47 research outputs found

    Presence of Caffeic Acid in Flaxseed Lignan Macromolecule

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    Phenolic compounds were extracted from defatted flaxseeds using ethanol-dioxane (1:1, v/v). The crude extract obtained was purified using Amberlite XAD-16 column chromatography with water and methanol as mobile phases. RP-HPLC and SE-HPLC showed a lignan macromolecule (LM) as a dominant phenolic compound in the purified extract. After the alkaline hydrolysis of LM caffeic acid glucoside (CaAG) was isolated using a semi-preparative HPLC and its structure was confirmed by LC-ESI-MS. In LM of the investigated flaxseed, one molecule of caffeic acid corresponded with five molecules of p-coumaric acid and two molecules of ferulic acid. The presence of caffeic acid in the lignan molecule might be very beneficial due to its high antioxidant activity

    The Lectin Receptor Kinase LecRK-I.9 Is a Novel Phytophthora Resistance Component and a Potential Host Target for a RXLR Effector

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    In plants, an active defense against biotrophic pathogens is dependent on a functional continuum between the cell wall (CW) and the plasma membrane (PM). It is thus anticipated that proteins maintaining this continuum also function in defense. The legume-like lectin receptor kinase LecRK-I.9 is a putative mediator of CW-PM adhesions in Arabidopsis and is known to bind in vitro to the Phytophthora infestans RXLR-dEER effector IPI-O via a RGD cell attachment motif present in IPI-O. Here we show that LecRK-I.9 is associated with the plasma membrane, and that two T-DNA insertions lines deficient in LecRK-I.9 (lecrk-I.9) have a ‘gain-of-susceptibility’ phenotype specifically towards the oomycete Phytophthora brassicae. Accordingly, overexpression of LecRK-I.9 leads to enhanced resistance to P. brassicae. A similar ‘gain-of-susceptibility’ phenotype was observed in transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing ipiO (35S-ipiO1). This phenocopy behavior was also observed with respect to other defense-related functions; lecrk-I.9 and 35S-ipiO1 were both disturbed in pathogen- and MAMP-triggered callose deposition. By site-directed mutagenesis, we demonstrated that the RGD cell attachment motif in IPI-O is not only essential for disrupting the CW-PM adhesions, but also for disease suppression. These results suggest that destabilizing the CW-PM continuum is one of the tactics used by Phytophthora to promote infection. As countermeasure the host may want to strengthen CW-PM adhesions and the novel Phytophthora resistance component LecRK-I.9 seems to function in this process

    Innowacyjność biogospodarki w Polsce w zakresie wykorzystania odpadów w 2013 roku (studium przestrzenne)

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    The article presents results of study on innovativeness of bioeconomy in Poland in the field of reuse of wastes. The research was carried out on the basis of a spatial reference system of voivodeships in reference to data from 2013. Innovativeness of bioeconomy in rational reuse of wastes is a complex phenomenon which is described by means of selected diagnostic variables. Subsequently, the method of the scope of multidimensional comparative analysis, that results in formulation of ranking with regard to the level of an examined complex phenomenon was described. Further the method proposed by author was applied and on its basis the objects (voivodeships) were categorized into four groups. The leading positions are occupied by the following voivodeships: Masovian, Silesian, Lower Silesian. Last places in the raking are taken by voivodeships located in the eastern part of the country and include the following voivodeships: Świętokrzyskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie. These voivodeships constitute the forth group, namely the most numerous but, at the same time, the weakest.Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań nad innowacyjnością biogospodarki w Polsce w zakresie wykorzystania odpadów. Badania przeprowadzono w układzie przestrzennym województw w oparciu o informacje z 2013 roku. Innowacyjność biogospodarki w racjonalnym wykorzystywaniu odpadów stanowi zjawisko złożone, które opisuje zestaw wybranych zmiennych diagnostycznych. Następnie opisano metodę z zakresu wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, która doprowadza do budowy rankingu ze względu na poziom analizowanego zjawiska złożonego. W dalszej kolejności obiekty (województwa) podzielono stosując proponowaną przez autora metodę podziału na 4 grupy. Czołowe lokaty zajmują województwa: mazowieckie, śląskie i dolnośląskie. Ostatnie miejsce w rankingu przypadają na województwa Ściany Wschodniej oraz na województwa: świętokrzyskie, lubuskie i opolskie. Województwa te tworzą najliczniejszą a zarazem najsłabszą grupę czwartą

    Struktura upraw rolnictwa ekologicznego wybranych krajów UE w latach 2004-2012

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the structures of land use in organic farming in the EU countries, for which EUROSTAT made the statistics available. The survey concerns the period between 2004 and 2012. The method of data clustering has been used there in order to classify the structure of land use. The taxonomic analysis allowed for differentiating 5 subgroups from the database. They have cross-sectional and time-series character as well as similar cropping patterns. The agricultural sector reacted to the increasing demand for organic products in two ways: by the extension of the crops’ acreage or by the change in the structures of land use (in order to match the product offer with the demand). However, the conducted surveys did not reveal the essential changes in the structures of land use. In consequence, a significant level of stabilization of supply’s structure was noted.Celem opracowania jest analiza struktury użytkowania gruntów wykorzystywanych przez rolnictwo ekologiczne w krajach należących do UE, dla których EUROSTAT udostępnił odpowiednie dane statystyczne. Badanie objęło lata 2004-2012. Do klasyfikacji struktury użytkowania gruntów zastosowano metodę analizy skupień. Analiza taksonomiczna umożliwiła wydzielenie ze zbioru danych 5 podgrup o charakterze przekrojowo-czasowym, które cechują się podobnymi strukturami upraw. Odpowiedzią sektora rolnego na wzrastający popyt na produkty ekologiczne jest zwiększanie areału upraw bądź zmiana struktury użytkowania ziemi (celem dopasowania oferty produktowej do popytu). Jednak, przeprowadzone badania nie wykazały zasadniczych zmian struktury wykorzystania gruntów w czasie, czego następstwem jest znaczny stopień stabilizacji struktury podaży