari sisi kekuatan dan kecepatan.;---In the karate sport the usual kick technique done by the athlete is the technique of kick mawashi geri and ushiro mawashi-geri, but the technique still rarely produces points due to lack of an athlete's power during the kick. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between power limb with the result of kick mawashi geri and ushiro mawashi-geri on karate sport. The research method used is quantitative method with correlational study. The sample used in this research is the students of UKM Karate UPI as many as 10 people who have attended various national events. Instrument used in this research is digital vertical jump and nuboya maeter with validity equal to 0,70 and reliability 0,72 .. Result of data analysis from research show that there is correlation between power limb with kick result mawashi geri and ushiro mawashi-geri at branch sports karate. It can be seen from kick result value that is 0,815 with significance 0,004 <0,05 and 0,782 with significance 0,008 <0,05. this illustrates that limb power is an important factor to produce kick mawashi geri and ushiro mawashi-geri. In other words the greater the leg power the better the kick effort from the strength and speed

    Pengaruh Functional Quality Dan Technical Quality Pada Customer Loyalty Dengan Trust Dan Commitment Sebagai Variabel Intervening Di PT. Aura Desain Mitra Kreasi

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of Functional Quality and Technical Quality towards Customer Loyalty through Trust and Commitment as an Intervening Variabel at PT. Aura Desain Mitra Kreasi. This research will be conducted by distributing questionnaires to 46 respondents which are consumer of PT. Aura Desain Mitra Kreasi. Quantitative analysis with path analysis analysis model method were used for the technical analysis.The results of this study indicate that the functional quality influence positively and significantly related to trust, functional quality influence positively and not significantly related to commitment, technical quality influence positively and significantly related to trust, technical quality influence positively and not significantly related to commitment, trust influence positively and significantly related to commitment, trust and commitment influence positively and significantly related to customer loyalty

    Peningkatan Perkembangan Motorik Halus Anak Melalui Kegiatan Kolase Dari Bahan Bekas Di Taman Kanak-kanak Aisyiyah

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    Perkembangan Motorik Halus anak di Taman Kanak-kanak AisyiyahSimpang IV masih rendah, hal ini di sebabkan olel pemilihan metode danalat yang digunakan tidak menarik bagi anak. Jenis penelitian inin adalahPenelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkanperkembangan motorik halus anak di kelompok B2 yang jumlahnya 15orang. Data penelitian melalui observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitianini dilakukan melalui dua siklus, siklus I dan siklus II. Pada siklus IIterjadi peningkatan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian yang dilakukan bahwaperkembangan motorik halus anak melalui kegiatan kolase dari bahanbekas mengalami peningkatan

    Analysis of Information and Communication Technology Literacy Capabilities to the High School Physics Teacher in Merauke

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    A physics teacher needs information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in teaching and learning in the classroom. This study aims to analyze the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke city. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. Respondents involved in this study were 19 high school physics teachers in Merauke City (Merauke District). The instrument used to collect data was an ICT literacy ability questionnaire developed by researchers totaling 40 statements. The research data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques by determining the percentage of respondents' responses. The analysis showed that the average rate of ICT literacy skills in high school physics teachers was 87%. This means that in general, the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke City are in the "excellent" category

    An Analysis of Problems Faced by First Year Students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Muaro Bungo in Writing Cause and Effect Essay

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    The purpose of this article is to present the result of a study conducted to describe analysis of problem faced by first year students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Muaro Bungo in writing cause and effect essay. This study was a descriptive research design. This research conducted by involving all students of first year students of English Department of STKIP Muhammadiyah Muaro Bungo academic year 2017/2018. Instrument of research were writing test and interview. The findings showed that the students got low score in writing cause and effect essay. It was shown that 16 students ( 88,89%) had difficulties in writing cause and effect essay. There were 12 students (66,67%)&nbsp; had difficulties in organizing ideas, 16 students (88,89%) had difficulties in using correct grammar, 10 students ( 55,56%) had difficulties in using appropriate words, 14 students ( 77,77% ) had difficulties in using transition goal, 9 students ( 50 % ) had difficulties in using mechanics. The causes of this problem were Interlingua transfer, intralingua transfer and vocabulary.&nbsp; Thus, the researchers expect that the writing lecturers are able to give good writing technique, and the students can do more exercises to increase their skill in writing

    Pelaksanaan Kawin Hamil pada Masyarakat Adat di Desa Tanjung Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    Article 53 Compilation of Islamic Law has stated that, a woman who became pregnant out of wedlock who can legally married to the man who impregnated her without waiting for the birth of a child in her womb. The marriage continues to be valid and effective unless there is a divorce, so the marriage was performed not need to be restarted even after the birth of her child.The reality of the indigenous communities in the village of Tanjung District Koto Kampar Hulu Districts Kampar still upholds the customary law in force in this village. Marriage to a pregnant woman before getting marriage was forbidden, but to cover up the embarrassment should be expedited marriage (forced marriage), the consequences under customary law marriage is invalid. Legal marriage when repeated after forty days the baby is born
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