4,415 research outputs found

    How does decision-making change during challenging times?

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    Prospect Theory, proposed and developed by Kahneman and Tversky, demonstrated that people do not make rational decisions based on expected utility, but are instead biased by specific cognitive tendencies leading to neglect, under- or over- consider information, depending on the context of presentation. In this vein, the present paper focuses on whether and how individual decision-making attitudes are prone to change in the presence of globally challenging events. We ran three partial replications of the Kahneman and Tversky (1979) paper, focusing on a set of eight prospects, after a terror attack (Paris, November 2015, 134 subjects) and during the Covid-19 pandemic, both during the first lockdown in Italy (Spring 2020, 176 subjects) and after the first reopening (140 subjects). The results confirm patterns of choice characterizing uncertain times, as shown by previous literature. In particular, we note significant increase of risk aversion, both in the gain and in the loss domains, that consistently emerged in the three replications. Given the nature of our sample, and the heterogeneity between the three periods investigated, we suggest that the phenomenon we present can be explained stress-related effects on decision making rather than by other economic effects, such as the income effect

    Search for periodicities near 59 s in the COS-B gamma-ray data of 2CG195+04 (Geminga)

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    The COS-B data relating to five observations in the general direction of Geminga, spanning 6.7 years, were searched for pulsation near 59 s. The SAS-2 indication is not confirmed. An indication of a 59 s pulsation in the gamma ray emission from 2CG195+04 (Geminga) was reported. Early analysis of COS-B data supported the result while later improved statistics did not confirm it. Subsequently, detection of a 59 s pulsation in the emission from the direction of Geminga at ultra high gamma and X-rays was reported. Geminga was identified with the X-ray source 1E0630+128. The final COS-B data on Geminga which was observed five times for a total of 214 days are reported

    Interventions for Infection and Inflammation-Induced Preterm Birth: a Preclinical Systematic Review

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    Spontaneous preterm births (< 37 weeks gestation) are frequently associated with infection. Current treatment options are limited but new therapeutic interventions are being developed in animal models. In this PROSPERO-registered preclinical systematic review, we aimed to summarise promising interventions for infection/inflammation-induced preterm birth. Following PRISMA guidance, we searched PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science using the themes: "animal models", "preterm birth", "inflammation", and "therapeutics". We included original quantitative, peer-reviewed, and controlled studies applying prenatal interventions to prevent infection/inflammation-induced preterm birth in animal models. We employed two risk of bias tools. Of 4020 identified studies, 23 studies (24 interventions) met our inclusion criteria. All studies used mouse models. Preterm birth was most commonly induced by lipopolysaccharide (18 studies) or Escherichia coli (4 studies). Models varied according to infectious agent serotype, dose, and route of delivery. Gestational length was significantly prolonged in 20/24 interventions (83%) and markers of maternal inflammation were reduced in 20/23 interventions (87%). Interventions targeting interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and toll-like receptors show particular therapeutic potential. However, due to the heterogeneity of the methodology of the included studies, meta-analysis was impossible. All studies were assigned an unclear risk of bias using the SYRCLE risk of bias tool. Interventions targeting inflammation demonstrate therapeutic potential for the prevention of preterm birth. However, better standardisation of preterm birth models, including the dose, serotype, timing of administration and pathogenicity of infectious agent, and outcome reporting is urgently required to improve the reproducibility of preclinical studies, allow meaningful comparison of intervention efficacy, and aid clinical translation

    Integrated assessment of the EU&#8217;s greening reform and feed self-sufficiency scenarios on dairy farms in Piemonte, Italy

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    Specialised dairy farms are challenged to be competitive and yet respect environmental constrains. A tighter integration of cropping and livestock systems, both in terms of feed and manure flows, can be beneficial for the farm economy and the environment. The greening of the direct payments, which was introduced in the European Union’s greening reform in 2013, is assumed tostimulate the transition towards more sustainable systems. The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the impacts of greening policies on important economic and environmental indicators of sustainability, and explore potential further improvements in policies. The Farm System SIMulator (FSSIM) bioeconomic farm model was used to simulate the consequences of scenarios of policy change on three representative dairy farms in Piedmont, Italy, i.e., an ‘intensive’, an ‘extensive’, and an ‘organic’ dairy farm. Results showed that in general, there is a large potential to increase the current economic performance of all of the farms. The most profitable activity is milk production, resulting in the allocation of all of the available farm land to feed production. Imposing feed self-sufficiency targets results in a larger adaptation of current managerial practice than the adaptations that are required due to the greening policy scenario. It was shown that the cropping system is not always able to sustain theactual herd composition when 90% feed self-sufficiency is imposed. Regarding the greening policies, it is shown that extensive and organic farms already largely comply with the greening constrains, and the extra subsidy is therefore a bonus, while the intensive farm is likely to sacrifice the subsidy, as adapting the farm plan will substantially reduce profit. The introduction of nitrogen (N)-fixingcrops in ecological focus areas was the easiest greening strategy to adopt, and led to an increase in the protein feed self-sufficiency. In conclusion, it is important to note that the greening policy in its current form does not lead to reduced environmental impacts. This implies that in order to improveenvironmental performance, regulations are needed rather than voluntary economic incentives

    Detection of neopterin in the urine of captive and wild platyrrhines

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    Background: Non-invasive biomarkers can facilitate health assessments in wild primate populations by reducing the need for direct access to animals. Neopterin is a biomarker that is a product of the cell-mediated immune response, with high levels being indicative of poor survival expectations in some cases. The measurement of urinary neopterin concentration (UNC) has been validated as a method for monitoring cell-mediated immune system activation in multiple catarrhine species, but to date there is no study testing its utility in the urine of platyrrhine species. In this study, we collected urine samples across three platyrrhine families including small captive populations of Leontopithecus rosalia and Pithecia pithecia, and larger wild populations of Leontocebus weddelli, Saguinus imperator, Alouatta seniculus, and Plecturocebus toppini, to evaluate a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the measurement of urinary neopterin in platyrrhines. Results: Our results revealed measured UNC fell within the sensitivity range of the assay in all urine samples collected from captive and wild platyrrhine study species via commercial ELISA, and results from several dilutions met expectations. We found significant differences in the mean UNC across all study species. Most notably, we observed higher UNC in the wild population of L. weddelli which is known to have two filarial nematode infections compared to S. imperator, which only have one. Conclusion: Our study confirms that neopterin is measurable via commercial ELISA in urine collected from captive and wild individuals of six genera of platyrrhines across three different families. These findings promote the future utility of UNC as a promising biomarker for field primatologists conducting research in Latin America to non-invasively evaluate cell-mediated immune system activation from urine
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