39 research outputs found

    Multi-Dimensional Cosmology and GUP

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    We consider a multidimensional cosmological model with FRW type metric having 4-dimensional space-time and dd-dimensional Ricci-flat internal space sectors with a higher dimensional cosmological constant. We study the classical cosmology in commutative and GUP cases and obtain the corresponding exact solutions for negative and positive cosmological constants. It is shown that for negative cosmological constant, the commutative and GUP cases result in finite size universes with smaller size and longer ages, and larger size and shorter age, respectively. For positive cosmological constant, the commutative and GUP cases result in infinite size universes having late time accelerating behavior in good agreement with current observations. The accelerating phase starts in the GUP case sooner than the commutative case. In both commutative and GUP cases, and for both negative and positive cosmological constants, the internal space is stabilized to the sub-Planck size, at least within the present age of the universe. Then, we study the quantum cosmology by deriving the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and obtain the exact solutions in the commutative case and the perturbative solutions in GUP case, to first order in the GUP small parameter, for both negative and positive cosmological constants. It is shown that good correspondence exists between the classical and quantum solutions.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, minor revision, references adde


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    A multi-dimensional cosmology with FRW type metric having four-dimensional spacetime and d-dimensional Ricci-flat internal space is considered with a higher-dimensional cosmological constant. The classical cosmology in commutative and Doubly Special Relativity–Generalized Uncertainty Principle (DSR–GUP) contexts is studied and the corresponding exact solutions for negative and positive cosmological constants are obtained. In the positive cosmological constant case, it is shown that unlike the commutative as well as GUP cases, in DSR–GUP case both scale factors of internal and external spaces after accelerating phase will inevitably experience decelerating phase leading simultaneously to a big crunch. This demarcation from GUP originates from the difference between the GUP and DSR–GUP algebras. The important result is that unlike GUP which results in eternal acceleration, DSR–GUP at first generates acceleration but prevents the eternal acceleration at late-times and turns it into deceleration

    Avoiding BBN Constraints on Mirror Models for Sterile Neutrinos

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    We point out that in models that explain the LSND result for neutrino oscillation using the mirror neutrinos, the big bang nucleosynthesis constraint can be avoided by using the late time phase transition that only helps to mix the active and the sterile neutrinos. We discuss the astrophysical as well as cosmological implications of this proposal.Comment: 5 pages, latex; more discussion added; results unchange

    Mathisson-Papapetrou equations in metric and gauge theories of gravity in a Lagrangian formulation

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    We present a simple method to derive the semiclassical equations of motion for a spinning particle in a gravitational field. We investigate the cases of classical, rotating particles (pole-dipole particles), as well as particles with intrinsic spin. We show that, starting with a simple Lagrangian, one can derive equations for the spin evolution and momentum propagation in the framework of metric theories of gravity and in theories based on a Riemann-Cartan geometry (Poincare gauge theory), without explicitly referring to matter current densities (spin and energy-momentum). Our results agree with those derived from the multipole expansion of the current densities by the conventional Papapetrou method and from the WKB analysis for elementary particles.Comment: 28 page

    Multitemporal generalization of the Tangherlini solution

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    The n-time generalization of the Tangherlini solution [1] is considered. The equations of geodesics for the metric are integrated. For n=2n = 2 it is shown that the naked singularity is absent only for two sets of parameters, corresponding to the trivial extensions of the Tangherlini solution. The motion of a relativistic particle in the multitemporal background is considered. This motion is governed by the gravitational mass tensor. Some generalizations of the solution, including the multitemporal analogue of the Myers-Perry charged black hole solution, are obtained.Comment: 14 pages. RGA-CSVR-005/9

    Geophysical constraints on mirror matter within the Earth

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    We have performed a detailed investigation of geophysical constraints on the possible admixture of mirror matter inside the Earth. On the basis of the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM) -- the `Standard Model' of the Earth's interior -- we have developed a method which allows one to compute changes in various quantities characterising the Earth (mass, moment of inertia, normal mode frequencies etc.)due to the presence of mirror matter. As a result we have been able to obtain for the first time the direct upper bounds on the possible concentration of the mirror matter in the Earth. In terms of the ratio of the mirror mass to the Earth mass a conservative upper bound is 3.8×1033.8\times 10^{-3}. We then analysed possible mechanisms (such as lunar and solar tidal forces, meteorite impacts and earthquakes) of exciting mirror matter oscillations around the Earth centre. Such oscillations could manifest themselves through global variations of the gravitational acceleration at the Earth's surface. We conclude that such variations are too small to be observed. Our results are valid for other types of hypothetical matter coupled to ordinary matter by gravitation only (e.g. the shadow matter of superstring theories).Comment: 25 pages, in RevTeX, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Neutrino physics and the mirror world: how exact parity symmetry explains the solar neutrino deficit, the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and the LSND experiment

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    Evidence for νˉμνˉe\bar \nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \bar \nu_e oscillations has been reported at LAMPF using the LSND detector. Further evidence for neutrino mixing comes from the solar neutrino deficit and the atmospheric neutrino anomaly. All of these anomalies require new physics. We show that all of these anomalies can be explained if the standard model is enlarged so that an unbroken parity symmetry can be defined. This explanation holds independently of the actual model for neutrino masses. Thus, we argue that parity symmetry is not only a beautiful candidate for a symmetry beyond the standard model, but it can also explain the known neutrino physics anomalies.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, no figures, additional discussion on big bang nucleosynthesis, some additional references, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Mirror World, Supersymmetric Axion and Gamma Ray Bursts

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    A modification of the relation between axion mass and the PQ constant permits a relaxation of the astrophysical constraints, considerably enlarging the allowed axion parameter space. We develop this idea in this paper, discussing a model for an {\it ultramassive} axion, which essentially represents a supersymmetric Weinberg-Wilczek axion of the mirror world. The experimental and astrophysical limits allow a PQ scale f_a ~ 10^4-10^6 GeV and a mass m_a ~ 1MeV, which can be accessible for future experiments. On a phenomenological ground, such an {\it ultramassive} axion turns out to be quite interesting. It can be produced during the gravitational collapse or during the merging of two compact objects, and its subsequent decay into e+e- provides an efficient mechanism for the transfer of the gravitational energy of the collapsing system to the electron-positron plasma. This could resolve the energy budget problem in the Gamma Ray Bursts and also help in understanding the SN type II explosion phenomena.Comment: 20 pages, 5 eps figures, added footnote and reference

    Nucleation of (4)R^{(4)}R Brane Universes

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    The creation of brane universes induced by a totally antisymmetric tensor living in a fixed background spacetime is presented, where a term involving the intrinsic curvature of the brane is considered. A canonical quantum mechanical approach employing Wheeler-DeWitt equation is done. The probability nucleation for the brane is calculated taking into account both an instanton method and a WKB approximation. Some cosmological implications arose from the model are presented.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Leptogenesis via Collisions: Leaking Lepton Number to the Hidden Sector

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    We propose a lepto-baryogenesis mechanism in which the non-zero B-L of the universe is produced in out-of-equilibrium, lepton number and CP violating scattering processes that convert ordinary particles into particles of some hidden sector. In particular, we consider the processes lϕ>lϕ,lˉpˉhil \phi > l' \phi', \bar l' \bar phi' mediated by the heavy Majorana neutrinos NN of the seesaw mechanism, where ll and ϕ\phi are ordinary lepton and Higgs doublets and ll', ϕ\phi' their hidden counterparts. Such a leptogenesis mechanism is effective even if the reheating temperature is much smaller than the heavy neutrino masses. In particular, it can be as low as 10910^{9} GeV.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 figures; as to appear in PRL, supplemented with an additional remar