2,111 research outputs found

    Multi-View Frame Reconstruction with Conditional GAN

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    Multi-view frame reconstruction is an important problem particularly when multiple frames are missing and past and future frames within the camera are far apart from the missing ones. Realistic coherent frames can still be reconstructed using corresponding frames from other overlapping cameras. We propose an adversarial approach to learn the spatio-temporal representation of the missing frame using conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN). The conditional input to each cGAN is the preceding or following frames within the camera or the corresponding frames in other overlapping cameras, all of which are merged together using a weighted average. Representations learned from frames within the camera are given more weight compared to the ones learned from other cameras when they are close to the missing frames and vice versa. Experiments on two challenging datasets demonstrate that our framework produces comparable results with the state-of-the-art reconstruction method in a single camera and achieves promising performance in multi-camera scenario.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Accepted at IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 201

    Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Air Pendingin Kondensor Terhadap Tekanan Pada Beban Tetap

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    Fungsi utama kondensor uap pada suatu instalasi pembangkit tenaga uap adalah untuk mengkondensasikan uap buangan dari turbin dan dengan demikian rnemulihkan air-umpan berkualitas tinggi untuk dipakai Iagi dalam siklus. Jika air pendingin yang bersirkulasi cukup rendah, akan menimbulkan tekanan Balik yang rendah untuk membuang uap keluar dari turbin. Hal ini akan menurunkan tekanan akhir yang keluar dari turbin sehingga daya turbin akan menjadi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan instalasi yang tidak meggunakan kondensor. Atau dengan daya turbin yang tetap, efisiensi instalsi akan meningkat. Kondensor uap yang merupakan alat penukar kalor berpendingin air akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi air pendingin atau sirkulasi, baik suhu atau kebersihannya. Pada pembuatan tulisan ini akan diperhitungkan pengaruh dari variasi suhu air pendingin terhadap unjuk kerja kondensor. Perhitungan diambil berdasarkan data-data yang didapat dari PLTU Muara Karang unit 3. Hasil akhir dapat dilihat bahwa dengan sernakin tingginya suhu air pendingin, maka akan meningkatkan tekanan kondensor, suhu saturasi kondensor, beda suhu rata-rata, koefisien perpindahan kalor total dan beban kalor kondensor. Dan dari sini akan mengakibatkan makin menurunnya efisiensi termal siklus

    Dynamical studies of macroscopic superposition states: Phase engineering of controlled entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensate in multiple wells

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    We provide a scheme for the generation of entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensates in multiple wells with cyclic pairwise connectivity. The condensate ground state in a multiple well trap can self-evolve, when phase engineered with specific initial phase differences between the neighboring wells, to a macroscopic superposition state with controllable entanglement -- to multiple well generalization of double well NOON states. We demonstrate through numerical simulations the creation of entangled states in three and four wells and then explore the creation of "larger" entangled states where there are either a larger number of particles in each well or a larger number of wells. The type of entanglement produced as the particle numbers, or interaction strength, increases changes in a novel and initially unexpected manner.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Coherently controlled entanglement generation in a binary Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Considering a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential, a method to generate a Bell state consisting of two spatially separated condensates is suggested. For repulsive interactions, the required tunnelling control is achieved numerically by varying the amplitude of a sinusoidal potential difference between the wells. Both numerical and analytical calculations reveal the emergence of a highly entangled mesoscopic state.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, epl2.cl
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