519 research outputs found

    Evidence of a mis-aligned secondary bar in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Evidence of a mis-aligned secondary bar, within the primary bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is presented. The density distribution and the de-reddened mean magnitudes (I0I_0) of the red clump stars in the bar obtained from the OGLE II data are used for this study. The bar region which predominantly showed wavy pattern in the line of sight in \citet{a03} was located. These points in the X-Z plane delineate an S-shaped pattern, clearly indicating a mis-aligned bar. This feature is statistically significant and does not depend on the considered value of I0I_0 for the LMC center. The rest of the bar region were not found to show the warp or the wavy pattern. The secondary bar is found to be considerably elongated in the Z-direction, with an inclination of 66o^o.5 ±\pm 0o^o.9, whereas the undisturbed part of the primary bar is found to have an inclination of 15o^o.1 ±\pm 2o^o.7, such that the eastern sides are closer to us with respect to the western sides of both the bars. The PAmaj_{maj} of the secondary bar is found to be 108o^o.4 ±\pm 7o^o.3. The streaming motions found in the H I velocity map close to the LMC center could be caused by the secondary bar. The recent star formation and the gas distribution in LMC could be driven by the mis-aligned secondary bar.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Reionization and Cosmology with 21 cm Fluctuations

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    Measurement of the spatial distribution of neutral hydrogen via the redshifted 21 cm line promises to revolutionize our knowledge of the epoch of reionization and the first galaxies, and may provide a powerful new tool for observational cosmology from redshifts 1<z<4 . In this review we discuss recent advances in our theoretical understanding of the epoch of reionization (EoR), the application of 21 cm tomography to cosmology and measurements of the dark energy equation of state after reionization, and the instrumentation and observational techniques shared by 21 cm EoR and post reionization cosmology machines. We place particular emphasis on the expected signal and observational capabilities of first generation 21 cm fluctuation instruments.Comment: Invited review for Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (2010 volume

    A new Tolman test of a cosmic distance duality relation at 21 cm

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    Under certain general conditions in an expanding universe, the luminosity distance (d_L) and angular diameter distance (d_A) are connected by the Etherington relation as d_L = d_A (1 + z)^2. The Tolman test suggests the use of objects of known surface brightness, to test this relation. In this letter, we propose the use of redshifted 21 cm signal from disk galaxies, where neutral hydrogen (HI) masses are seen to be almost linearly correlated with surface area, to conduct a new Tolman test. We construct simulated catalogs of galaxies, with the observed size-luminosity relation and realistic redshift evolution of HI mass functions, likely to be detected with the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA). We demonstrate that these observations may soon provide the best implementation of the Tolman test to detect any violation of the Etherington relation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, v2: published versio

    The enormous outer Galaxy HII region CTB 102

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    We present new radio recombination line observations of the previously unstudied HII region CTB 102. Line parameters are extracted and physical parameters describing the gas are calculated. We estimate the distance to CTB 102 to be 4.3 kpc. Through comparisons with HI and 1.42 GHz radio continuum data, we estimate the size of CTB 102 to be 100-130 pc, making it one of the largest HII regions known, comparable to the W4 complex. A stellar wind blown bubble model is presented as the best explanation for the observed morphology, size and velocities.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journa

    A large local rotational speed for the Galaxy found from proper-motions: Implications for the mass of the Milky-Way

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    Predictions from a Galactic Structure and Kinematic model are compared to the absolute proper-motions of about 30,000 randomly selected stars with 9<BJ≀199 < B_{\rm J} \le 19 derived from the Southern Proper-Motion Program (SPM) toward the South Galactic Pole. The absolute nature of the SPM proper-motions allow us to measure not only the relative motion of the Sun with respect to the local disk, but also, and most importantly, the overall state of rotation of the local disk with respect to galaxies. The SPM data are best fit by models having a solar peculiar motion of +5 km~s−1^{-1} in the V-component (pointing in the direction of Galactic rotation), a large LSR speed of 270 km~s−1^{-1}, and a disk velocity ellipsoid that points towards the Galactic center. We stress, however, that these results rest crucially on the assumptions of both axisymmetry and equilibrium dynamics. The absolute proper-motions in the U-component indicate a solar peculiar motion of 11.0±1.511.0 \pm 1.5 km~s−1^{-1}, with no need for a local expansion or contraction term. The implications of the large LSR speed are discussed in terms of gravitational mass of the Galaxy inferred from the most recent and accurate determination for the proper-motion of the LMC. We find that our derived value for the LSR is consistent both with the mass of the Galaxy inferred from the motion of the Clouds (3−4×1012M⊙3 - 4 \times 10^{12} M_\odot to ∌50\sim 50 kpc), as well as the timing argument, based on the binary motion of M31 and the Milky Way, and Leo I and the Milky Way (≄1.2×1012M⊙\ge 1.2 \times 10^{12} M_\odot to ∌200\sim 200 kpc).Comment: 7 pages (AAS Latex macro v4.0), 2 B&W postscript figures, accepted for publication on ApJ, Letters sectio

    A 490 GHz planar circuit balanced Nb-Al2_\mathbf{2}O3_{\mathbf{3}}-Nb quasiparticle mixer for radio astronomy: Application to quantitative local oscillator noise determination

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    This article presents a heterodyne experiment which uses a 380-520 GHz planar circuit balanced Nb-Al2O3\mathrm{Al_2O_3}-Nb superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) quasiparticle mixer with 4-8 GHz instantaneous intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth to quantitatively determine local oscillator (LO) noise. A balanced mixer is a unique tool to separate noise at the mixer's LO port from other noise sources. This is not possible in single-ended mixers. The antisymmetric IV characteristic of a SIS mixer further helps to simplify the measurements. The double-sideband receiver sensitivity of the balanced mixer is 2-4 times the quantum noise limit hΜ/kBh\nu/k_B over the measured frequencies with a maximum LO noise rejection of 15 dB. This work presents independent measurements with three different LO sources that produce the reference frequency but also an amount of near-carrier noise power which is quantified in the experiment as a function of the LO and IF frequency in terms of an equivalent noise temperature TLOT_{LO}. In a second experiment we use only one of two SIS mixers of the balanced mixer chip, in order to verify the influence of near-carrier LO noise power on a single-ended heterodyne mixer measurement. We find an IF frequency dependence of near-carrier LO noise power. The frequency-resolved IF noise temperature slope is flat or slightly negative for the single-ended mixer. This is in contrast to the IF slope of the balanced mixer itself which is positive due to the expected IF roll-off of the mixer. This indicates a higher noise level closer to the LO's carrier frequency. Our findings imply that near-carrier LO noise has the largest impact on the sensitivity of a receiver system which uses mixers with a low IF band, for example superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixers.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, see manuscript for complete abstrac

    Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds. V. The Complex Interior Structure of the N206 SNR

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    The N206 supernova remnant (SNR) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) has long been considered a prototypical "mixed morphology" SNR. Recent observations, however, have added a new twist to this familiar plot: an elongated, radially-oriented radio feature seen in projection against the SNR face. Utilizing the high resolution and sensitivity available with the Hubble Space Telescope, Chandra, and XMM-Newton, we have obtained optical emission-line images and spatially resolved X-ray spectral maps for this intriguing SNR. Our findings present the SNR itself as a remnant in the mid to late stages of its evolution. X-ray emission associated with the radio "linear feature" strongly suggests it to be a pulsar-wind nebula (PWN). A small X-ray knot is discovered at the outer tip of this feature. The feature's elongated morphology and the surrounding wedge-shaped X-ray enhancement strongly suggest a bow-shock PWN structure.Comment: 41 pages including 7 figures, accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journa

    Does the Milky Way have a Maximal Disk?

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    The Milky Way is often considered to be the best example of a spiral for which the dark matter not only dominates the outer kinematics, but also plays a major dynamical role in the inner galaxy: the Galactic disk is therefore said to be ``sub-maximal.'' This conclusion is important to the understanding of the evolution of galaxies and the viability of particular dark matter models. The Galactic evidence rests on a number of structural and kinematic measurements, many of which have recently been revised. The new constraints indicate not only that the Galaxy is a more typical member of its class (Sb-Sc spirals) than previously thought, but also require a re-examination of the question of whether or not the Milky Way disk is maximal. By applying to the Milky Way the same definition of ``maximal disk'' that is applied to external galaxies, it is shown that the new observational constraints are consistent with a Galactic maximal disk of reasonable M/LM/L. In particular, the local disk column can be substantially less than the oft-quoted required \Sigma_{\odot} \approx 100 \msolar pc^{-2} - as low as 40 \msolar pc^{-2} in the extreme case - and still be maximal, in the sense that the dark halo provides negligible rotation support in the inner Galaxy. This result has possible implications for any conclusion that rests on assumptions about the potentials of the Galactic disk or dark halo, and in particular for the interpretation of microlensing results along both LMC and bulge lines of sight.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 23 Latex-generated pages, one (new) table, three figures (two new). A few additions to the bibliography, an expanded discussion, and slight quantitative changes, none of which affect the conclusion

    Experimental Demonstration of Squeezed State Quantum Averaging

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a universal quantum averaging process implementing the harmonic mean of quadrature variances. The harmonic mean protocol can be used to efficiently stabilize a set of fragile squeezed light sources with statistically fluctuating noise levels. The averaged variances are prepared probabilistically by means of linear optical interference and measurement induced conditioning. We verify that the implemented harmonic mean outperforms the standard arithmetic mean strategy. The effect of quantum averaging is experimentally tested both for uncorrelated and partially correlated noise sources with sub-Poissonian shot noise or super-Poissonian shot noise characteristics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds. IV. X-Ray Emission from the Largest SNR in the LMC

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    We present the first X-ray detection of SNR 0450-70.9 the largest known supernova remnant (SNR) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. To study the physical conditions of this SNR, we have obtained XMM-Newton X-ray observations, optical images and high-dispersion spectra, and radio continuum maps. Optical images of SNR 0450-70.9 show a large, irregular elliptical shell with bright filaments along the eastern and western rims and within the shell interior. The interior filaments have higher [S II]/Halpha ratios and form an apparent inner shell morphology. The X-ray emission region is smaller than the full extent of the optical shell, with the brightest X-ray emission found within the small interior shell and on the western rim of the large shell. The expansion velocity of the small shell is ~220 km/s, while the large shell is ~120 km/s. The radio image shows central brightening and a fairly flat radio spectral index over the SNR. However, no point X-ray or radio source corresponding to a pulsar is detected and the X-ray emission is predominantly thermal. Therefore, these phenomena can be most reasonably explained in terms of the advanced age of the large SNR. Using hydrodynamic models combined with a nonequilibrium ionization model for thermal X-ray emission, we derived a lower limit on the SNR age of about 45,000 yr, well into the later stages of SNR evolution. Despite this, the temperature and density derived from spectral fits to the X-ray emission indicate that the remnant is still overpressured, and thus that the development is largely driven by hot gas in the SNR interior.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
