17 research outputs found

    E-procurement dalam Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa untuk Mewujudkan Akuntabilitas di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    This research studied on implementation of stocking goods and services electricly. E-Procurement is abreaktrough in public services to create accountability on stocking of goods and services. The object ofwhich observed are stocking goods and services electricly at Yogykarta Municipality 2009. Thisresearch uses a case study method. The data obtained pass trough depth interview and documentobservation. The result of this research i.e Firstly, dimension fo ficibility in stocking of goods andservices electricly at Yogyakarta Municipality 2009 pass trough regulative, administrative andtechocratic, political, and needs society. Secondly, dimension of accountability on stocking of goodsand services electricly at Yogyakarta Municipality 2009 pass trough regulative, political, andfinancial. Finally, implementation e-procurement at Yogyakarta Municipality 2009 is ficible but noaccountable

    Glycosylation of plasma IgG in colorectal cancer prognosis

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    In this study we demonstrate the potential value of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) glycosylation as a novel prognostic biomarker of colorectal cancer (CRC). We analysed plasma IgG glycans in 1229 CRC patients and correlated with survival outcomes. We assessed the predictive value of clinical algorithms and compared this to algorithms that also included glycan predictors. Decreased galactosylation, decreased sialylation (of fucosylated IgG glycan structures) and increased bisecting GlcNAc in IgG glycan structures were strongly associated with all-cause (q < 0.01) and CRC mortality (q = 0.04 for galactosylation and sialylation). Clinical algorithms showed good prediction of all-cause and CRC mortality (Harrell’s C: 0.73, 0.77; AUC: 0.75, 0.79, IDI: 0.02, 0.04 respectively). The inclusion of IgG glycan data did not lead to any statistically significant improvements overall, but it improved the prediction over clinical models for stage 4 patients with the shortest follow-up time until death, with the median gain in the test AUC of 0.08. These glycan differences are consistent with significantly increased IgG pro-inflammatory activity being associated with poorer CRC prognosis, especially in late stage CRC. In the absence of validated biomarkers to improve upon prognostic information from existing clinicopathological factors, the potential of these novel IgG glycan biomarkers merits further investigation

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Perangkat Listrik Jarak Jauh Berbasis Web Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini begitu pesat di seluruh aspek kehidupan. Kehadiran teknologi listrik dan elektronika dengan aplikasinya telah memberi banyak manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia. Hal ini menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam mendukung kemajuan peradaban umat manusia. Seiring dengan itu, mobilitas kehidupan yang semakin tinggi mengharuskan manusia untuk selalu bergerak sehingga tidak selalu berada di suatu tempat, rumah, kantor atau tempat lainnya. Mobilitas yang tinggi tersebut dituntut untuk tidak menghalangi akses manusia terhadap pengoperasian perangkat listrik walaupun terkendala jarak yang jauh. Penggunaan media jaringan komputer nirkabel, aplikasi berbasis web serta rekayasa perangkat keras menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega8535, menjadi salah satu solusi untuk kendali akses jarak jauh. Jaringan komputer nirkabel menggunakan gelombang radio yang dapat menggantikan peran kabel untuk media akses. Jangkauan jarak pengendalian dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan melalui penerapan rekayasa topologi jaringan komputer yang tepat. Aplikasi berbasis web dengan prinsip server-klien mempermudah pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan sistem melalui perangkat yang memiliki program Browser. Rekayasa perangkat keras dengan komponen inti sebuah mikrokontroler ATMega8535, berfungsi untuk melakukan aksi Perubahan kondisi terhadap sambung-putus arus listrik Kata Kunci: Kendali jarak jauh, aplikasi berbasis web, mikrokontroler ATMega853

    Law in the virtual battlespace: the Tallin Manual and the Jus in Bello

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    Reports of cyber operations have increased so dramatically in recent years that they have become commonplace. The reality that most attacks to date have resulted in relatively benign consequences - inconvenience and offence through defacement of government websites and/or temporary suspension of access - only serves to heighten awareness of the damage that could result from much more serious attacks on networks controlling, for example, vital public transport and emergency infrastructure, the financial system and sensitive communications networks. The threat of apocalyptic consequences has galvanized States into proactive cyber defence measures - spawning an entirely new category of bureaucracy that until recently might readily have been cynically dismissed as manipulative fear-mongering to justify yet more human and financial resources allocated to the public sector. That governments should proactively mitigate emergent and potentially catastrophic risks is an a priori notion. Citizens of a State whose government did not take cyber defence seriously would be entitled to feel aggrieved - particularly in the aftermath of a serious cyber attack where the lack of proaction on the part of central authorities was exposed. In contrast, expectations should be significantly lower for any proactive clarification of the applicable international law. The making of new, or even the clarification of the content of existing, international law has tended to be more reactive - requiring a major catalyst to expose the need for either clarification or regulation. It has been rare in the history of international law for new development to pre-empt subsequent catastrophe