349 research outputs found

    Individual mentalizing ability boosts flexibility toward a linguistic marker of social distance: An ERP investigation

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    Sentence-final particles (SFPs) as bound morphemes in Japanese have no obvious effect on the truth conditions of a sentence. However, they encompass a diverse range of usages, from typical to atypical, according to the context and the interpersonal relationships in the specific situation. The most frequent particle,-ne, is typically used after addressee-oriented propositions for information sharing, while another frequent particle,-yo, is typically used after addresser-oriented propositions to elicit a sense of strength. This study sheds light on individual differences among native speakers in flexibly understanding such linguistic markers based on their mentalizing ability (i.e., the ability to infer the mental states of others). Two experiments employing electroencephalography (EEG) consistently showed enhanced early posterior negativities (EPN) for atypical SFP usage compared to typical usage, especially when understanding-ne compared to -yo, in both an SFP appropriateness judgment task and a content comprehension task. Importantly, the amplitude of the EPN for atypical usages of-ne was significantly higher in participants with lower mentalizing ability than in those with a higher mentalizing ability. This effect plausibly reflects low-ability mentalizers' stronger sense of strangeness toward atypical-ne usage. While high-ability mentalizers may aptly perceive others' attitudes via their various usages of-ne, low-ability mentalizers seem to adopt a more stereotypical understanding. These results attest to the greater degree of difficulty low-ability mentalizers have in establishing a smooth regulation of interpersonal distance during social encounters

    Is pitch accent necessary for comprehension by native Japanese speakers? - An ERP investigation

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    Not unlike the tonal system in Chinese, Japanese habitually attaches pitch accents to the production of words. However, in contrast to Chinese, few homophonic word-pairs are really distinguished by pitch accents (Shibata & Shibata, 1990). This predicts that pitch accent plays a small role in lexical selection for Japanese language comprehension. The present study investigated whether native Japanese speakers necessarily use pitch accent in the processing of accent-contrasted homophonic pairs (e.g., ame [LH] for 'candy' and ame [HI] for 'rain') measuring electroencephalographic (EEG) potentials. Electrophysiological evidence (i.e., N400) was obtained when a word was semantically incorrect for a given context but not for incorrectly accented homophones. This suggests that pitch accent indeed plays a minor role when understanding Japanese. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Tuning the electrically evaluated electron Lande g factor in GaAs quantum dots and quantum wells of different well widths

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    We evaluate the Lande g factor of electrons in quantum dots (QDs) fabricated from GaAs quantum well (QW) structures of different well width. We first determine the Lande electron g factor of the QWs through resistive detection of electron spin resonance and compare it to the enhanced electron g factor determined from analysis of the magneto-transport. Next, we form laterally defined quantum dots using these quantum wells and extract the electron g factor from analysis of the cotunneling and Kondo effect within the quantum dots. We conclude that the Lande electron g factor of the quantum dot is primarily governed by the electron g factor of the quantum well suggesting that well width is an ideal design parameter for g-factor engineering QDs

    The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: A masked priming investigation

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    English words with an inconsistent grapheme-to-phoneme conversion or with more than one pronunciation (homographic heterophones; e.g., lead-/l epsilon d/, /lid/) are read aloud more slowly than matched controls, presumably due to competition processes. In Japanese kanji, the majority of the characters have multiple readings for the same orthographic unit: the native Japanese reading (KUN) and the derived Chinese reading (ON). This leads to the question of whether reading these characters also shows processing costs. Studies examining this issue have provided mixed evidence. The current study addressed the question of whether processing of these kanji characters leads to the simultaneous activation of their KUN and ON reading, This was measured in a direct way in a masked priming paradigm. In addition, we assessed whether the relative frequencies of the KUN and ON pronunciations (dominance ratio, measured in compound words) affect the amount of priming. The results of two experiments showed that: (a) a single kanji, presented as a masked prime, facilitates the reading of the (katakana transcriptions of) their KUN and ON pronunciations; however, (b) this was most consistently found when the dominance ratio was around 50% (no strong dominance towards either pronunciation) and when the dominance was towards the ON reading (high-ON group). When the dominance was towards the KUN reading (high-KUN group), no significant priming for the ON reading was observed. Implications for models of kanji processing are discussed

    Disorder Induced Ferromagnetism in CaRuO3

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    The magnetic ground state of perovskite structure CaRuO3 has been enigmatic for decades. Here we show that paramagnetic CaRuO3 can be made ferromagnetic by very small amounts of partial substitution of Ru by Ti. Magnetic hysteresis loops are observed at 5 K for as little as 2% Ti substitution. Ti is non-magnetic and isovalent with Ru, indicating that the primary effect of the substitution is the disruption of the magnetic ground state of CaRuO3 through disorder. The data suggest that CaRuO3 is poised at a critical point between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic ground states

    Scaling of the anomalous Hall effect in Sr1x_{1-x}Cax_xRuO3_3

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    The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) of ferromagnetic thin films of Sr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}RuO3_3 (0 x\leq x \leq 0.4) is studied as a function of xx and temperature TT. As xx increases, both the transition temperature TcT_c and the magnetization MM are reduced and vanish near xx \sim 0.7. For all compositions, the transverse resistivity ρH\rho_{H} varies non-monotonously with TT, and even changes sign, thus violating the conventional expression ρH=RoB+4πRsM(T)\rho_{H}=R_o B + 4\pi R_s M(T) (BB is the magnetic induction, while RoR_o and RsR_s are the ordinary and anomalous Hall coefficients). From the rather complicated data of ρH\rho_H, we find a scaling behavior of the transverse conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} with M(T)M(T), which is well reproduced by the first-principles band calculation assuming the intrinsic origin of the AHE.Comment: REVTeX 4 style; 5 pages, 3 figures; revised 23/2 and accepted for publicatio

    Crystal structure, electronic, and magnetic properties of the bilayered rhodium oxide Sr3Rh2O7

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    The bilayered rhodium oxide Sr3Rh2O7 was synthesized by high-pressure and high-temperature heating techniques. The single-phase polycrystalline sample of Sr3Rh2O7 was characterized by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, specific heat, and thermopower. The structural characteristics were investigated by powder neutron diffraction study. The rhodium oxide Sr3Rh2O7 [Bbcb, a = 5.4744(8) A, b = 5.4716(9) A, c = 20.875(2) A] is isostructural to the metamagnetic metal Sr3Ru2O7, with five 4d electrons per Rh, which is electronically equivalent to the hypothetic bilayered ruthenium oxide, where one electron per Ru is doped into the Ru-327 unit. The present data show the rhodium oxide Sr3Rh2O7 to be metallic with enhanced paramagnetism, similar to Sr3Ru2O7. However, neither manifest contributions from spin fluctuations nor any traces of a metamagnetic transition were found within the studied range from 2 K to 390 K below 70 kOe.Comment: To be published in PR

    Investigation of the ferromagnetic transition in the correlated 4d perovskites SrRu1x_{1-x}Rhx_xO3_3

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    The solid-solution SrRu1x_{1-x}Rhx_xO3_3 (0x10\le x \le1) is a variable-electron-configuration system forming in the nearly-cubic-perovskite basis, ranging from the ferromagnetic 4d4d^4 to the enhanced paramagnetic 4d5d^5. Polycrystalline single-phase samples were obtained over the whole composition range by a high-pressure-heating technique, followed by measurements of magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat, thermopower, and electrical resistivity. The ferromagnetic order in long range is gradually suppressed by the Rh substitution and vanishes at x0.6x \sim 0.6. The electronic term of specific-heat shows unusual behavior near the critical Rh concentration; the feature does not match even qualitatively with what was reported for the related perovskites (Sr,Ca)RuO3_3. Furthermore, another anomaly in the specific heat was observed at x0.9x \sim 0.9.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR