1,144 research outputs found

    Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for FSO Backhauling

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    We consider a free space optical (FSO) backhauling system which consists of two base stations (BSs) and one central unit (CU). We propose to employ non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) for FSO backhauling where both BSs transmit at the same time and in the same frequency band to the same photodetector at the CU. We develop a dynamic NOMA scheme which determines the optimal decoding order as a function of the channel state information at the CU and the quality of service requirements of the BSs, such that the outage probabilities of both BSs are jointly minimized. Moreover, we analyze the performance of the proposed NOMA scheme in terms of the outage probability over Gamma-Gamma FSO turbulence channels. We further derive closed-form expressions for the outage probability for the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. Our simulation results confirm the analytical derivations and reveal that the proposed dynamic NOMA scheme significantly outperforms orthogonal transmission and existing NOMA schemes.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE WCNC 201

    Statistical Modeling of FSO Fronthaul Channel for Drone-based Networks

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    We consider a drone-based communication network, where several drones hover above an area and serve as mobile remote radio heads for a large number of mobile users. We assume that the drones employ free space optical (FSO) links for fronthauling of the users' data to a central unit. The main focus of this paper is to quantify the geometric loss of the FSO channel arising from random fluctuation of the position and orientation of the drones. In particular, we derive upper and lower bounds, corresponding approximate expressions, and a closed-form statistical model for the geometric loss. Simulation results validate our derivations and quantify the FSO channel quality as a function of the drone's instability, i.e., the variation of its position and orientation.Comment: This paper has been submitted to ICC 201

    The effect of three different insoles on ankle movement variability during walking in athletes with functional ankle instability.

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    Increased ankle movement variability has been reported in people with functional ankle instability (FAI). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of textured insole, lateral wedge, and textured lateral wedge insole on ankle movement variability during walking in athletes with FAI. Twenty-one athletes diagnosed with FAI participated in this before-after study. Kinematic data were collected during four conditions (5 repeated trials per condition): (1) flat ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) insole, (2) textured flat EVA insole, (3) prefabricated lateral heel and sole wedge insole, and (4) textured lateral heel and sole wedge. The analysis of ankle movement variability was conducted during stance phase and 200 ms before initial contact to 200 ms after initial contact. The coefficient of multiple correlations (CMC) was calculated to investigate pattern variability and intraclass correlation (ICC) was used to investigate variability at the points of interest. In terms of pattern variability, wearing textured lateral wedge increased CMC compared to other insoles. However, statistically significant differences were observed only in the frontal plane during stance phase ( < 0.05). In terms of variability at the points of interest, in the frontal plane and in all points of interest, wearing textured lateral wedge increased ICC compared to other insoles. The effects of other insoles on ankle movement variability were inconsistent. The results of this study showed that textured insole has the potential to decrease variability and the use of texture with lateral wedge may more improve variability in athletes with FAI

    Defect Reduction with the Use of Seven Quality Control Tools for Productivity Improvement at an Automobile Company

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    The goal of zero defects is pursued by many manufacturing and service companies. In this regard, statistical tools are being used for defect reduction leading to productivity improvement. In this work, seven traditional QC tools (flow chart, check sheet, histogram, Pareto chart, cause, and effect diagram, scatter diagram and control chart) have been developed and implemented in an automobile company to assess and improve the defect reduction level in the assembly line. Chassis and trim lined were selected for data collection to assess and improve the defect level for productivity improvement. It was found from the results that after the successful implementation of the QC tools, the defect level reduced by 90% (from 132 to 13 defects) at the chassis line. Similarly, the defect level was reduced by 80% (from 157 to 28 defects) at the trim line. The automobile company implemented only a few of the seven QC tools in their assembly line. It is suggested that the company may need to manage a mechanism for the implementation of all seven QC tools in every section of the company

    Inābah dalam al-Qur’an (Suatu Kajian Taḥlīlī dalam QS al Zumar/39: 54)

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    Kemudian hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 1). Hakikat inābah dalam QS al-Zumar/39:54, ialah hidayah khusus yang diberikan kepada hamba yang benar-benar mencintai Allah swt., inābah merupakan kembali kepada kebenaran dan kembali kepada Allah swt. untuk memenuhi janji, inābah adalah sifat yang dimiliki oleh wali Allah atau orang-orang yang dekat kepada-Nya, perintah inābah ditujukan kepada kaum mukminin agar bertobat apabila telah melampaui batas serta memperbanyak amalan-amalan kebaikan dan ditujukan juga kepada kaum musyrikin untuk kembali memeluk agama tauhid. 2). Wujud inābah dalam QS al-Zumar/39:54 ialah pertama, kembali kepada Allah swt. dengan bertobat yakni dengan menguatkan hati untuk tidak mengulangi perbuatan dosa yang telah dilakukan, menjaga diri dari perbuatan dosa yang belum dilakukan, penyesalan dosa harus setimpal, tobat dilakukan dan diniatkan untuk mengagungkan Allah swt. serta mendapat pegampunan dari-Nya, kedua, berserah diri kepada Allah swt. dengan ikhlas dalam beribadah kepada-Nya, ketiga, mengikuti al-Qur’an yaitu dengan mengikuti perintah Allah swt. dan menjauhi larangan-Nya yang telah tercantum di dalam al-Qur’an. 3). Dampak inābah ialah pertama, dosa-dosa diampuni oleh Allah swt. kedua, tidak mendapatkan azab. ketiga, mendapatkan pertolongan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pertama yang membahas kata inābah dalam ruang lingkup penelitian skripsi dalam khazanah al-Qur’an sekaligus mengetahui makna dari kata tersebut. Sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam QS al-Zumar/39: 54, pokok pembahasan dalam ayat ini ialah perintah untuk kembali kepada Allah swt. dan berserah diri Kepada-Nya serta dampak dari tidak mentaati perintah tersebut maka akan diberi ganjaran berupa azab serta tidak mendapatkan keselamatan. Untuk itu penelitian ini menjelaskan makna inābah dan bagaimana penerapannya sehingga diharapkan semua penjelasan dan pesan-pesan yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini dapat diterapkan sebagaimana mestinya

    Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport: A Coarse-Grained Model for the Functional State of the Nuclear Pore Complex

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) regulates molecular traffic across the nuclear envelope (NE). Selective transport happens on the order of milliseconds and the length scale of tens of nanometers; however, the transport mechanism remains elusive. Central to the transport process is the hydrophobic interactions between karyopherins (kaps) and Phe-Gly (FG) repeat domains. Taking into account the polymeric nature of FG-repeats grafted on the elastic structure of the NPC, and the kap-FG hydrophobic affinity, we have established a coarse-grained model of the NPC structure that mimics nucleocytoplasmic transport. To establish a foundation for future works, the methodology and biophysical rationale behind the model is explained in details. The model predicts that the first-passage time of a 15 nm cargo-complex is about 2.6±0.13 ms with an inverse Gaussian distribution for statistically adequate number of independent Brownian dynamics simulations. Moreover, the cargo-complex is primarily attached to the channel wall where it interacts with the FG-layer as it passes through the central channel. The kap-FG hydrophobic interaction is highly dynamic and fast, which ensures an efficient translocation through the NPC. Further, almost all eight hydrophobic binding spots on kap-β are occupied simultaneously during transport. Finally, as opposed to intact NPCs, cytoplasmic filaments-deficient NPCs show a high degree of permeability to inert cargos, implying the defining role of cytoplasmic filaments in the selectivity barrier