955 research outputs found

    Quintessence and effective RN de Sitter brane geometries

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    We revisit an effective space-time torsion curvature in a second order formalism, underlying the non-linear U(1)U(1) gauge dynamics, of a two form on a D4D_4-brane in type IIA superstring theory. The formalism incorporates the significance of a global NS two form into the theory via its perturbative coupling to a dynamical two form. In particular, we explore the non-linear gauge dynamics on a D4D_4-brane in presence of a non-trivial background metric. The fact that the global modes of a NS two form in an open string theory sources the background metric on a D4D_4-brane may hint at the existence of an anti D4D_4-brane in the formalism. An effective de Sitter universe is shown to emerge on a vacuum created pair of (DDˉ)3(D{\bar D})_3-brane by a local two form at the past horizon with a Big Bang. We obtain a number of 4D de Sitter quantum black holes, including a Reissner-Nordstrom vacuum, with and without a propagating torsion. The quantum black holes are shown to be free from curvature singularity at r→0r\rightarrow 0. In a low energy limit, the nonperturbative correction sourced by a torison may seen to be insignificant. The quantum black hole undergoes an expansion in the limit and presumably identifies with the Einstein vacuum. Interestingly our analysis reveals a plausible quintessence (axion) on an anti D3D_3-brane which may source the dark energy in a D3D_3-brane universe. Arguably a brane universe moves away from its anti-brane due to the conjectured repulsive gravity underlying the quintessence. It leads to a growth in extra fifth dimension between a brane and an anti-brane which may provide a clue behind an accelerating universe observed in cosmology.Comment: 29 page

    Do Non-work Practices in MNCs Operating in India Impact Organizational Commitment?

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    The present paper establishes the concept of Non-work Practices and explores its impact on organizational commitment. Drawing upon research conducted in four multinational corporations operating in India, the paper examines the degree to which non-work practices are accepted by Indian employees and their relationship with organizational commitment.  Concurrent mixed methodology was adopted in which both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Template analysis was carried out to interpret employees’ feelings and experiences, and to identify the emerging trends. Factor analysis was carried out to find factors of non-work practices, and regression analysis was carried out to study relationship between organizational commitment and non-work practices. The article discusses the findings related to non-work practices: how these practices are experienced and perceived by Indian employees and what is their impact on the commitment of employees, which would in turn affect the effectiveness of the organization. It was found that since most of the non-work practices were transplanted from the parent company, they were perceived as alien (except in the Anglo-American MNC).  Host country employees showed little enthusiasm in carrying out those practices and hence these had no positive impact on their organizational commitment


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    Women’s health is extremely valuable and source of healthy nation. There are so many diseases that affects quality of life of women; cervical erosion is one among them. On the basis of etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications and principles of treatment; Karnini Yonivyapad is very near to cervical erosion. 'Karnini Yonivyapada' is a disease caused by vitiation of Vata and Kapha dosha while affected dhatu is Rakta. Treatment is aimed at Vata-Kaphashamaka and Raktashodhaka. In cervical erosion, there is replacement of squamous epithelium of ectocervix by columnar epithelium of endo cervical canal. Although it is a benign condition but ignorance of this disease may lead to infertility and cervical malignancy. The treatment of cervical erosion is designed to destruct the columnar epithelium and to promote the re-epithelization of the squamous tissues. Electric cauterization and laser are the standard treatment modalities of erosion in modern medical science which are the modified form of Agnikarma but so many side effect associated with them. In the present study, the management of cervical erosion was done through Agnikarma by Jamabbadan shalaka and found as better alternative in the management of Karnini (Cervical erosion)

    A Bayes Study of Bile Acid Constituents on Cholelithiasis and Carcinoma of the Gallbladder

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    Background: Significantly high concentration of secondary bile acids and low concentration of primary acids are reported by the surgeons in patients with gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) compared to control and cholelithiasis groups.Aim: To examine the effect of primary and secondary bile acids on the development of cholelithiasis and GBC and to investigate the association, if any, among the two groups of bile acids.Methods: The study uses two groups of patients at a time selected in accordance with some pre-fixed inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed consent was obtained from all patients. The demographic characteristics such as mean age, sex ratio and body mass index, etc. are obtained for the selected groups of patients. The study defines dichotomous responses and the four bile acid constituents, namely cholic acid (CA), chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), deoxycholic acid (DCA) and lithocholic acid (LCA), as the predictors. It then assumes logistic regression model to associate the binary responses with the predictors by using probability scores. Bayes analysis is developed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) pack in R software for the posterior simulation.Results: Twenty one cholelithiasis patients and twenty patients in each of control and GBC groups are studied. It is seen that a unit decrement in the level of CA (CDCA) increases the log (odds ratio) for cholelithiasis by an amount of 0.49 (0.14) and odds ratio by almost 1.5 (1.12). Similarly, a unit increment in the level of DCA (LCA) provides the log (odds ratio) for cholelithiasis as 0.18 (1.3) and odds ratio as 1.16 (2.95). Comparing GBC with control population, it is noted that a unit decrease in the level of CA (CDCA) in the control population increases the log (odds ratio) for GBC by an amount of 1.16(0.26) and odds ratio by almost 2.63 (1.24) times. Similarly, the log(odds ratio) for GBC increases by 0.77(1.94) and the odds ratio increases by 1.9 (5.0) for the unit increment in the level of DCA(LCA).Conclusions: The study observes relatively high variations in the primary and secondary bile acids in the cholelithiasis and GBC groups as compared with the control group. It, in turn, reflects strong association among the two categories of bile acids in gallbladder diseases


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    Karnini Yonivyapad is described with its own pathogenesis and treatment in classical text. It can be compared with cervical erosion due to its clinical appearance. Among all Yonivyapad, only this Yonivyapad is related with cell pathology. In present circumstances when cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical cancer are the burning issues in front of whole world, it is necessary to understand physiology and pathology of cervix in benign stages so that an appropriate prevention or treatment can be done at this stage. An ideal and complete treatment of pathological erosion should be that which destroy the ectopic columnar epithelium and make healthy cell environment so that regression of erosion will take place properly. Virechana karma is the radical purification that eliminates waste products, toxins and aggravated doshas from the body. As aggravated Doshas are the primary cause of disease, this method is the most direct for curative purposes. In present study, patient with Karnini yonivyapada is treated with combination of Shodhan, shaman and local therapy. Trivrit Lehya has been selected for Virechana karma because in all the herbs easy and safe among purgative is Trivrit. Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera L.) kshar Tail used for Yoni pichu and Triphala Guggul is selected for Shaman chikitsa, which is seen to be very much effective

    Preauricular sinus: a clinicopathological study

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    Background: Preauricular sinuses are common congenital malformations. In most instances the diagnosis and management of condition is straightforward.Methods: The present study was done on 26 patients of preauricular sinus who presented to the Department of ENT, S.S. Medical College & G.M. Hospital, Rewa from August 2012 to July 2013 prospectively.Results: Males and females were equally affected. Most patients i.e. 11 belong to 11-20 year age group with age ranging from 4 year to 60 years. Two cases had genetic history and one case was found to be associated with chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Conclusions: The patients in whom a preauricular sinus is identified, the associated congenital anomalies and family history should be sought. Early identification and spreading of awareness should be done to avoid the complication of recurrent abscess in preauricular region

    Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of copper T as a method of contraception among antenatal women

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    Background: Family planning is defined by WHO as a way of thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily, upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions by individuals and couples, in order to promote the health and welfare of family groups and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country. The main objective was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding family planning and the practice of contraceptives among the antenatal women.Methods: A hospital based, cross sectional study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology department of SGT medical college, hospital and research institute over a period of 6 months. Convenient sampling was used to identify and interview 500 pregnant women, using a semi structured questionnaire. Data was entered and analysed with SPSSv21.Results: In our study, 74.2% participants have the knowledge about Cu-T as a method of contraception and 39% participants considered it a safe and economical method of contraception, 16.2% participants used PPIUCD and 40.2% considered it as unsafe method. Uses of PPIUCD was significantly associated with increasing age, illiteracy and non-working participants. Around one third participants were having uncertain attitude towards use of PPIUCD.Conclusions: In our study we observed that uses of PPIUCD is still lower side and there is a need to be motivate the people for effective and appropriate use of contraceptives when required and arrest the trend towards unwanted pregnancy.

    Isolation, characterization and comparative genomics of bacteriophage SfIV: a novel serotype converting phage from Shigella flexneri

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    BACKGROUND Shigella flexneri is the major cause of shigellosis in the developing countries. The O-antigen component of the lipopolysaccharide is one of the key virulence determinants required for the pathogenesis of S. flexneri. The glucosyltransferase and/or acetyltransferase genes responsible for the modification of the O-antigen are encoded by temperate serotype converting bacteriophage present in the S. flexneri genome. Several serotype converting phages have previously been isolated and characterized, however, attempts to isolate a serotype converting phage which encodes the modification genes of serotypes 4a strain have not been successful. RESULTS In this study, a novel temperate serotype converting bacteriophage SfIV was isolated. Lysogenisation of phage SfIV converted serotype Y strain to serotype 4a. Electron microscopy indicated that SfIV belongs to Myoviridae family. The 39,758 bp genome of phage SfIV encompasses 54 open reading frames (orfs). Protein level comparison of SfIV with other serotype converting phages of S. flexneri revealed that SfIV is similar to phage SfII and SfV. The comparative analysis also revealed that SfIV phage contained five proteins which were not found in any other phages of S. flexneri. These proteins were: a tail fiber assembly protein, two hypothetical proteins with no clear function, and two other unknown proteins which were encoded by orfs present on a moron, that presumably got introduced in SfIV genome from another species via a transposon. These unique proteins of SfIV may play a role in the pathogenesis of the host. CONCLUSIONS This study reports the isolation and complete genome sequence analysis of bacteriophage SfIV. The SfIV phage has a host range significantly different from the other phages of Shigella. Comparative genome analysis identified several proteins unique to SfIV, which may potentially be involved in the survival and pathogenesis of its host. These findings will further our understanding on the evolution of these phages, and will also facilitate studies on development of new phage vectors and therapeutic agents to control infections caused by S. flexneri

    Various cells of the immune system and intestine differ in their capacity to reduce hexavalent chromium

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    The cells of the immune system form a strong line of defence against foreign substances. The present study was undertaken to investigate the capacity of different cells of Wistar rats to reduce potentially carcinogenic hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI) into less toxic trivalent chromium in vitro. 5× 106 cells were incubated with 10 or 25 μ g ml-1 of Cr (VI) in the form of K2Cr2O7 at 37° C in the presence of 5% CO2 in air. At various time periods the remaining amount of Cr (VI) was measured and the percentage of Cr (VI) reduced was calculated. Among the single cell suspensions from the splenic cells a peak reduction of 55% was observed with the total spleen cells, 40% with the B-lymphocyte-enriched subpopulation, 10% with T-lymphocytes and 24% with the macrophages. The reduction by splenic and peritoneal macrophages was similar. Total thymocytes reduced 54% of the Cr (VI). Since the most common route of entry of chromium is through drinking water and food, intestinal cells were also investigated. Among the intestinal cells the maximum reduction of 100% (of 10 μ g ml-1) was observed with the upper villus cells and 72% with the middle villus cells while reduction was the least (4%) with the crypt cells. The reduction in the intestinal loop in situ was 100%. The time taken by each cell type for the peak reduction to Cr (VI) was markedly different. The findings thus show that the capacity of different cells in the body differs vastly in their capacity and time taken to reduce hexavalent chromium. The most efficient handling of Cr (VI) by the intestine, due to the presence of a variety of cells and bacteria, protects the body from its adverse effects
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