7 research outputs found


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    Reversible data hiding (RDH) continues to be intensively studied locally of signal processing. To judge the performance of the RDH formula, hiding rate and marked picture quality are essential metrics. There exists a trade-off together because growing the hiding rate frequently causes more distortion in image content. To measure the distortion, the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) value ofthemarked image is frequently calculated. The greatest two bins within the histogram are selected for data embedding to ensure that histogram equalization could be carried out by repeating the procedure. Alongside it details are to be embedded combined with the message bits into the host image so the original image is totally recoverable. The suggested formula was developed on two teams of images to demonstrate its efficiency. Within this letter, a manuscript reversible data hiding (RDH) algorithmic suggested for digital images. Rather than attempting to keep the PSNR value high, the suggested formula improves the contrast of the image to enhance its visual quality. To the best understanding, it's the first algorithm that accomplishes image contrast enhancement with data hiding. In addition, the evaluation results reveal that the visual quality could be preserved after a great deal of message bits happen to be embedded into the contrast-enhanced images, better still than three specific MATLAB functions employed for image contrast enhancement.

    Antibiotic regimens utilization in treating community acquired pneumonia of a government practice setting: a prospective observational study in medical inpatients

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    Background: Pneumonia is a lower respiratory tract infection characterized by inflammation of lung tissue accompanied by infiltration of alveoli and bronchioles. Most common type is community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Initial therapy is usually empirical that is designed to treat various pathogens. In CAP cases, antibiotic therapy should begin at the earliest. The objectives of the study include to identify most common causative micro-organisms, to assess risk of developing CAP in patients having co-morbidities, to identify most commonly prescribed antibiotic regimen.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for period of 6 months at RIMS, Kadapa. 120 patients were recruited based on inclusion criteria. Treatment was given according to Infectious Diseases Society of America and American Thoracic Society guidelines.Results: In a total of 120 patients, 77 were males and 43 were females. 69 patients belong to 46-55 & above age groups. 84 patients had social habits and 36 patients are without social habits. Patients with single lobe infiltrations are 105 and patients with multiple lobe infiltrations are 15. In our study, streptococcus pneumoniae and pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most common isolated organisms. Monotherapy was given for 7 patients, dual therapy for 97 patients and triple therapy for 16 patients. 33 patients received ceftriaxone (CEF) and augmentin (AUG), 29 patients received CEF and azithromycin (AZI), 7 patients received levofloxacin (LEV), 25 patients received CEF and LEV, 10 patients received CEF and ciprofloxacin (CIP) and 16 patients received CEF, AUG and AZI. 100 patients had less than 8 days of hospital stay.Conclusions: Research study concluded that β lactum antibiotics were the most commonly prescribed class. CEF and AUG was highly recommended drug regimen

    Assessment of Anthelmintic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Musa sapientum Stem: An In-Vitro Approach

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    Many medicinal plants claimed to possess anthelmintic activity. Musa sapientum belonging to the Musaceae family is a highly valued plant, distributed in many countries of the tropical and sub tropical. Its common names includes banana. Some standard drugs such as piperazine citrate, albendazole, mebendazole, thiabendazole possess some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach and abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, and temporary hair loss etc. But the herbal drug shows fewer side effects. Musa sapientum L. (Musaceae) are mainly grown in the tropical and subtropical countries and are widely used for its nutritional values all over the world. Preliminary phytochemical investigation includes the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids and tannins. Indian adult earthworms (Pheretima posthuma) were used to study anthelmintic activity. The activity was checked in ethanolic extract with three different concentrations (100, 200, 300mg/ml) and compared with the standard drug Albendazole (10mg/ml) and control as distilled water. The result was expressed in the terms of paralysis time and death time of worms. Ethanolic extract of Musa sapientum stem shows anthelmintic activity in dose dependent manner and maximum efficacy is seen at 300mg/ml concentration. Hence it was concluded that ethanolic extract of Musa sapientum stem have anthelmintic property. Keywords: Musa sapientum, earthworms, anthelmintic activity, albendazole, paralysis, Pheretima posthuma

    Performance of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) under Spacing and Nutrient Management Practices in Cauvery Command Area

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    An investigation was carried out at the Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Vishweshwaraiah Canal Farm, Mandya, Karnataka, spanning from September to December in both 2020 and 2021. The purpose was to analyze how varying spacing and nutrient management practices affect the yield and growth rate of chia plants. The study involved two different spacings (S) and six levels of organic nutrients (N). Employing a 2 × 6 × 3 factorial experiment design within a randomized complete block framework with three replications, the experiment was conducted over a two-year period. The spacing of 60 cm × 15 cm (S2) resulted in notably higher absolute growth rates (1.00 and 1.87 g/day, respectively at 30 – 60 and 60 – 90 DAS) and biomass duration (221.84, 893.45 and 2182.73 days, respectively at 0 – 30, 30 – 60 and 60 – 90 DAS). Conversely, for relative growth rate (1.67 and 1.19 g/g/day × 10-2, respectively at 30 – 60 DAS and 60 – 90 DAS) and leaf area ratio (2180.90, 1967.19 and 1522.35 cm2/g × 10-2, respectively at 30, 60 and 90 DAS), higher values were observed with 45 cm × 15 cm spacing (S1). Among the various organic nutrient levels, the highest absolute growth rate (1.09 and 2.01 g/day, respectively at 30 – 60 and 60 – 90 DAS) and biomass duration (259.18, 1009.48 and 2403.23 days, respectively at 0 – 30, 30 – 60 and 60 – 90 DAS) were recorded with N6, while greater relative growth rate (1.86 and 1.20 g/g/day × 10-2, respectively at 30 – 60 DAS and 60 – 90 DAS) and leaf area ratio (2616.15, 2206.54 and 1723.31 cm2/g × 10-2, respectively at 30, 60 and 90 DAS) were found with N1. The interaction between spacing and organic nutrient levels did not yield any significant differences with respect to absolute growth rate, biomass duration, relative growth rate and leaf area ratio