627 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Firewall dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Divisi IT Perbankan

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    Today, the development of information technology in the banking world is very fast. The dependence of banking on information technology is very high. Innovation is always strived to have excellence in customer service than competitors. PT. Bank Danamon provides Firewall Management System services to enable every activity to gain access to each application. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of Firewall Management system implementation in PT. Bank Danamon by adopting the DeLone and McLean models for the successful implementation of information systems. Sampling with questionnaire used in this research with 220 questionnaires distributed to users of IT infrastructure at PT. Bank Danamon, Kebon Sirih branch. Data processing and analysis in this research using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method with assumption hour hypothesis using AMOS (Analysis Moment of Structural) statistic software. The result of analysis shows that information quality and system quality have positive and significant effect on user satisfaction, while service quality has no effect. The results also show that user satisfaction has positive and significant impact on individual performance. Further research can improve the model and sampling method that will be used by other financial services

    Studi Indeks Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan Gubernur H.bastari Kota Palembang dengan Metode Greenberg pada Kondisi Siang dan Malam Hari dengan Pencahayaan Lampu Jalan

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    Sebuah jalan raya yang baik akan memungkinkan pengguna jalan untuk menggunakan jalan dengan rasa aman dan nyaman dalam berjalan kaki maupun berkendara baik di siang hari dan malam hari. Dimana lampu jalan merupakan alat bantu dalam penerangan jalan di saat malam hari yang berguna bagi pengguna jalan raya, yang dapat memberikan Kenyamanan pada saat berkendara maupun berjalan kaki. Pada jalan Gubernur H.Bastari Kota Palembang terdapat lampu jalan yang masih aktif dan beroprasi dengan baik sehingga akan di teliti apakah dengan adanya lampu jalan terdapat perbedaan kecepatan kendaraan pada saat siang hari dengan malam hari dan apakah lampu jalan memiliki pengaruh terhadap kapasitas jalan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian yang mengunakan metode Greenberg yang menyatakan bahwa distribusi kecepatan kendaraan di jalan Gubernur H.Bastari pada kondisi siang hari 85% melaju dengan kecepatan 57km/jam dan 56km/jam, dan 15% kendaraan dengan kecepatan 37km/jam dan 31km/jam.Untuk di malam hari 85% melaju dengan kecepatan 61km/jam dan 49km/jam, dan15% kendaraan dengan kecepatan 42km/jam dan 34km/jam. Selisih antara pengguna kendaraan siang dan malam hari 85% adalah 4 km/jam dan 7km/jam. Sedangkan untuk selisih 15% adalah 5 km/jam dan 3 km/jam. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa kualitas pelayanan jalan pada kondisi siang dan malam hari tidak berubah secara signifikan atau pengaruh lampu jalan tidak mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan jalan. Berdasarkan data dari grafik pada bab IV mengenai grafik indeks tingkat pelayanan, menunjukkan bahwa jalan Gubernur H.Bastari termasuk kedalam kategori tingkat pelayanan E yang dimana arus kendaraan mulai tidak stabil. Dari hasil uji hipotesis dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa kualitas pelayanan jalan pada kondisi siang dan malam hari tidak berubah secara signifikan atau pengaruh lampu jalan tidak terlalu mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan jalan

    Keterampilan Mahasiswa dalam Mengidentifikasi Tumbuhan di Lingkungan Universitas Majalengka sebagai Kompetensi Mata Kuliah Morfologi Tumbuhan

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    Masalah pokok dalam peneltian ini adalah menganalisis keterampilan mahasiswa pendidikan biologi dalam mengidentifikasi tumbuhan sebagai kompetensi matakuliah Morfologi Tumbuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mencari spesimen yang ditemukan berdasarkan kelompok yang berbeda yaitu kelompok tiga yang pencapaian sangat tinggi sekitar 33,3 %, kelompok satu 26,6% dan 22,8% untuk mahasiswa kelompok dua. Sedangkan untuk mengukur kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengidentifikasi tumbuhan berdasarkan indikator bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengidentifikasi tumbuhan berdasarkan indikator yang dicapai hanya ada mahasiswa terlihat mampu dalam indikator mengamati ciri-ciri spesimen tumbuhan sedangkan indikator lainnya belum mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Mahasiswa kelompok satu dan kelompok tiga yang mampu mencapai hasil maksimal yaitu rata-rata skor 2,8 (kategori baik) sedangkan indikator yang lainnya tidak mencapai hasil yang maksimal (tidak baik) yaitu rata-rata skor 2,1-2,6.

    Korelasi Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah dengan Kecerdasan Naturalis melalui Model Guided Inquiry Menggunakan Macromedia Flash pada Konsep Ekosistem

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan kecerdasan naturalis melalui model guided inquiry menggunakan macromedia flash pada konsep ekosistem. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode korelasional dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VII MTs Negeri 2 Kabupaten Majalengka, sebanyak 6 kelas. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling sebanyak 1 kelas, kelas yang dijadikan kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas VII E yang diberi perlakuan model guided inquiry menggunakan macromedia flash. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan penilaian kemampuan memecahkan masalah yang terdiri dari 5 indikator (penyajian data, mengumpulkan data verifikasi, mengumpulkan data eksperimen, organisasi data dan formulasi kesimpulan, analisis proses). 30 butir soal berbentuk pilihan ganda untuk mengukur kecerdasan naturalis. Teknik analisis data uji prasyarat analisis dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu uji normalitas kolmogorov-smirnov dan uji linearitas, dan uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis korelasi Bivariate Person menggunakan SPSS 21. Hasil penelitian, analisis data menunjukkan nilai Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,777 > 0,05 bahwa data berasala dari distribusi normal, nilai signifikansi (Sig.) linearitas adalah 0,676 > 0,05 dan nilai Fhitung 0,396 < Ftabel 3,32. dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan linear secara signifikan antara kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan kecerdasan naturalis, dan pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,005 < 0,05 dan berdasarkan nilai r hitung 0,460 > r tabel 0,334, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara variabel kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan variabel kecerdasan naturalis menggunakan model guided inquiry menggunakan macromedia flash bahwa ada korelasi positif antara kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan kecerdasan naturalis melalui model guided inquiry menggunakan macromedia flash

    The Effect of Car, Npl and Bopo on Profitability and Stock Returns in the Banking Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2009-2013.

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    Each investor in stock invesment aims to acquire stock returns. All informations about return and risk of stock investment becomes very important for investors to considered on an investment. Before decide where to invest, investors usually conduct an analysis of the factors that affect stock returns. This research was conducted to examine the effect of CAR, NPL and BOPO on Profitability and Stock returns in the banking listed on the Stock Exchange in 2009-2013. The population used is all banking companies listed on the BEI as many as 41 companies. After used the purposive sampling method, then the sample used is 21 bankings. The analysis technique used in this study is path analysis. The results of this study indicate that CAR and BOPO have significant effect on Profitability, while the NPL has no significant effect, on Profitability. NPL, BOPO and Profitability have a significant effect on Stock Returns while the CAR has no significant effect on Stock Returns. So that the management are should pay attention to the level of efficiency of its operations to improve Profitability and Stock Returns

    Relations Characteristic of Workers and Personality Type with Unsafe Action on Stevedore at Container Terminal X

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    The port activity in Indonesia is directly proportional to the increased risk of the accident in port. Loading and unloading activity in port was dominated by human labor. Some studies showed that the human factor had a significant contribution to the accident through unsafe actions in working. The risky activity was influenced by an intrinsic factor such as characteristic of workers and personality type. This research aimed to know which element in the characteristics of workers and personality type (introverted and extrovert) that tended to be unsafe action. This research used observational analytic research with a cross-sectional study with total sample of 60 people (stevedores). The data used was primary and secondary data through field observation and the interview. Data analysis technique in this research was the use of cross-tabulating. To see the relation between variables used spearman test correlation for the characteristics of workers, and a chi-square test for personality type, the data was processed by SPSS applications. The results showed that characteristic workers and personality type and unsafe action were a relatively weak, but there was one a variable that had relations strong enough, namely variable knowledge by a correlation coefficient of (0.417). It needs evaluation for terminal container X to reduce the risk of the accident caused by unsafe actions. Keywords: Unsafe actions; characteristic of workers; personality type; stevedore; loading and unloadin

    Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Box Beam Strengthened with CFRP U-Wrap Strips Under Torsion

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    The present study focuses on the torsional strengthening behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) box section beams that are widely used in bridges. Four RC box beams were fabricated, and three of them were wrapped by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) U-wrap strips with or without longitudinal strips. The different wrapping configuration, cracking angle, failure pattern, and tensile strain of fibers were investigated and discussed accordingly. The experimental results addressed that U-wrap strips strengthening also can upgrade the ultimate torque of beams moderately. In particular, using U-wrap and longitudinal strips to bond the box beams increased the torsional stiffness slightly. The same equation from different codes for calculating RC specimens can accurately predict the ultimate strength of the control beam, but the calculation of the fib model overestimated the torsional strengthening improvement of the wrapped specimens. However, Ghobarah et al. assumed approximately 3000με of the average ultimate fiber strain in calculating the ultimate strength of the wrapped box beams which shows in relatively appropriate agreement with testing results

    Pembuatan Pakan Lele Di USAha Kecil Menengah Budidaya Ikan Lele Di Desa Marga Agung Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    Marga Agung Village, which located at Jatiagung district, South Lampung has many developed SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) such as oyster mushroom, crickets, and catfish SMEs. Yet amidst those potential, Marga Agung Village has not fully optimize the knowledge or innovation in order to develop their SMEs. Like instance, the growing demand of catfish from culinary industry, supposed to be provide benefits to catfish SMEs, but the fact still does not meet expectations, because many Catfish Entrepreneus suffer a great loss to operate the business. Community service activities that we do focused on company owned by Mr. sugeng that engaged in breeding catfish. After some Survey and interview in catfish breeding company belonged to Mr. Sugeng, we find substantial problems, that is: catfish food bought from the market are too expensive, and because of that affected to the low income of catfish breeding company owned by Mr. Sugeng. The Solution that we have made, to solve the problems is to create artificial food as a cheap alternative and healthy feed for catfish, with Counselling methods and demonstrations

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Bank Umum Di Indonesia

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    S During 2000-2004 Indonesian banking had increased their performance, but in 2005 it had decreased. The objective of this study is to analyze Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), and Biaya Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) to Return on Asset (ROA). The financial reports of 84 banks were the population and by using purposive random sampling methods, 59 of them were used as sample. The multiple regression analyzes were used to test hypothesis. The results shows that variables CAR, LDR, and BOPO were significantly influences ROA, but not for variables NPL and DER. CAR, LDR, and NPL have positive influence to ROA, meanwhile BOPO and DER have negative influence

    The Cell Division Gene Ftsz2 of Sinorhizobium Meliloti is Expressed At High Levels in Host Plant Medicago Truncatula Nodules in the Absence of Sini

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    In this study, we investigated the role of quorum sensing (QS) in expression of the Sinorhizobium meliloti cell division gene ftsZ2 in free-living cells and within nodules of its host plant, Medicago truncatula. Using a ftsZ2 promoter reporter fusion, we were able to track the expression of this gene in wild-type S. meliloti cells and QS mutant backgrounds in planta. Our findings revealed that expression of ftsZ2 in free-living cells was changed or reduced in sinI mutant cells compared with wild-type cells while expression in planta was substantially higher in the absence of sinI. The results further clarify the involvement of quorum sensing in the control of bacterial cell division during the symbiosis in planta