5 research outputs found

    Event-based modularization of reactive systems

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    There is a large number of complex software systems that have reactive behavior. As for any other software system, reactive systems are subject to evolution demands. This paper defines a set requirements that must be fulfilled so that reuse of reactive software systems can be increased. Detailed analysis of a set of representative languages reveals that these requirements are not completely fulfilled by the current programming languages and as such reuse of reactive systems remains a challenge. This paper explains Event Composition Model and its implementation the EventReactor language, which fulfill the requirements. By means of an example, the suitability of the EventReactor language in creating reusable reactive systems is illustrated

    On liberating programs from the von neumann architecture via event-based modularization

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    From the early days of computers, researchers have been trying to invent effective and efficient means for expressing software systems through the introduction of new programming languages. In the early days, due to the limitations of the technology, the abstractions of the programming languages were conceptually close to the abstractions of the von Neumann based realization platforms. With the advancement of the technology, computers have been increasingly applied for complex problems in different application domains. This required the challenge of designing programming languages that resemble more the semantics of software rather than the concepts of underlying machinery. To this aim, various new language concepts, such as object-oriented, aspect-oriented, and event-based languages have been introduced. While these languages were successful in enhancing the expression power of languages towards more semantic concerns of application domains, they fail in short in representing emergent behavioral patterns of software effectively. We outline a set of requirements to overcome these shortcomings, and explain the concept of event-based modularization as a possible solution

    Reactores MultifƔsicos. Apuntes

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    Material docente sobre los contenidos de la asignatura optativa del Grado de IngenierĆ­a QuĆ­mica de la Universidad de Barcelon