9,029 research outputs found

    Equivalence of glass transition and colloidal glass transition in the hard-sphere limit

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    We show that the slowing of the dynamics in simulations of several model glass-forming liquids is equivalent to the hard-sphere glass transition in the low-pressure limit. In this limit, we find universal behavior of the relaxation time by collapsing molecular-dynamics data for all systems studied onto a single curve as a function of T/pT/p, the ratio of the temperature to the pressure. At higher pressures, there are deviations from this universal behavior that depend on the inter-particle potential, implying that additional physical processes must enter into the dynamics of glass-formation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electrical Transport in High Quality Graphene pnp Junctions

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    We fabricate and investigate high quality graphene devices with contactless, suspended top gates, and demonstrate formation of graphene pnp junctions with tunable polarity and doping levels. The device resistance displays distinct oscillations in the npn regime, arising from the Fabry-Perot interference of holes between the two pn interfaces. At high magnetic fields, we observe well-defined quantum Hall plateaus, which can be satisfactorily fit to theoretical calculations based on the aspect ratio of the device.Comment: to appear in a special focus issue in New Journal of Physic

    ^{59}Co NMR evidence for charge ordering below T_{CO}\sim 51 K in Na_{0.5}CoO_2

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    The CoO2_{2} layers in sodium-cobaltates Nax_{x}CoO2_{2} may be viewed as a spin S=1/2S=1/2 triangular-lattice doped with charge carriers. The underlying physics of the cobaltates is very similar to that of the high TcT_{c} cuprates. We will present unequivocal 59^{59}Co NMR evidence that below TCO51KT_{CO}\sim51 K, the insulating ground state of the itinerant antiferromagnet Na0.5_{0.5}CoO2_{2} (TN86KT_{N}\sim 86 K) is induced by charge ordering.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008), in press. 4 figure

    Rapid "Turn-on" of type 1 AGN in a quiescent early type galaxy SDSS1115+0544

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    We present a detailed study of a transient in the center of SDSS1115+0544 based on the extensive UV, optical, mid-IR light curves (LC) and spectra over 1200 days. The host galaxy is a quiescent early type galaxy at zz = 0.0899 with a blackhole mass of 2×107M2\times10^7M_\odot. The transient underwent a 2.5 magnitude brightening over 120\sim120 days, reaching a peak VV-band luminosity (extinction corrected) of 20.9-20.9 magnitude, then fading 0.5 magnitude over 200 days, settling into a plateau of >600>600 days. Following the optical brightening are the significant mid-IR flares at 3.43.4 and 4.5μ4.5\mum, with a peak time delay of 180\sim180 days. The mid-IR LCs are explained as the echo of UV photons by a dust medium with a radius of 5×10175\times10^{17} cm, consistent with E(BV)\rm E(B-V) of 0.58 inferred from the spectra. This event is very energetic with an extinction corrected Lbol4×1044L_{bol} \sim 4\times10^{44} erg s1^{-1}. Optical spectra over 400 days in the plateau phase revealed newly formed broad Hα,β\alpha, \beta emission with a FWHM of 3750\sim3750 km s1^{-1} and narrow coronal lines such as [Fe VII], [Ne V]. This flare also has a steeply rising UV continuum, detected by multi-epoch SwiftSwift data at +700+700 to +900+900 days post optical peak. The broad Balmer lines and the UV continuum do not show significant temporal variations. The slow evolving LCs over 1200 days, the constant Balmer lines and UV continuum at late-times rule out TDE and SN IIn as the physical model for this event. We propose that this event is a `turn-on' AGN, transitioning from a quiescent state to a type 1 AGN with a sub-Eddington accretion rate of 0.017M0.017M_\odot/yr. This change occurred on a very short time scale of 120200\sim 120- 200 days. The discovery of such a rapid `turn-on' AGN poses challenges to accretion disk theories and may indicate such event is not extremely rare.Comment: Comments are welcome. Emails to the first author. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Origin of the Weak Pseudo-gap Behaviors in Na_{0.35}CoO_2: Absence of Small Hole Pockets

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    We analyze the ``normal electronic states'' of Na_{0.35}CoO_2 based on the effective d-p model with full d-orbital freedom using the fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approximation. They sensitively depend on the topology of the Fermi surfaces, which changes as the crystalline electric splitting (CES) due to the trigonal deformation. We succeed in reproducing the weak pseudo-gap behaviors in the density of states (DOS) and in the uniform magnetic susceptibility below 300K, assuming that six small hole-pockets predicted by LDA band calculations are absent. When they exist, on the contrary, then ``anti-pseudo-gap behaviors'' should inevitably appear. Thus, the present study strongly supports the absence of the small hole-pockets in Na_{0.35}CoO_2, as reported by recent ARPES measurements. A large Fermi surface around the \Gamma-point would account for the superconductivity in water-intercalated samples.Comment: 5pages, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.74 (2005) No.

    Momentum Distribution for Bosons with Positive Scattering Length in a Trap

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    The coordinate-momentum double distribution function ρ(r,p)d3rd3p\rho ({\bf r}, {\bf p}) d^{3}rd^{3}p is calculated in the local density approximation for bosons with positive scattering length aa in a trap. The calculation is valid to the first order of aa. To clarify the meaning of the result, it is compared for a special case with the double distribution function ρwd3rd3p\rho_{w}d^{3} rd^{3}p of Wigner.Comment: Latex fil