489 research outputs found

    Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau dari Kepercayaan Diri dan Keaktifan Siswa di Kelas

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    . The purpose of the study was to analyze whether there is influence confidence and activity of students in the class of the mathematics achievement class VIII SMP Negeri 208 Jakarta. The research method in this study is a survey method through correlation techniques. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP 208. Sampling techniques using random sampling techniques,. The amount of a sample group of 40 students. Confidence data collection instruments, and active participation by students in class with each of 30 questionnaires and data collection Mathematics Learning Achievement through documents UAS value. Then test data requirements that normality test with chi-square test, which marks the third data Xh <Xt, namely Confidence (5.65 <7.815), active participation by students in Grades (1.42 <7.815), mathematics Learning Achievement (0, 39 <7.815), then three normal distribution. The next test of linearity regression with ? = 0.05. Mathematics Learning Achievement on Self Confidence Fh <Ft (1.015 <2.35), then H0 is accepted concluded subsequent linear regression model patterned Mathematics Learning Achievement of the activeness of students in Grades Fh <Ft (0.4753 <2.13) H0 accepted, patterned linear regression model. Hypothesis testing technique used is the technique of double correlation. Double correlation test with ? = 0.05, then to DK1 = 2 and obtained Ftabel dk2 = 37 = 3.25. Because Fh> Ft (6.87 <3.25) is high, we conclude that together a significant difference between Confidence and active participation by students in Grades towards mathematics achievemen

    Status Penelitian Cendana Di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Cendana (Santalum album L.) adalah hasil hutan yang tergolong sangat penting dari Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), karena merupakan spesies endemik yang terbaik di dunia dan mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Dewasa ini populasinya sudah semakin menurun. Oleh sebab itu dalam pemanfaatan perlu segera diikuti upaya pelestarian. Untuk mewujudkan upaya tersebut sebagaimana yang diharapkan, dukungan teknologi sangat diperlukan. Balai Penelitian Kehutanan (BPK) Kupang yang berkedudukan di daerah inti produksi cendana telah berupaya secara sungguh-sungguh untuk menyediakan teknologi yang dibutuhkan lewat kegiatan penelitian. Paket-paket teknologi hasil penelitian cendana yang telah dihasilkan dan sudah dapat diujicobakan untuk pengembangannya di lapangan antara lain teknik pembuatan Hutan Tanaman dengan menggunakan sistem tumpangsari, pengelolaan tegakan alam lewat permudaan tunas akar yaitu dengan pemotongan akar lateral pohon induk cendana dan teknik penggalian tunggak akar yang dilaksanakan saat penebangan, penentuan target tebangan tahunan yang berdasarkan data jumlah pohon masak tebang, kandungan teras dan daur/umur pohon cendana. Dalam rangkamendapatkan benih cendana dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang memadai dewasa ini upaya pemuliaan pohon cendana telah mulai dilakukan. Kegiatan yang sedang berjalan antara lain pemilihan calon pohon plus, uji keturunan, uji provenan, teknik kultur jaringan,penunjukan tegakan benih dan pembangunan kebun benih. Adapun hasil sementara kegiatan ini telah dilakukan penunjukan pohon plus sebanyak 175 pohon beserta uji keturunanya di Pulau Timor, pembangunan kebun benih seluas 4 ha, kultur jaringan cendana seperti pengembangan eksplan, pengakaran dan pembentukan kalus, dari kultur jaringan, uji provenansi dan penunjukan tegakan benih. Sebagian besar penelitian ini berlangsung dalam jangka panjang. Kebijakan pengelolaan cendana di NTT yang diatur oleh PERDA No.16 tahun 1986 masih rendah memberikan kontribusi bagi upaya pelestarian cendana secara berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu aturan ini perlu disempurnakan agar dapat menguntungkan masyarakat dan pemerintah agar mampu mendorong partisipasi masyarakat dalam upaya pelestarian cendana. Paket-paket teknologi yang dihasilkan BPK Kupang yang sudah siap untuk dikembangkan perlu diangkat menjadi kebijakan dalam rangka membantu pelestarian cendana

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Increased Plant Growth and Nutrient Concentrations of Milkwood Tropical Tree Species Alstonia Scholaris Under Greenhouse Conditions

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on the early growth of Alstonia scholaris (milkwood) seedlings. The seedlings were inoculated with Glomus clarum Nicholson & Schenk, Gigaspora decipiens Hall & Abbott, Glomus sp. ACA Tulasne & Tulasne, Entrophospora sp. Ames & Scheneider, and Glomus sp. ZEA Tulasne & Tulasne, and uninoculated (control) under greenhouse conditions. Percentage of AM colonization, plant growth, survival rate, mycorrhizal dependency (MD), shoot nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations were measured after 150 days. Survival rates were higher in the AM-colonized seedlings at 150 days after transplantation than those in the control seedlings. Mycorrhizal Dependency (MD) values were 80, 78, 79, 78 and 78% in A. scholaris inoculated with G. clarum, G. decipiens, Glomus sp. ACA, Entrophospora sp., and Glomus sp. ZEA, respectively. Shoot N, P, K, Ca and Mg content of the seedlings were increased by AM fungi as much as 82-86, 81-86, 81-86, 88-91 and 85-90%, respectively. The percentage of AM colonization of A. scholaris ranged from 64 to 91 %. Colonization by five AM fungi increased plant height, diameter, total fresh weight, total dry weight and total length root. Glomus clarum was more effective in improving nutrient content and plant growth of A. scholaris than G. decipiens, Entrophospora sp., Glomus sp. ZEA and Glomus sp. ACA. Total root length of A. scholaris ranged from 1,180 to 1,310 cm. The results suggest that AM fungi can accelerate the establishment of the seedling stocks of A. scholaris. This finding would contribute to the effort of establishing A. scholaris plantation


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    PND41 Predicting EQ-5D Utility Scores from the Huntington quality of Life instrument (H-QOL-I)

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    Diagnosis and disclosure of HIV status: Implications for women’s risk of physical partner violence in the postpartum period

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    This study prospectively examined whether HIV leads to elevated risk for intimate partner violence (IPV) for women, and how this risk varies depending on HIV status disclosure to a partner
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