356 research outputs found
Robust filtering: Correlated noise and multidimensional observation
In the late seventies, Clark [In Communication Systems and Random Process
Theory (Proc. 2nd NATO Advanced Study Inst., Darlington, 1977) (1978) 721-734,
Sijthoff & Noordhoff] pointed out that it would be natural for , the
solution of the stochastic filtering problem, to depend continuously on the
observed data . Indeed, if the signal and the observation
noise are independent one can show that, for any suitably chosen test function
, there exists a continuous map , defined on the space of
continuous paths endowed with the uniform convergence
topology such that , almost surely; see, for example,
Clark [In Communication Systems and Random Process Theory (Proc. 2nd NATO
Advanced Study Inst., Darlington, 1977) (1978) 721-734, Sijthoff & Noordhoff],
Clark and Crisan [Probab. Theory Related Fields 133 (2005) 43-56], Davis [Z.
Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 54 (1980) 125-139], Davis [Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 27
(1982) 160-167], Kushner [Stochastics 3 (1979) 75-83]. As shown by Davis and
Spathopoulos [SIAM J. Control Optim. 25 (1987) 260-278], Davis [In Stochastic
Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications,
Proc. NATO Adv. Study Inst. Les Arcs, Savoie, France 1980 505-528], [In The
Oxford Handbook of Nonlinear Filtering (2011) 403-424 Oxford Univ. Press], this
type of robust representation is also possible when the signal and the
observation noise are correlated, provided the observation process is scalar.
For a general correlated noise and multidimensional observations such a
representation does not exist. By using the theory of rough paths we provide a
solution to this deficiency: the observation process is "lifted" to the
process that consists of and its corresponding L\'{e}vy area
process, and we show that there exists a continuous map , defined
on a suitably chosen space of H\"{o}lder continuous paths such that
, almost surely.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP896 the Annals of
Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Stretching Single Domain Proteins: Phase Diagram and Kinetics of Force-Induced Unfolding
Single molecule force spectroscopy reveals unfolding of domains in titin upon
stretching. We provide a theoretical framework for these experiments by
computing the phase diagrams for force-induced unfolding of single domain
proteins using lattice models. The results show that two-state folders (at zero
force) unravel cooperatively whereas stretching of non-two-state folders occurs
through intermediates. The stretching rates of individual molecules show great
variations reflecting the heterogeneity of force-induced unfolding pathways.
The approach to the stretched state occurs in a step-wise "quantized" manner.
Unfolding dynamics depends sensitively on topology. The unfolding rates
increase exponentially with force f till an optimum value which is determined
by the barrier to unfolding when f=0. A mapping of these results to proteins
shows qualitative agreement with force-induced unfolding of Ig-like domains in
titin. We show that single molecule force spectroscopy can be used to map the
folding free energy landscape of proteins in the absence of denaturants.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 6 ps figure
Mechanical response of random heteropolymers
We present an analytical theory for heteropolymer deformation, as exemplified
experimentally by stretching of single protein molecules. Using a mean-field
replica theory, we determine phase diagrams for stress-induced unfolding of
typical random sequences. This transition is sharp in the limit of infinitely
long chain molecules. But for chain lengths relevant to biological
macromolecules, partially unfolded conformations prevail over an intermediate
range of stress. These necklace-like structures, comprised of alternating
compact and extended subunits, are stabilized by quenched variations in the
composition of finite chain segments. The most stable arrangements of these
subunits are largely determined by preferential extension of segments rich in
solvophilic monomers. This predicted significance of necklace structures
explains recent observations in protein stretching experiments. We examine the
statistical features of select sequences that give rise to mechanical strength
and may thus have guided the evolution of proteins that carry out mechanical
functions in living cells.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
Reversible stretching of homopolymers and random heteropolymers
We have analyzed the equilibrium response of chain molecules to stretching.
For a homogeneous sequence of monomers, the induced transition from compact
globule to extended coil below the -temperature is predicted to be
sharp. For random sequences, however, the transition may be smoothed by a
prevalence of necklace-like structures, in which globular regions and coil
regions coexist in a single chain. As we show in the context of a random
copolymer, preferential solvation of one monomer type lends stability to such
structures. The range of stretching forces over which necklaces are stable is
sensitive to chain length as well as sequence statistics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
Projet « cabinets de groupe » : collaboration entre médecine de premier recours et psychiatrie [« Group medical practices » project : collaboration between primary care medicine and institutional public psychiatry]
Collaboration between primary care medicine and psychiatry is a well-known challenge. In order to improve access to psychological care for patients undergoing primary care, the « group medical practices » project proposes a collaborative care model in which a psychiatrist employed by a public psychiatric institution integrates group medical practices in order to provide assistance to primary care physicians. It is thus able to evaluate patients directly in the practices and to offer supervision and consilium spaces to primary care physicians
Mechanical Strength of 17 134 Model Proteins and Cysteine Slipknots
A new theoretical survey of proteins' resistance to constant speed stretching
is performed for a set of 17 134 proteins as described by a structure-based
model. The proteins selected have no gaps in their structure determination and
consist of no more than 250 amino acids. Our previous studies have dealt with
7510 proteins of no more than 150 amino acids. The proteins are ranked
according to the strength of the resistance. Most of the predicted top-strength
proteins have not yet been studied experimentally. Architectures and folds
which are likely to yield large forces are identified. New types of potent
force clamps are discovered. They involve disulphide bridges and, in
particular, cysteine slipknots. An effective energy parameter of the model is
estimated by comparing the theoretical data on characteristic forces to the
corresponding experimental values combined with an extrapolation of the
theoretical data to the experimental pulling speeds. These studies provide
guidance for future experiments on single molecule manipulation and should lead
to selection of proteins for applications. A new class of proteins, involving
cystein slipknots, is identified as one that is expected to lead to the
strongest force clamps known. This class is characterized through molecular
dynamics simulations.Comment: 40 pages, 13 PostScript figure
Spatio-temporal dynamics of quantum-well excitons
We investigate the lateral transport of excitons in ZnSe quantum wells by
using time-resolved micro-photoluminescence enhanced by the introduction of a
solid immersion lens. The spatial and temporal resolutions are 200 nm and 5 ps,
respectively. Strong deviation from classical diffusion is observed up to 400
ps. This feature is attributed to the hot-exciton effects, consistent with
previous experiments under cw excitation. The coupled transport-relaxation
process of hot excitons is modelled by Monte Carlo simulation. We prove that
two basic assumptions typically accepted in photoluminescence investigations on
excitonic transport, namely (i) the classical diffusion model as well as (ii)
the equivalence between the temporal and spatial evolution of the exciton
population and of the measured photoluminescence, are not valid for
low-temperature experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Single Molecule Statistics and the Polynucleotide Unzipping Transition
We present an extensive theoretical investigation of the mechanical unzipping
of double-stranded DNA under the influence of an applied force. In the limit of
long polymers, there is a thermodynamic unzipping transition at a critical
force value of order 10 pN, with different critical behavior for homopolymers
and for random heteropolymers. We extend results on the disorder-averaged
behavior of DNA's with random sequences to the more experimentally accessible
problem of unzipping a single DNA molecule. As the applied force approaches the
critical value, the double-stranded DNA unravels in a series of discrete,
sequence-dependent steps that allow it to reach successively deeper energy
minima. Plots of extension versus force thus take the striking form of a series
of plateaus separated by sharp jumps. Similar qualitative features should
reappear in micromanipulation experiments on proteins and on folded RNA
molecules. Despite their unusual form, the extension versus force curves for
single molecules still reveal remnants of the disorder-averaged critical
behavior. Above the transition, the dynamics of the unzipping fork is related
to that of a particle diffusing in a random force field; anomalous,
disorder-dominated behavior is expected until the applied force exceeds the
critical value for unzipping by roughly 5 pN.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figure
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