482 research outputs found

    Dimensional reduction by pressure in the magnetic framework material CuF2_{2}(D2_{2}O)2_{2}pyz: from spin-wave to spinon excitations

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    Metal organic magnets have enormous potential to host a variety of electronic and magnetic phases that originate from a strong interplay between the spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom. We control this interplay in the quantum magnet CuF2_2(D2_2O)2_2pyz by using high pressure to drive the system through a structural and magnetic phase transition. Using neutron scattering, we show that the low pressure state, which hosts a two-dimensional square lattice with spin-wave excitations and a dominant exchange coupling of 0.89 meV, transforms at high pressure into a one-dimensional spin-chain hallmarked by a spinon continuum and a reduced exchange interaction of 0.43 meV. This direct microscopic observation of a magnetic dimensional crossover as a function of pressure opens up new possibilities for studying the evolution of fractionalised excitations in low dimensional quantum magnets and eventually pressure-controlled metal--insulator transitions

    Sulfatide in health and disease. The evaluation of sulfatide in cerebrospinal fluid as a possible biomarker for neurodegeneration

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    Sulfatide (3-O-sulfogalactosylceramide, SM4) is a glycosphingolipid, highly multifunctional and particularly enriched in the myelin sheath of neurons. The role of sulfatide has been implicated in various biological fields such as the nervous system, immune system, host-pathogen recognition and infection, beta cell function and haemostasis/thrombosis. Thus, alterations in sulfatide metabolism and production are associated with several human diseases such as neurological and immunological disorders and cancers. The unique lipid-rich composition of myelin reflects the importance of lipids in this specific membrane structure. Sulfatide has been shown to be involved in the regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation and in the maintenance of the myelin sheath by influencing membrane dynamics involving sorting and lateral assembly of myelin proteins as well as ion channels. Sulfatide is furthermore essential for proper formation of the axo-glial junctions at the paranode together with axonal glycosphingolipids. Alterations in sulfatide metabolism are suggested to contribute to myelin deterioration as well as synaptic dysfunction, neurological decline and inflammation observed in different conditions associated with myelin pathology (mouse models and human disorders). Body fluid biomarkers are of importance for clinical diagnostics as well as for patient stratification in clinical trials and treatment monitoring. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is commonly used as an indirect measure of brain metabolism and analysis of CSF sulfatide might provide information regarding whether the lipid disruption observed in neurodegenerative disorders is reflected in this body fluid. In this review, we evaluate the diagnostic utility of CSF sulfatide as a biomarker for neurodegenerative disorders associated with dysmyelination/demyelination by summarising the current literature on this topic. We can conclude that neither CSF sulfatide levels nor individual sulfatide species consistently reflect the lipid disruption observed in many of the demyelinating disorders. One exception is the lysosomal storage disorder metachromatic leukodystrophy, possibly due to the genetically determined accumulation of non-metabolised sulfatide. We also discuss possible explanations as to why myelin pathology in brain tissue is poorly reflected by the CSF sulfatide concentration. The previous suggestion that CSF sulfatide is a marker of myelin damage has thereby been challenged by more recent studies using more sophisticated laboratory techniques for sulfatide analysis as well as improved sample selection criteria due to increased knowledge on disease pathology

    Asymmetric Thermal Lineshape Broadening in a Gapped 3-Dimensional Antiferromagnet - Evidence for Strong Correlations at Finite Temperature

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    It is widely believed that magnetic excitations become increasingly incoherent as temperature is raised due to random collisions which limit their lifetime. This picture is based on spin-wave calculations for gapless magnets in 2 and 3 dimensions and is observed experimentally as a symmetric Lorentzian broadening in energy. Here, we investigate a three-dimensional dimer antiferromagnet and find unexpectedly that the broadening is asymmetric - indicating that far from thermal decoherence, the excitations behave collectively like a strongly correlated gas. This result suggests that a temperature activated coherent state of quasi-particles is not confined to special cases like the highly dimerized spin-1/2 chain but is found generally in dimerized antiferromagnets of all dimensionalities and perhaps gapped magnets in general

    Uniqueness of the asymptotic AdS3 geometry

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    We explicitly show that in (2+1) dimensions the general solution of the Einstein equations with negative cosmological constant on a neigbourhood of timelike spatial infinity can be obtained from BTZ metrics by coordinate transformations corresponding geometrically to deformations of their spatial infinity surface. Thus, whatever the topology and geometry of the bulk, the metric on the timelike extremities is BTZ.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, no figures, version that will appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    New symmetries of the chiral Potts model

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    In this paper a hithertho unknown symmetry of the three-state chiral Potts model is found consisting of two coupled Temperley-Lieb algebras. From these we can construct new superintegrable models. One realisation is in terms of a staggered isotropic XY spin chain. Further we investigate the importance of the algebra for the existence of mutually commuting charges. This leads us to a natural generalisation of the boost-operator, which generates the charges.Comment: 19 pages, improved notation, made the text easier to read, corrected some typo

    Three-Dimensional Fermi Surface of Overdoped La-Based Cuprates

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    We present a soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the overdoped high-temperature superconductors La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 and La1.8x_{1.8-x}Eu0.2_{0.2}Srx_xCuO4_4. In-plane and out-of-plane components of the Fermi surface are mapped by varying the photoemission angle and the incident photon energy. No kzk_z dispersion is observed along the nodal direction, whereas a significant antinodal kzk_z dispersion is identified. Based on a tight-binding parametrization, we discuss the implications for the density of states near the van-Hove singularity. Our results suggest that the large electronic specific heat found in overdoped La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 can not be assigned to the van-Hove singularity alone. We therefore propose quantum criticality induced by a collapsing pseudogap phase as a plausible explanation for observed enhancement of electronic specific heat

    Neutron powder diffraction study of NaMn2_2O4_4 and Li0.92_{0.92}Mn2_2O4_4: New insights on spin-charge-orbital ordering

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    The high-pressure synthesized quasi-one-dimensional compounds NaMn2_2O4_4 and Li0.92_{0.92}Mn2_2O4_4 are both antiferromagnetic insulators, and here their atomic and magnetic structures were investigated using neutron powder diffraction. The present crystal structural analyses of NaMn2O4 reveal that Mn3+/Mn4+ charge-ordering state exist even at low temperature (down to 1.5 K). It is evident from one of the Mn sites shows a strongly distorted Mn3+ octahedra due to the Jahn-Teller effect. Above TN = 39 K, a two-dimensional short-range correlation is observed, as indicated by an asymmetric diffuse scattering. Below TN, two antiferromagnetic transitions are observed (i) a commensurate long-range Mn3+ spin ordering below 39 K, and (ii) an incommensurate Mn4+ spin ordering below 10 K. The commensurate magnetic structure (kC = 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) follows the magnetic anisotropy of the local easy axes of Mn3+, while the incommensurate one shows a spin-density-wave order with kIC = (0,0,0.216). For Li0.92_{0.92}Mn2_2O4_4, on the other hand, absence of a long-range spin ordered state down to 1.5 K is confirmed.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure