30 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatiotemporal autocorrelation of daily concentrations of Alnus, Betula, and Corylus pollen in Poland

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    The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of temporal and space–time autocorrelation of pollen counts of Alnus, Betula, and Corylus in the air of eight cities in Poland. Daily average pollen concentrations were monitored over 8 years (2001–2005 and 2009–2011) using Hirst-designed volumetric spore traps. The spatial and temporal coherence of data was investigated using the autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions. The calculation and mathematical modelling of 61 correlograms were performed for up to 25 days back. The study revealed an association between temporal variations in Alnus, Betula, and Corylus pollen counts in Poland and three main groups of factors such as: (1) air mass exchange after the passage of a single weather front (30–40 % of pollen count variation); (2) long-lasting factors (50–60 %); and (3) random factors, including diurnal variations and measurements errors (10 %). These results can help to improve the quality of forecasting models

    Oak pollen in the air of Poland in 2017

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    The aim of the study was to compare the pollen season of oak in the cities of Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Katowice, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora in 2017. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method (Hirst type pollen sampler). Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was estimated as the sum of daily average pollen concentrations in the given season. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 98% of the annual total catch occurred. The pollen season of oak started first in Szczecin, on the 1st April, and lasted till the end of May. At the latest pollen season ended in Olsztyn on the 1st June. However, in the most of other cities the season lasted till the end of May. The differences of pollen seasons duration were considerables from 28 to 56 days. The highest, record airborne concentration of 342 pollen grains/m3 was noted in Warsaw on the 17th May. The maximum values of seasonal pollen count occurred between of 11th and 20th May. The highest oak pollen allergen hazard occurred in 2017 in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Lublin and Warsaw

    Extension of WRF-Chem for birch pollen modelling – a case study for Poland.

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    In recent years, allergies due to airborne pollen have shown an increasing trend, along with the severity of allergic symptoms in most industrialised countries, while synergism with other common atmospheric pollutants has also been identified as affecting the overall quality of citizenly’ life. In this study we propose the state-of-the-art WRF-Chem model, which is a complex Eulerian meteorological model integrated on-line with atmospheric chemistry. We used a combination of the WRF-Chem extended towards birch pollen, and the emission module based on heating degree days, which has not been tested before. The simulations were run for the moderate season in terms of birch pollen concentrations (year 2015) and high season (year 2016) over Central Europe, which were validated against 11 observational stations located in Poland. The results show that there is a big difference in the model’s performance for the two modelled years. In general, the model overestimates birch pollen concentrations for the moderate season and highly underestimates birch pollen concentrations for the year 2016. The model was able to predict birch pollen concentrations for first allergy symptoms (above 20 pollen m-3) as well as for severe symptoms (above 90 pollen m-3) with Probability of Detection at 0.78 and 0.68 and Success Ratio at 0.75 and 0.57, respectively for the year 2015. However, the model failed to reproduce these parameters for the year 2016. The results indicate the potential role of correcting the total seasonal pollen emission in improving the model’s performance, especially for specific years in terms of pollen productivity. The application of chemical transport models such as WRF-Chem for pollen modelling provides a great opportunity for simultaneous simulations of chemical air pollution and allergic pollen with one goal, which is a step forward for studying and understanding the co-exposure of these particles in the air

    Pyłek Artemisia w powietrzu Lublina,Polska (2001–2012)

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    The most frequent Artemisia species found in Poland are ruderal plants and garden or field weeds. Some species can be grown as ornamental, medicinal, or spice plants. Pollen grains of Artemisia contain strong allergens and cause allergic reactions during the late summer period. The aim of the study was to analyse the Artemisia pollen seasons in Lublin, to determine the effects of meteorological conditions on the occurrence of pollen grains of this taxon in the air and to develop statistical predictive models. The present study investigated Artemisia pollen concentrations in the air of Lublin in the period 2001–2012. Aerobiological monitoring was conducted by the standard volumetric method using a Hirst-type sampler (Lanzoni VPPS 2000). The method is currently recommended by the International Association for Aerobiology. The atmospheric Artemisia pollen season lasted on average from the second 10-day period of July to the middle of September. The highest pollen concentrations usually occurred in the first ten-day period of August. The season start date was characterized by the lowest variation, while the daily maximum pollen concentration values showed the highest variation. Forecasting models for the pollen season start date and duration as well as for the seasonal pollen index were developed using regression analysis. The obtained forecast models largely explain the variation of the season parameters. Regression analysis can be successfully used to predict the Artemisia pollen season features on the basis of meteorological data. The most frequent Artemisia species found in Poland are ruderal plants and garden or field weeds. Some species can be grown as ornamental, medicinal, or spice plants. Pollen grains of Artemisia contain strong allergens and cause allergic reactions during the late summer period. The aim of the study was to analyse the Artemisia pollen seasons in Lublin, to determine the effects of meteorological conditions on the occurrence of pollen grains of this taxon in the air and to develop statistical predictive models. The present study investigated Artemisia pollen concentrations in the air of Lublin in the period 2001–2012. Aerobiological monitoring was conducted by the standard volumetric method using a Hirst-type sampler (Lanzoni VPPS 2000). The method is currently recommended by the International Association for Aerobiology. The atmospheric Artemisia pollen season lasted on average from the second 10-day period of July to the middle of September. The highest pollen concentrations usually occurred in the first ten-day period of August. The season start date was characterized by the lowest variation, while the daily maximum pollen concentration values showed the highest variation. Forecasting models for the pollen season start date and duration as well as for the seasonal pollen index were developed using regression analysis. The obtained forecast models largely explain the variation of the season parameters. Regression analysis can be successfully used to predict the Artemisia pollen season features on the basis of meteorological data.Najczęściej występujące w Polsce gatunki Artemisia to rośliny ruderalne lub chwasty ogrodowe i polne. Niektóre uprawiane są jako rośliny ozdobne, lecznicze lub przyprawowe. Ziarna pyłku Artemisia zawierają silne alergeny, które wywołują reakcje uczuleniowe u wielu osób w okresie póĨnoletnim. Celem pracy była analiza zawartości ziaren pyłku bylicy w powietrzu Lublina w ciągu 12 lat badań (2001–2012) oraz określenie zależności między parametrami sezonu pyłkowego a czynnikami meteorologicznymi, a także opracowanie modeli prognostycznych. Monitoring aerobiologiczny prowadzono metodą wolumetryczną, zalecaną przez Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Aerobiologiczne, z zastosowaniem aparatu typu Hirsta (Lanzoni VPPS 2000). Atmosferyczny sezon pyłkowy Artemisia trwał średnio od drugiej dekady lipca do połowy września. Największe koncentracje pyłku występowały zwykle w pierwszej dekadzie sierpnia. Najmniejsze zróżnicowanie rejestrowano dla dat rozpoczęcia sezonu, natomiast największe dla wartości maksymalnych stężeń. Przy zastosowaniu analizy regresji utworzono modele prognostyczne dla początku i długości sezonu pyłkowego oraz sezonowego indeksu pyłkowego. Otrzymane modele w dużym stopniu wyjaśniają zmienność parametrów sezonu. Analiza regresji może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywana do prognozowania cech sezonu pyłkowego bylicy na podstawie danych meteorologicznych

    The airborne pollen calendar for Lublin, central-eastern Poland

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    An aerobiological study was conducted to investigate the quantity and quality of pollen in the atmosphere of Lublin in central-eastern Poland. Pollen monitoring was carried out in the period 2001–2012 using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap. The atmospheric pollen season in Lublin lasted, on average, from the end of January to the beginning of October. The mean air temperature during the study period was found to be higher by 1.1 °C than the mean temperature in the period 1951–2000. 56 types of pollen of plants belonging to 41 families were identified. 28 types represented woody plants and 28 represented herbaceous plants. The study distinguished 5 plant taxa the pollen of which was present most abundantly in the air of Lublin, which altogether accounted for 73.4%: Betula, Urtica, Pinus, Poaceae, and Alnus. The mean annual pollen index was 68 706; the largest amount of pollen was recorded in April and accounted for 33.3% of the annual pollen index. The pollen calendar included 28 allergenic plant taxa. The pollen of woody plants had the highest percentage in the pollen spectrum, on average 58.4%. The parameters of the pollen calendar for Lublin were compared with the calendar for central-eastern Europe with regard to the start of the pollen season of particular taxa. The pollen calendar for Lublin was demonstrated to show greater similarity to the calendar for Münster (Germany) than to the calendar for Bratislava (Slovakia)

    Plant pollen content in the air of Lublin (central-eastern Poland) and risk of pollen allergy

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    Pollen monitoring was carried out in Lublin in 2001–2012 by the volumetric method using a Hirst-type spore trap (Lanzoni VPPS 2000). Daily pollen concentrations considerably differed in the particular years. The pollen counts with the biggest variability were observed in the first half of a year when woody plants flowering. The highest annual pollen index were noted for the following taxa: [i]Betula, Urtica,[/i] Pinaceae, Poaceae and [i]Alnus[/i]. [i]Betula[/i] annual total showed the greatest diversity in the study years. The number of days on which the pollen concentration exceeded the threshold values, thereby inducing allergies, was determined for the taxa producing the most allergenic pollen. The above-mentioned taxa primarily included the following: Poaceae, in the case of which the highest number of days with the risk of occurrence of pollen allergy was found (35), [i]Betula[/i] (18), and [i]Artemisia[/i] (10). The following taxa:[i] Alnus[/i] (14 days), [i]Populus[/i] (11 days), [i]Fraxinus[/i] (10 days), and [i]Quercus[/i] (8 days), were also characterized by a large number of days on which their pollen concentrations exceeded the threshold values. The occurrence of periods of high concentration of particular pollen types were also noted. Risk of pollen allergy appeared the earliest at the beginning of February during [i]Alnus [/i]and [i]Corylus[/i] blooming. High concentrations of other woody plants were recorded from the last ten days of March to about 20 May, and of herbaceous plants from the first/last half of May – beginning of October

    Ocena obfitości pożytku pyłkowego leszczyny (Corylus spp.) na podstawie przebiegu sezonów pyłkowych w Lublinie w latach 2001-2010

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    Corylus avellana belongs to early spring pollen sources for Apis mellifera. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the dynamics of the Corylus pollen seasons over a 10-year study period (2001–2010). The study was carried out in Lublin by the volumetric method that is currently used in aerobiology. Years of abundant pollen production by this taxon were determined, as well as the period of maximum pollen release in each year, which is associated with the availability of large amounts of pollen to bees. Thermal conditions accompanying the beginning of pollen shed and the conditions prevailing during abundant pollen shed were presented. In particular years, the start of the Corylus pollen seasons was recorded between 9 January and 25 March, with an average temperature of 4.1°C. The duration of the pollen season varied between 19 and 78 days. Years of the highest hazel pollen production were as follows: 2006, 2010, 2007, and 2005. The period of pollen abundance, associated with the presence of high Corylus pollen content in the air, was recorded most frequently in the second half of March and at the beginning of April, with the average temperature between 2.4 and 14.4°C, with the 10-year mean value of 8.1°C. At the temperature of 8°C, the honey bee undertakes its first foraging trips, among others, to search for water and collect pollen. The present study showed that the nitrogen content in Corylus pollen grains was 4.82%, while the protein content 30.13%, which demonstrates the significant nutritional value of this pollen.Corylus avellana należy do wczesnowiosennych pożytków pyłkowych (pollen flow) Apis mellifera. Celem pracy była ocena dynamiki sezonów pyłkowych Corylus w ciągu 10 lat badań (2001–2010) w warunkach Lublina. Badania prowadzono metodą wolumetryczną, stosowaną aktualnie w aerobiologii. Wyznaczono lata obfitego pylenia tego taksonu oraz okres maksymalnego uwalniania pyłku w każdym roku, który jest związany z dostępnością dużej ilości pyłku dla pszczół. Przedstawiono warunki termiczne towarzyszące początkowi pylenia oraz panujące w czasie obfitego pylenia. Początek sezonów pyłkowych Corylus notowano w poszczególnych latach między 9.01 a 25.03 przy średniej temperaturze 4,1°C. Długość sezonu pyłkowego wynosiła 19–78 dni. Lata największej produkcji pyłku leszczyny to: 2006, 2010, 2007, 2005. Okres obfitego pylenia, związany z obecnością dużej zawartości pyłku Corylus w powietrzu, notowano najczęściej w drugiej połowie marca i na początku kwietnia, kiedy średnia temperatura wynosiła 2,4–14,4°C, z wartością średnią z dziesięciu lat 8,1°C. Przy temperaturze 8°C odbywają się pierwsze obloty pszczoły miodnej mające na celu m.in. poszukiwanie wody i zbieranie pyłku. W badaniach wykazano, że zawartość azotu w ziarnach pyłku Corylus wynosiła 4,82%, a zawartość białka 30,13%, co wskazuje na znaczną wartość pokarmową tego pyłku

    Cechy ekologiczne kwiatów Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. oraz charakterystyka sezonów pyłkowych Ambrosia L. w warunkach Lublina (Poland) w latach 2001-2008

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    In the study, the biology of fl owering of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. was investigated and the pattern of the Ambrosia pollen seasons in Lublin in the years 2001-2008 was characterised. The structure of male and female A. artemisiifolia fl owers was observed in cultivated plants under controlled conditions in the 2000 vegetative season. The number of pollen grains produced by the stamen, fl ower, infl orescence and plant was determined. It was shown that in A. artemisiifolia fl owers nonfunctional pistils occurred with a reduced ovary, performing the role of a pollen presenter. The pistils found in female fl owers differed signifi cantly in their morphological features from the pistils in male fl owers. It was calculated that one stamrn produced an average of 3 375 pollen grains, whereas one fl ower 16 875. A plant which produces 20 racemes may release over 420 million pollen grains into the atmosphere. The Ambrosia pollen seasons in particular years had different patterns. In some years, the days of maximum concentration were in the second half of August, in other years in the fi rst half of September. Over the 8-year period, the maximum daily concentration had a mean value of 116 pollen grains in m3 (31-311). Annual total concentrations of Ambrosia pollen grains ranged between 194 and 1200 grains, and it was 523 grains on the average. The pollen seasons were characterised by the occurrence of several-day-long interruptions in the presence of airborne pollen in the atmosphere of Lublin, which may indicate the long-distance transport of Ambrosia pollen.W pracy badano biologię kwitnienia Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. oraz scharakteryzowano przebieg sezonów pyłkowych Ambrosia w Lublinie w latach 2001-2008. Budowę kwiatów męskich i żeńskich A. artemisiifolia obserwowano u roślin uprawianych w warunkach kontrolowanych w sezonie wegetacyjnym 2000 roku. Określono liczbę ziaren pyłku wytwarzanych przez pręcik, kwiat kwiatostan i roślinę. Wykazano, że w kwiatach męskich A. artemisiifolia występują niefunkcjonalne słupki ze zredukowaną zalążnią, pełniące rolę prezenterów pyłkowych. Słupki znajdujące się w kwiatach żeńskich różniły się znacznie cechami morfologicznymi od słupków w kwiatach męskich. Obliczono, że jeden pręcik wytwarza średnio 3 375 ziaren pyłku, jeden kwiat 16 875. Roślina, która wytwarza 20 gron może uwolnić do atmosfery ponad 420 mln ziaren pyłku. Sezony pyłkowe Ambrosia miały w poszczególnych latach różny przebieg. Dni maksymalnych koncentracji przypadały w niektórych latach w drugiej połowie sierpnia, w innych w pierwszej połowie września. Maksymalne dobowe stężenie miało w ciągu 8 lat średnią wartość 116 ziaren pyłku w m3 (31-311). Roczne sumy stężeń ziaren pyłku Ambrosia wahały się od 194 do 1200 ziaren, średnio wynosiły 523 ziarna. Sezony pyłkowe charakteryzowały się występowaniem kilkudniowych przerw w obecności pyłku w atmosferze Lublina, co może wskazywać na daleki transport pyłku Ambrosia

    Analysis of Fraxinus pollen seasons and forecast models based on meteorological factors

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    Introduction and objective. The timings of Fraxinus and Betula flowering and pollen release overlap, which may cause increased allergic reactions in sensitive people. The aim of the present study was to characterize Fraxinus pollen seasons in Lublin (central-eastern Poland) and to identify meteorological factors that most determine the occurrence of airborne pollen of this taxon, as well as obtain forecast models for the basic characteristics of the pollen season. Materials and method. The study was conducted in Lublin during the period 2001–2016, employing the volumetric method. The seasons were compared by PCA (Principal Component Analysis). To determine relationships between meteorological conditions and the pattern of pollen seasons, regression analysis was used. Data for the period 2001–2015 were used to create forecast models by applying regression analysis, while the 2016 data served to verify these models. Results. Season end date and seasonal peak date were characterized by the lowest variation. The biggest differences were found for peak value and total annual pollen sum. The average dates of occurrence of ash pollen grains in the air of Lublin were between 13 April 13 – 3 May 3, whereas, on average, the pollen peak date occurred on 23 April. The factor loading values for the PC1 variable indicate that it is most strongly correlated with peak value and total pollen sum, while the PC2 variable correlated with the pollen season start date and season duration (a negative correlation). Regression models were developed for the following pollen season characteristics: season start, end and duration, seasonal peak date, and total annual pollen sum. Conclusions. The fit of the forecast models was at the level of 62–94%. Analysis of the data showed that weather conditions mainly in February were important factors controlling the Fraxinus pollen season