22 research outputs found
Identification of a Novel 4-Aminomethylpiperidine Class of M3 Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists and Structural Insight into Their M3 Selectivity
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Corporate Governance in Europe: A Critical Review of the European Commission's Initiatives on Corporate Law and Corporate Governance
- Author
- &
- / R J Bebchuk
- / R Novembre
- A K Richter/A
- Arsalidou
- C Van Der Elst
- Cf
- Cf
- Cf
- Cf
- Convergence And
- D Cabrelli
- E G J Cf
- E Micheler
- European Parliament
- European Parliament
- F Chiappetta
- Financial Reporting
- Forum Europaeum Konzernrecht
- G /J A Hertig
- G Spindler
- H Fleischer
- H Hansmann/R. Kraakman
- Infra
- J Also
- J Armour
- J H Farrar
- J Macey
- K J For
- K J Hopt
- K J Hopt
- K J Hopt
- K J Hopt
- K J Hopt
- K J Hopt
- K J Regarding
- K J See
- K.-H Lehne
- Klaus J. Hopt
- L /J R Enriques
- L Enriques
- L Enriques/D. Zetzsche
- L Pa J Enriques
- L See
- M Lutter
- M Lutter
- M Menjucq
- M Roth
- M Roth
- Neue Zeitschrift F�r
- P Davies
- R Most
- R Romano
- S Grundmann
- S Lombardo
- See
- See H Most Recently
- Supra
- The
- Vorschl�ge Und Berichte Zur Reform Des Europ�ischen Und Deutschen Internationalen See
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Conformational Analysis. 50. C
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Proton NMR Study on Selective Hydration of Anions in Nitrobenzene
- Author
- Benjamin I.
- Benjamin I.
- Benoit R. L.
- Chantooni M. K.
- Cogley D. R.
- Farrar T. C.
- Grigorieff N.
- Ito K.
- Iwachido T.
- Izutsu K.
- Johnson J. R.
- Kawasaki M.
- Kenjo T.
- Kenjo T.
- Kudryavtsev A. B.
- Kuntz I. D.
- Kusakabe S
- Kusakabe S
- Kusakabe S.
- Nakahara M.
- Osakai T.
- Osakai T.
- Paula S.
- Rais J.
- Regarding
- Shimizu A.
- Symons M. C. R.
- Symons M. C. R.
- Symons M. C. R.
- Sánchez C.
- Tarui T
- Volkov A. G.
- Yamamoto Y.
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dreaming of the West: The power of the brand in Soviet Lithuania, 1960s–1980s
- Author
- Anušauskas A.
- Brigita Tranavičiūtė
- Cohen Johnathan
- Gronow J.
- Grzybowski K.
- Hober C.
- Kučinskas L.
- Merl S.
- Reid E. S.
- Resolution Regarding the Trademarks, adopted by the Council of Ministers of the USSR
- Salisbury E. H.
- Smorodinskaya T.
- The Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR
- Tranavičiūtė B.
- Zhuk I. S.
- Zhuk I. S.
- Zhuk I. S.
- Zubok V. M.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Latex Hypersensitivity
- Author
- Bonnekoh B
- Burke F JT
- Burke M
- Cantrell S A
- Carrillo T
- Ceuppens J L
- Chen M D
- D'Astous J
- Decter M B
- Emans J B
- Evelyn R. Hermes
- Ferrie B G
- Food and Drug Administration
- Frosch P J
- Glove precautions spur latex reactions in patients staff
- Gonzalez E
- Holzman R S
- Interim recommendations to health professionals and organizations regarding latex allergy precautions
- Kwittken P L
- Latex allergies continue to threaten lives careers
- Lavaud F
- Levy D A
- Levy D A
- Leynadier F
- M. Christina Beckwith
- Mathew S N
- McKinstry L J
- Meehan P L
- Merguerian P A
- Nacey J N
- Nguyen D H
- Ownby D R
- Romanczuk A N
- Schwartz H A
- Slater J E
- Sondheimer J M
- Sussman G L
- Turjanmaa K
- Turjanmaa K
- Turjanmaa K
- Wagner M
- Warpinski J R
- Yassin M S
- Zohre Najari
- Publication venue
- 'The Haworth Press'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chapter 2. Eschatological motifs of a royal Davidic messiah
- Author
- A
- Allegro Cf. J. M.
- Allen R. B.
- Also
- An
- An
- An
- Anderson D. R.
- Apart
- Attridge Cf.
- Bateman Cf. H. W.
- Bateman H. W.
- Becker Cf. J.
- Becker Cf. J.
- Brooke Similar G. J.
- Campbell J. G.
- Cf
- Charlesworth J. H.
- Chirichigno So
- Clements R. E.
- Clements R. E.
- Cody Similarly A.
- Cross Cf. F. M.
- Dalglish So E. R.
- De Vaux Text
- Deissler A.
- E. Grässer
- Ellingworth P.
- Ellingworth P.
- Exegetical Texts Also J. G.
- Flanagan J. W.
- For
- For
- For
- Fossum
- Fraenkel Cf. D.
- Fraenkel Cf. D.
- Fuchs The
- García Text
- Greek A. Pietersma Two
- Grässer E.
- Grässer E.
- Guthrie Also G. H.
- Harder G.
- Hebrews For
- Hertzberg H. W.
- J.
- J. D.
- Jenner K. D.
- Jos See
- Kistemaker S.
- Lane W. L.
- Lane W. L.
- Lohse Cf. E.
- Mackie S. D.
- Maiberger So
- Mark
- McLean B. H.
- Meier Cf. J. P.
- Meier Cf. J. P.
- Millard D. W. B.
- Motyer Cf. S.
- Müller So
- Oberholtzer T. K.
- Oberholtzer T. K.
- Others
- Prinsloo Cf. W. S.
- Psalms On
- Rahlfs A.
- Regarding
- Roeder Cf. G.
- Samuel For
- Schniedewind W. M.
- See
- Similar A.
- So
- Steudel Cf. A.
- Steyn G. J.
- Stock F. C.
- The
- This
- Thomas So K. J.
- Thompson Also J. W.
- van der Kooij A.
- Waard J. De
- Washburn Confirmed
- Westcott Already
- éra Kgdms
- éra Kgdms
- éra Sam
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A History of Collapse Factor Modeling and Empirical Data for Cryogenic Propellant Tanks
- Author
- After
- Al-Najem N. M.
- Arnett R. W.
- Atkinson M. C. M.
- Baral H. S.
- Barnett D. O.
- Barnett D.O.
- Beduz C.
- Bentz M. D.
- Bentz M. D.
- Bourgarel M.
- Cady E. C.
- Chato D. J.
- Clark J. A.
- Cowart E. G.
- de Quay L.
- Denisov K. P.
- DeWitt R. L.
- Ede A. J.
- Epstein M.
- Epstein M.
- Epstein M.
- For
- For
- Gebhart B.
- Ghaddar N. K.
- Greenfield S.
- Hardy T. L.
- Hasan M. M.
- In Ref
- Kamat D. V.
- Lacovic R. F.
- Lemmon E. W.
- Liebenburg D. H.
- Lin C. S.
- Ludwig K. A.
- Majumdar A.
- Mandell D. A.
- Masters P. A.
- Modifications
- Moran M. E.
- Most
- Nein M. E.
- Nein M. E.
- Olsen W. A.
- Reaser W. W.
- Ref
- Regarding
- Results
- Segel M. F.
- Shelburne L.
- Smith I. E.
- Stochl R. J.
- Stochl R. J.
- Stochl R. J.
- Swalley F. E.
- The
- The
- Thompson J.F.
- Use
- Van Dresar N. T.
- VanDresar N.T.
- VanDresar N.T.
- Wapato P. G.
- Whalen M. V.
- Wulff W.
- Zenner G. H.
- Publication venue
- 'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Internet Casinos: A Sure Bet for Money Laundering
- Author
- Asahi Metal Indus Co.
- Barbot L. A.
- Bassinger K. D.
- Bencivenga
- Bencivenga D.
- Bigness J.
- Burk D. L.
- Byrne J. J.
- Craig A.
- Crist S.
- DiMuro F.
- Edelstein J. I.
- Field R .
- Fight Financial Crimes
- Fixler M. A.
- Friedman M .
- Froomkin A. M.
- Goodman R.
- Gorman S.
- Hogan J. E.
- House
- Hughes S.J.
- Ibid
- Jon Mills
- Keller
- Keller B. P.
- Konvisser J. B.
- Lawrence E.J.
- Lyall S.
- Massive Fraud'
- Mills Sex
- Nelson
- Nerome F.
- No D Minn
- O'Brien T. L.
- October Pub
- Paine Webber Inc.
- Pub L.
- Quinn Securities Regulation
- Razzano F. C.
- Reno F Supp
- Rose I. N.
- Saxena R .
- See
- Shell Oil Co
- Skolnick J.
- Statement of the Commission Regarding Use of Internet Websites to Offer Securities
- Sultzer
- Trotter Hardy I.
- Valley Board
- Wolf C.
- World Wide Volkswagen
- World Wide Volkswagen Corp. v
- Zagaris B.
- Zaharoff H. G.
- Zippo Mfg Co.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study