206 research outputs found

    Pola Asuh Anak Dalam Lingkungan Keluarga Polri (Studi Di Asrama Polda Riau Pekanbaru)

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    Pattern foster the maintenance of a child that is how parents treat, educate, guide and discipline and protecting the child. Based on the above, then the problem can be formulated as follows: "How do child care in a family environment and the Police Are family upbringing affect the child's social relationships outside the hostel". Based on the formulation of the above problems, the purpose of this study was to determine how parenting within the family and the police to find out if family upbringing affect the child's social relationships outside the hostel. Democratic Parenting, parents are rational, always takes action on the ratio or thoughts. Parents of this type also is the reality of the child's abilities, do not expect exceeds the limit of their ability. Parents of this type also gives freedom to children, to train and perform an action and its approach to children is warm. In accordance with the problems and objectives that have been formulated, then the population in this study is the entire family who live in dormitories Police Polda Riau. The author takes a sample using purposive sampling totaling 30 households. This research data collection instruments such as questionnaires and documentation. In analyzing the data using quantitative descriptive method. The research results parenting parents in the family, the police amounted to 64.96% categorized into Parenting in the Police Families Good. Parenting applied in the national police family is Democratic Parenting. Parenting impact on the child's social relationships outside the hostel dominant done by children of their families is the dominant National Police be polite to older, give a smile to greet friends, and exchanged greetings with each other when each other. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the percentage of 67.1% is in the range of 61% -80% value. Shows that the categorization of Parenting Family Impact on Social Relations Children outside the hostel was included in the category of Good

    Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Pasca TRIPs

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    Indonesian Representation in Social Media (Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes in @Instanusantara Instagram Account)

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    Instanusantara is one of the social media account in instagram that present natural beauty and culture photo of Indonesia. All of photos in @instanusantara entirely taken in Indonesia and is a natural and cultural beauty photo. The aim of this research is to know the Indonesian representation based on Semiotic analysis and to dismantle the myth of what was built by instanusantara. In analyzing this Instanusantara instagram account using semiotic researchers from Roland Barthes, which in the theory is stated that there are two systems sign denotation and connotation. The results of this study showed that the denotation of the 12 pictures are analyzed mentioning that Indonesia's tourism is travel related to nature, a photograph of the beach or mountains, is dominated by color photo of green or blue, is a landscape photo, instanusantara's logo in every picture and there is a description that explains the photo. Connotations of 12 and shows that travel in Indonesia is not only Bali, Indonesia is an archipelagic country, Indonesia's tourism is nature, landscape photographs used to take pictures as scenery objects, logos instanusantara used to indicate the identity of Indonesia. Based on these results, it can be concluded that Indonesia is represented as an beautiful archipelago / Nusantara, Indonesian tourism is a tour that presents the natural beauty of the culture, and Indonesia is not only synonymous with Bali as what people know so far

    Analisis Kebijakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Warga Negara Asing Pelaku Tindak Pidana Narkotika

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    Application of criminal law policies against narcotics crimes in one country implemented based on the principle of the territory operates a place (locus delicti) as the basis for the enforcement of the law. The application of the sanctions law against citizens of the society including foreign nationals who break the law, expected to be positive for the development of the personality of the influential community. Implementation of the policy of criminal law in particular criminal dead is currently subject to a Presidential Determination No. 2 of 1964 On The implementation of the Criminal to death determined by the courts In General and military Judicial environment. Barriers of pre and post implementation of the policy of criminal law in particular criminal foreign nationals dead to the perpetrators of the crime of narcotics, namely the existence of a difference of understanding of the concept of the the policy of criminal law, pros cons among the public, academics, legal practitioners and law enforcers linked the implementation of the policy of criminal law in particular criminal foreign nationals dead to the perpetrators of the crime of narcotics, as well as the intervention of various countries linked the implementation of the policy of criminal law

    Linear and nonlinear instabilities in rotating cylindrical Rayleigh-Bénard convection

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    Copyright © 2008 The American Physical SocietyLinear and nonlinear convection in a rotating annular cylinder, under experimental boundary conditions, heated from below and rotating about a vertical axis are investigated. In addition to the usual physical parameters such as the Rayleigh and Taylor number, an important geometric parameter, the ratio of the inner to outer radius, enters into the problem. For intermediate ratios, linear stability analysis reveals that there exist two countertraveling convective waves which are nonlinearly significant: a retrograde wave located near the outer sidewall and a prograde wave adjacent to the inner sidewall. Several interesting phenomena of nonlinear convection are found: (i) tempospatially modulated countertraveling waves caused by an instability of the Eckhaus-Benjamin-Feir type, (ii) destructive countertraveling waves in which the existence or disappearance of the prograde wave is determined by its relative phase to the retrograde wave, and (iii) a saddle-node-type bifurcation in which the prograde wave takes an infinite amount of time to pass over the retrograde wave

    Assessing Religious Orientations: Replication and Validation of the Commitment-Reflectivity Circumplex (CRC) Model

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    The Commitment-Reflectivity Circumplex (CRC) model is a structural model of religious orientation that was designed to help organize and clarify measurement of foundational aspect of religiousness. The current study successfully replicated the CRC model using multidimensional scaling, and further evaluated the reliability, structure, and validity of their measures in both a university student sample (Study 1) and a nationally representative sample (Study 2). All 10 subscales of the Circumplex Religious Orientation Inventory (CROI) demonstrated good reliability across both samples. A two-week test-retest of the CROI showed that the subscales are stable over time. A confirmatory factor analysis of the CROI in the representative adult sample demonstrated good model fit. Finally, the CROI’s validity was examined in relation to the Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Quest measures. Overall, the CROI appears to clarify much of the ambiguity inherent in the established scales by breaking down what were very broad orientations into very specific suborientations. The results suggest that the CRC model is applicable for diverse populations of adults. In addition, the CROI appears to be construct valid with good structural and psychometric properties across all 10 subscales

    Pengolahan Sayur Wortel Menjadi Cemilan Sehat Chocotel (Chocolate Wortel) Kaya Gizi Non-Kolesterol

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    Saat ini sering ditemui permasalahan tentang kesehatan yang menyerang orang-orang berusia muda. Penyakit kolesterol, hipertensi, gagal ginjal yang banyak ditemui memiliki banyak penyebab, salah satunya adalah kurangnya konsumsi sayur dan buah. Tidak sedikit orang yang tidak suka sayur bahkan mereka enggan memakan sayur. Tentunya kesehatan akan terganggu, tidak optimal, dan rentan terserang penyakit. Wortel dan cokelat sangat baik untuk tubuh. Salah satu USAha yang dilakukan adalah mencampurkan wortel tersebut ke dalam cokelat. Dengan adanya pencampuran tersebut maka akan terbentuk sebuah cokelat baru yang memiliki kandungan gizi dan rasa yang lebih bervariasi. Produk cokelat wortel akan mempunyai kelebihan dibanding cokelat biasa yang sudah beredar dipasaran terutama dalam hal kandungan nutrisi maupun rasa. Peluang USAha cokelat wortel sangat besar mengingat bahan utamanya yaitu cokelat dan wortel yang mudah diperoleh dan dibuat. Pembuatan cokelat wortel merupakan salah satu cara bagi mahasiswa untuk menggali keterampilan, semangat dan jiwa kewirausahaan. Proses pembuatan cokelat wortel relatif mudah sehingga USAha ini sangat mungkin dilakukan dan dikembangkan mahasiswa serta masyarakat

    Imaging neuropeptide release at synapses with a genetically engineered reporter

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    Research on neuropeptide function has advanced rapidly, yet there is still no spatio-temporally resolved method to measure the release of neuropeptides in vivo. Here we introduce Neuropeptide Release Reporters (NPRRs): novel genetically-encoded sensors with high temporal resolution and genetic specificity. Using the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as a model, we provide evidence that NPRRs recapitulate the trafficking and packaging of native neuropeptides, and report stimulation-evoked neuropeptide release events as real-time changes in fluorescence intensity, with sub-second temporal resolution
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