801 research outputs found

    Where the Action Is: Innovative State Health Care Initiatives

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    Where the Action Is: Innovative State Health Care Initiatives

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    Status of Women Employees in NGOs: A Qualitative Analysis

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    The scope for best practices in social work profession is largely evident from understanding the functioning of Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs). The economic aspect of any profession is crucial in determining the dignity of life of the employee.  It is especially noted that, in most of the NGOs, women form the major workforce especially at the field work and project implementation levels (Vasan, 2004). Loads of admiration for achievements of NGOs are often boasted out; however a little is heard about NGOs as employers. The wages paid to the NGO workers are found to be very less. The study briefly analyses the economic exploitation which happens in the NGOs with the help of three case studies.The study also looks into the gender aspects of economic division. A brief enquiry is made through the opinion of the selected subjects about any gender based disparity existing in NGO sector in terms of economic allocations. The paper points out to the need of self reflection from the part of social work professionals. The study increasingly identifies the fact that actual practice is far away from what is being preached. Gender and economy are the two crucial aspects while considering NGOs as workplace (Mitra, 2013). The paper highlights the need for fixing standardized salary and working conditions for the workers, especially women and also the need for adopting a special labour policy for the employees in NGOs. This study also hopes to provide suggestions for making NGOs gender sensitive workplaces. Keywords: NGO employees, Economic exploitation, Gender disparit

    Classification Model for Bullying Posts Detection

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    Nowadays, many research tasks are concentrating on Social Media for Analyzing Sentiments and Opinions, Political Issues, Marketing Strategies and many more. Several text mining structures have been designed for different applications. Harassing is a category of claiming social turmoil in different structures and conduct toward a singular or group, to damage others. Investigation outcomes demonstrated that 7 young people out of 10 become the casualty of cyber bullying. Throughout the world, many prominent cases are existing due to the bad communications over the Web. So there could be suitable solutions for this problem and there is a need to eradicate the lacking in existing strategies in dealing problems with cyber bullying incidents. A prominent aim is to design a scheme to alert the people those who are using social networks and also to prevent them from bullying environments. Tweet corpus carries the messages in the text as well as it has ID, time, and so forth. The messages are imparted in informal form and furthermore, there is variety in the dialect. So, there is a requirement to operate a progression of filtration to handle the raw tweets before feature extraction and frequency extraction. The idea is to regard each tweet as a limited blend over a basic arrangement of topics, each of which is described by dissemination over words, and after that analyze tweets through such topic dispersions. Naturally, bullying topics might be related to higher probabilities for bullying words. An arrangement of training tweets with both bullying and non-bullying texts are required to take in a model that can derive topic distributions from tweets. Topic modeling is used to get lexical collocation designs in the irreverent content and create significant topics for a model

    Maternal mortality in a tertiary care hospital: a 3-year retrospective study

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    Background: Systematic review to determine the epidemiological aspects and causes of maternal mortality there by exploring possibility of intervention and implementing Evidence-based health policies and programmes to prevent future maternal death. Aims and objectives of the study were to calculate the maternal mortality rate in our hospital, to assess the epidemiological aspects of maternal mortality, to assess the type of delay and causes of maternal mortality and to suggest ways to reduce the MMR.Methods: This is a 3-year retrospective study from January 2017 to December 2019 that will be conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, The Apollo medical college and District hospital, Chittoor a tertiary care teaching hospital situated in the southernmost part of Andhra Pradesh state in India. It gets a large number of referrals from PHCs, CHCs, and maternity homes as well as from hospitals across Chittoor district. Epidemiological data will be collected from the hospital register. Maternal mortality ratio, epidemiological factors and causes affecting maternal mortality are assessed.Results: MMR in present study was 66 per 1,00,000 live births. Women in the age group of 20 to 30 years (85.72%), illiteracy (57.16%) and low socioeconomic status (100%) were risk factors for maternal mortality. Obstetric haemorrhage (57.16%) is most common cause whereas type 1 and type 2 delays are most common contributing factors for maternal mortality.Conclusions: Early identification and management of pregnancy complication, strengthening of existing Emergency obstetric care (EmOC) facilities, easy transport and appropriate referral linkages are keys to reduce maternal mortality to further extent

    Barriers to Management Intensive Grazing by Southern Dairy Farmers

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    Abstract Interest in Management Intensive Grazing (MIG) [a situation where grazing animals are moved to a fresh pasture every few days in order to have access to adequate forage] practices by farmers have increased steadily over the years. Many research publications on grazing advocate the financial and environmental benefits of grazing. Understanding the challenges of MIG can be an important piece of information for a dairy farmer. A survey was conducted to determine how farmers in the southeastern region perceive the barriers to the adoption of MIG. A greater percentage of MIG southeastern farmers were satisfied or very satisfied with their farm profit level compared to other practices. However, the amount of work to start pasture management, and the lack of on-farm technical assistance were barriers for many MIG operations. Keywords: Management Intensive Grazing, Grazing Systems, Southern Dairy Farmers, Dairy Farmer

    Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of ecosystem-based adaptation: Kamiesberg wetlands case study

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    Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is increasingly being promoted as a cost-effective means of adaptation to climate change. However, in spite of considerable international press, there is still little evidence to substantiate this claim. This study proposes a method through which the cost-effectiveness of EbA strategies can be evaluated against alternative adaptation options, and contributes to South African literature on the subject. The potential cost-effectiveness of wetland restoration is assessed as a means of securing the carrying capacity of land for pastoralist communities of the Kamiesberg communal area in South Africa under projected future climate conditions. The conventional alternatives would be to respond to increasingly dry conditions by drilling boreholes and using supplemental feed for livestock. It was assumed that the EbA interventions would occur upfront, whereas the alternatives are more likely to be implemented in reaction to droughts over a longer time period. The study found the implementation of conventional alternatives to be more cost-effective than EbA as a means to sustaining livestock stocking rates, with EbA being twice as costly. However, this is framed from the perspective of those directly affected (the landowners), and does not include the benefits to broader society

    Incidence and risk factors associated with ectopic pregnancy: a prospective study

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    Background: Increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy and its impact on women’s fertility in recent years need significant attention.Methods: A two years prospective study from January 2018 to December 2019 conducted to determine incidence, association of risk factors with ectopic pregnancy and find the most common risk factor of ectopic pregnancy in department of obstetrics and Gynaecology, a tertiary care Hospital in Pune.Results: During the study period 100 patients were diagnosed to have ectopic pregnancy. Incidence was 5.29 per 1000 births. Majority were in the age group of 20-24 years (42%), multiparous (59%) and belong to low socioeconomic state (62%). In majority of the patients (22%) no risk factors was found. Among the patients who had risk factors, the main risk factors for ectopic pregnancy were history of history of pelvic inflammatory disease (20%), previous tubal/abdominal surgery (12%), history of Infertility (10%), previous termination of pregnancy (10%), contraception with mirena IUS or IUCD in situ (8%) and a history of prior ectopic pregnancy (4%).Conclusions: In majority (78%) of patients risk factors for ectopic pregnancy was present and pelvic inflammatory disease was found to be a major risk factor for ectopic pregnancy

    Bioactivities of extracts from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea

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    In the present study, we screened the biological activity of extracts from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea collected in the Arabian Sea. Crude toxin was obtained by methanol, chloroform-methanol (2:1) and aqueous extraction. Subsequently, the protein concentration of each crude extract was determined. The impact of both sponge methanolic and aqueous extracts was found to increase activities of Na+-K+ ATP-ase and Mg++ ATP-ase. In the case of chloroform-methanol extract, higher concentrations increased acetylcholine esterase (AchE) activity. The methanolic and chloroform-methanol extracts exhibited hemolytic activity on chicken and human erythrocytes, whereas the aqueous extract failed to do so. Methanol and aqueous extracts produced an immunostimulating effect and all extracts revealed angiogenic activity. The aqueous extract yielded nine bands by SDS-PAGE on 12% gel