39 research outputs found

    Anatomical Changes of Light Coconut Wood (Cocos Nucifera L.) Due to Steam-press Densification

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    Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is known as 'multi-purposes tree' as almost all part of the tree can be utilised. Coconut timber utilization is limited on hard or denser part, while lighter coconut timber remains unused. Theoretically, mechanical densification could improve physical properties of light coconut timber, which may be useful for diversifying its uses. This study examined some anatomical changes in coconut wood that occurred during mechanical densification. Coconut wood samples measuring 40 mm thick, 40 mm wide and 50 cm long were steamed at 1260C for 30 minutes prior to being compressed by 23.75 kg/cm2 pressure. Anatomical measures were undertaken using light microscope and scanning electron microscope on both non-compressed and compressed samples. Results showed that the treatment significantly reduced void volume and increased vascular bundles frequency, decreased vessel and parenchyma cell diameter. The wood density also increased by more than 50%

    Implikasi Hukum Penyitaan Aset Hasil Tindak Pidana Korupsi Yang Hak Kepemilikannya Telah Dialihkan Pada Pihak Ketiga

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    Transfer of assets obtained from criminal acts committed by the perpetrators of corruption prevalent that aims to make the property is not known to exist by law enforcement officials. Perpetrators of corruption often divert the acquisition of such assets to a third party by using the legal instruments for the transfer of civil rights, so that investigators sometimes get legal obstacles if about to foreclosing on assets ownership rights have been transferred to third parties. Based on this background, the legal issues are: 1.) Are the assets acquired from the corruption that has transferred ownership rights to a third party to do foreclosure; and 2.) How is the status of civil rights of a third party as the holder of the right of ownership of the assets acquired from the proceeds of corruption. Theoretical basis used in the assessment relating to the research problem is Theory of Social Justice of John Rawls. To answer the problem formulated in this study, the authors used the type of normative juridical research, where legal research methods that will be used in this study is the legal research literature. The conclusions that can be drawn in this study are: 1.) The seizure of the objects related to a criminal act of corruption has been a legal requirement in order to enforce the law and justice, so that the act of confiscation of assets of crime committed against the assets of the perpetrator or assets who has switched ownership to a third party becomes very urgent, considering that in addition to the purposes of proof at trial, the evidence that seizure is also aimed at the recovery of financial losses caused by the state of corruption. 2.) The position of third parties in the mechanism of expropriation of assets through criminal law, in principle, the position of third parties are those parties other than the perpetrator / intellectual of a corruption cases, and with regard to confiscation aimed at assets that have been transferred to the The third then if the assets seized from a third party, the third party concerned shall prove that the acquisition of the asset acquisition is based on good faith

    Pengaruh Asetilasi Terhadap Penyerapan Uap Air Pada Dua Jenis Kayu Tropis

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    Proses asetilasi bertujuan mensubstitusi gugus hidroksil dalam kayu dengan gugus asetil. Denganmeningkatnya gugus asetil dalam kayu diharapkan mampu mengurangi kemampuan kayu menyerapmolekul air sehingga dimensi kayunya menjadi lebih stabil. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajaripenyerapan uap air pada kayu yang sudah diasetilasi. Studi dilakukan terhadap dua jenis kayu tropis yaitu:Anthocephalus chinensisdanCalophyllum sp. Pengujian penyerapan uap air dilakukan dengan metode isotherm menggunakan desikator dan larutan yang memiliki sifat higroskopis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kayu Anthocephalus yang diasetilasi secara efektif mampu mengurangi penyerapan uap air walaupun pada tingkat penambahan berat yang paling rendah. Pada kayuCalophyllum sp. penyerapan uap air berkurang secara nyata pada penambahan berat 10%. Penyerapan uap air bervariasi tergantung dari kelembaban kondisi pengujian dan membentuk model sigmoid dari kelembaban terendah (11%) sampai tertinggi (97%)

    Color Differences of Pine and Eucalypt Woods Measured by Microflash-200®

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    It is not easy to define color because it refers to psychological response of human. As a result, perception of color achieved by people is relatively different. Wood color plays an important role in timber processing and it is an important consideration in wood identification. Each wood species has specific color and it becomes the species characteristic. Colors in wood are highly variable and unique features. Characteristics of wood color are influenced by extractive materials and moisture contents present on it. A standard of color measurement has been developed and it is called CIE model. The standard was developed to be completely independent of any devices and was based as closely as possible on human observation in color. CIELAB system is one of the simplest and most practical color measurement methods. The system has been used in one of the color measurement devices developed by Data Color International that is Microflash-200®. This research was aimed at translating interpretation of wood color by human eye into mathematical values so that scientific measurement of wood color can be studied. The measured wood color were 10 species of pines and 10 species of eucalypts woods in dry condition. The results showed that the two groups had different average of L*, a* and b* values. The average of L* for pine was 70.77, while eucalypt group made up to 52.40. It means that eucalypt group is darker than pine group. For a* value, pine group mean value is 20.23, whereas eucalypt group touches 19.11. In other words, pine and eucalypt group have an approximately similar redness. The b* value average for pine and eucalypt groups are 43.40 and 29.07, respectively. This value means that pine group is more yellow than eucalypt group

    Perbandingan Persentase Volume Teras Kayu Jati Cepat Tumbuh Dan Konvensional Umur 7 Tahun Asal Penajam, Kalimantan Timur

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    Kayu jati (Tectona grandis L.f.) telah dikenal sebagai bahan baku mebel dan konstruksi dengan kualitas tinggi. Jati cepat tumbuh atau dikenal dengan nama dagang \u27Jati super\u27, \u27Jati unggul\u27, \u27Jati prima\u27 atau \u27Jati emas\u27 merupakan tanaman jati yang dikembangkan melalui kultur jaringan dan bertujuan menambah pasokan bahan baku kayu jati. Sedangkan kayu jati konvensional merupakan tanaman yang dikembangkan melalui perkecambahan biji. Informasi mengenai kualitas kayu jati cepat tumbuh belum diketahui. Salah satu parameter kualitas kayu jati dapat dilihat dari persentase kayu terasnya dalam batang. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan persentase teras kayu jati super dan konvensional pada umur dan lokasi yang sama. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa pada umur 7 tahun, kayu teras telah terbentuk pada seluruh lempengan kayu jati super maupun konvensional dari bagian ujung, tengah dan pangkal. Persentase kayu teras jati super rata-rata 39,6%, lebih besar dari jati konvensional 20,3%. Berdasarkan persentase kayu terasnya kayu jati konvensional lebih baik dari jati super. Namun, parameter kualitas kayu yang lain juga harus diperhatikan seperti kualitas serat, kandungan bahan kimia dan keawetan alaminya. Berdasarkan SNI 01-5007.1-2003, batang kayu jati super dan konvensional pada umur 7 tahun dapat masuk dalam kriteria kayu bulat kecil (KBK, A.I.)

    Anatomical and Physical Propertiesof Bisbul Wood (Diospyros Blancoi A.dc.)

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    Ebony (Diospyros sp.) is a heavy hardwood that is popularly known as blackwood. Diospyros consists of over 300 species spread throughout tropics area and about 100 species occur in Indonesia. Bisbul wood (Diospyros btancoi A.DC.) is one species of streaked ebony that is locally known as 'buah mentega'. The anatomical and physical properties of bisbul were studied to collect information for wood identification and to support appropriate use of the timber. Anatomical properties were studied from microtome sectioned samples, which have been coloured by safranin and mounted by entellan, while fiber dimensions were studied from macerated samples. Physical properties of bisbul wood studied include moisture content, density and percentage of volumetric shrinkage. Moisture content and density were studied from 20 x 20 x 20 mm samples based on wet and oven dry condition. Volumetric shrinkage was measured from dimension changes in radial, tangential and longitudinal shrinkage of 20 x 20 x 40 mm samples. The samples were measured in wet and oven dry conditions. The main anatomical characteristics to identify bisbul wood were black wood with pinkish streaked, heavy and very hard, very fine texture, even, lustrous surface and glossy, distinct growth ring, small size of vessels, apotracheal parenchyma forming reticulate pattern. The average moisture content was 59.86 ± 2.84%, the density average was 0.74 ± 0.04 gr/cm3 and volumetric shrinkage was 10.41±0.70%. The higher the stem, the more moisture content and the lower the density will be. Sapwood density was lower and had more moisture content than heartwood. The black pinkish heavy wood, bisbul was recommended to be used for carvings, sculpture, souvenir and luxuryinterior products

    Ketahanan Empat Jenis Kayu Hutan Tanaman terhadap Beberapa Jamur Perusak Kayu

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    Pada umumnya kayu dari hutan tanaman memiliki diameter kecil dan mudah terserang jamur Perusak kayu. Ketahanan empat jenis kayu hutan tanaman (Acacia aulacocar pa A. Cunn., Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn., Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn., dan Eucalyptus pellita F.v.M.) diuji terhadap jamur menggunakan standar DIN 52176 yang telah dimodifikasi. Contoh uji dibagi dalam dua kelompok secara radial, yaitu bagian tepi dan dalam dolok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kayu Acacia aulacocar pa dan Eucalyptus pellita termasuk kelompok kayu agak-tahan (kelas III) dan kayu Acacia auriculiformis dan Acacia crassicarpa termasuk kelompok kayu tidak-tahan (kelas IV).Berdasarkan dua kelompok contoh uji, kehilangan berat kayu bagian dalam sebesar 6,3% (kelas III) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kehilangan berat kayu bagian tepi sebesar 12,4% (kelas IV). Kehilangan berat tertinggi (36,8%) terjadi pada bagian tepi kayu Acacia crassicarpa yang diletakkan pada biakan Polyporus sp. Sedangkan kehilangan berat terendah (0,8%) terjadi pada bagian dalam kayu Acacia crassicarpa yang diletakkan pada biakan Pycnoporus sanguineus HHB-8149. Berdasarkan kemampuan jamur untuk melapukkan kayu, kemampuan tertinggi dijumpai pada Tyromyces palustris, kemudian diikuti Polyporus sp., Pycnoporus sanguineus HHB-324, dan Schizophyllum commune

    Minimizing Residual Stand Damage and Felling Cost Using Lowest Possible Felling Technique (a Case Study in One Logging Company in West Kalimantan)

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    The implementation of felling technique in logging companies is not yet carried out efficiently and appropriately. Study on the lowest possible felling technique (LPFf) is considered to be important to reduce residual stand damage and felling cost. This study was carried out in a logging company in West Kalimantan in 2004. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of LPFT on residual stand damage and felling cost. Data collected in this research include: residual stand damage, working time, timber volume, productivity, efficiency, stump height and felling cost. Two categories data were analyzed with respect to their possible differences using T-test. The result showed that the implementation of LPFT was more advantage impact compared to that of conventional felling technique, which is indicated by the following factors: (1) Trees damage decreased 2.96%; (2) Poles damage decreased 4.75%; (3) Felling productivity decreased 17.16%; (4) Felling efficiency increased approximately 3.2%; (5) Felling cost increased about Rp 327.07 / m'; and (6) in average stump height was 40.60 cm lower

    Anatomi dan Kualitas Serat Lima Jenis Kayu Kurang Dikenal dari Lengkong, Sukabumi

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    Sumber bahan baku alternatif untuk industri perkayuan nasional saat ini dan masa yang akan datang berasal dari hutan tanaman dan pemanfaatan jenis kayu kurang dikenal. Dalam pemanfaatan kayu kurang dikenal diperlukan informasi struktur anatomi dan kualitas seratnya untuk keperluan pengenalan jenis dan pemanfaatannya. Untuk keperluan identifikasi, ciri utama dari kelima jenis tersebut adalah :1. Kayu ki hantap (Sterculia oblongata R.Br.) berwarna kuning keabu-abuan, corak bergaris, dengan lin gkaran tumbuh jelas oleh parenkim pita. Parenkim bentuk sayap, dan difus berkelompok, jari-jari2 ukuran.2. Kayu ki kuya (Ficus vasculosa Wall. ex Miq.) berwarna kuning cerah, lingkaran tumbuh jelas oleh parenkim pita. Parenkim pita tebal membentuk corak garis-garis putih pada produk kayunya.3. Kayu ki lubang (Calophyllum grandiflorum J.J.S.) berwarna coklat kemerahan dan termasuk dalam kelompok kayu perdagangan bintangur. Pembuluh kayu ki lubang bersusun dalam kelompok radial atau diagonal dan parenkim pita memanjang yang kadang terputus.4. Kayu ki bancet (Turpinia sphaerocarpa Hassk.) berwarna kekuningan, agak lunak. Lingkaran tumbuh kayu ki bancet kurang jelas, pembuluhnya agak banyak dan berukuran agak kecil, jari-jari 2 macam ukuran.5. Kayu ki bulu (Gironniera subaequalis Planch.) berwarna kuning keputihan dan agak keras. Lingkaran tumbuhnya jelas oleh adanya parenkim pita tipis dan perbedaan ketebalan dinding selnya, jari-jari 2 ukuran. Serat kelima jenis kayu termasuk dalam kelas kualitas I sebagai bahan baku pulp untuk kertas