513 research outputs found

    Multi-cluster dynamics in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} and analogy to clustering in 12C^{12}{\rm C}

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    We investigate structure of Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} and discuss the difference and similarity between the structures of 12C^{12}{\rm C} and Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} by answering the questions if the linear-chain and gaslike cluster states, which are proposed to appear in 12C^{12}{\rm C}, survives, or new structure states appear or not. We introduce a microscopic cluster model called, Hyper-Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-R\"opke (H-THSR) wave function, which is an extended version of the THSR wave function so as to describe Λ\Lambda hypernuclei. We obtained two bound states and two resonance (quasi-bound) states for Jπ=0+J^\pi=0^+ in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C}, corresponding to the four 0+0^+ states in 12C^{12}{\rm C}. However, the inversion of level ordering between the spectra of 12C^{12}{\rm C} and Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C}, i.e. that the 03+0_3^+ and 04+0_4^+ states in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} correspond to the 04+0_4^+ and 03+0_3^+ states in 12C^{12}{\rm C}, respectively, is shown to occur. The additional Λ\Lambda particle reduces sizes of the 02+0_2^+ and 03+0_3^+ states in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} very much, but the shrinkage of the 04+0_4^+ state is only a half of the other states. In conclusion, the Hoyle state becomes quite a compact object with Λ9Be+α{^{9}_\Lambda{\rm Be}}+\alpha configuration in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} and is no more gaslike state composed of the 3α3\alpha clusters. Instead, the 04+0_4^+ state in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C}, coming from the 12C(03+)^{12}{\rm C}(0_3^+) state, appears as a gaslike state composed of α+α+Λ5He\alpha+\alpha+^{5}_\Lambda{\rm He} configuration, i.e. the Hoyle analog state. A linear-chain state in a Λ\Lambda hypernucleus is for the first time predicted to exist as the 03+0_3^+ state in Λ13C^{13}_\Lambda{\rm C} with more shrunk arrangement of the 3α3\alpha clusters along zz-axis than the 3α3\alpha linear-chain configuration realized in the 12C(04+)^{12}{\rm C}(0_4^+) state.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, figures rearranged, accepted for publication in PL


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    This research proposes a new training system for high speed motions. In the proposed training system, a relatively small inertia is added to a viscous load in order to increase the load without decreasing the maximum speed. Moreover, in order to increase energy consumption of humans, we artificially make the additional inertia zero during motions. Consequently, the additional inertia is tuned to increase the load torque and the energy with keeping the maximum speed. The effectiveness of the proposed system is verified by some experimental results

    A case of wound dual infection with Pasteurella dagmatis and Pasteurella Canis resulting from a dog bite - limitations of Vitek-2 system in exact identification of Pasteurella species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Pasteurella </it>species, widely known as indigenous orgganisms in the oral and gastrointestinal floras of many wild and domestic animals, are important pathogens in both animals and humans. Human infections due to <it>Pasteurella </it>species are in most cases associated with infected injuries following animal bites. We encountered a rare case of dual infections caused by different two <it>Pasteurella </it>species occurred in a previously healthy 25-year-old female sustaining injury by a dog-bite.</p> <p>Methodology</p> <p>Exudates from the open wound of her dog-bite site, together with the saliva of the dog were submitted for bacteriological examination. Predominantly appearing grayish-white smooth colonies with almost the same colonial properties but slightly different glistening grown on chocolate and sheep blood agar plates were characterized morphologically by Gram's stain, biochemically by automated instrument using Vitek 2 system using GN cards together with commercially available kit system, ID-Test HN-20 rapid panels, and genetically by sequencing the 16S rRNA genes of the organism using a Taq DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing and a model 3100 DNA sequencer instrument.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The causative isolates from the dog-bite site were finally identified as <it>P</it>. <it>canis </it>and <it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis </it>from the findings of the morphological, cultural, and biochemical properties together with the comparative sequences of the 16S rRNA genes. Both the isolates were highly susceptible to many antibiotics and the patient was successfully treated with the administration of so-called the first generation cephalosporin, cefazolin followed by so-called the third generation cephalosporin, cefcapene pivoxil. The isolate from the dog was subsequently identified as <it>P</it>. <it>canis</it>, the same species as the isolate from the patient.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this was the second report of a dual infection with <it>Pasteurella </it>species consisting of <it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis </it>and <it>P. canis </it>resulting from a dog-bite, followed by the first report of dual infections due to <it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis </it>and <it>P. multocida </it>in 1988. Our isolate finally identified as <it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis </it>was misidentified as <it>P</it>. <it>pneumotripica by </it>means of the Vitek 2 system. The species name "<it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis" </it>was not included in the database of the system. It is also important for routine clinical microbiology laboratories to know the limitation of the automated Vitek 2 system for the accurate identification of <it>Pasteurella </it>species especially <it>P</it>. <it>dagmatis</it>. It should be emphasized that there still exists much room for improvement in Vitek 2 system. Significant improvement of Vitek 2 system especially in the identification of <it>Pasteurella </it>species is urgently desired.</p

    Age and parous-experience dependent changes in emotional contagion for positive infant sounds

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    IntroductionEmotional contagion is achieved by inferring and emotionally resonating with other persons’ feelings. It is unclear whether age-related changes in emotional contagion for infant sounds are modulated by the experience of childbirth or childcare. This study aims to evaluate changes in inference and emotional resonance for positive and negative infant sounds (laughter and crying) among women, based on age and parous experience.MethodsA total of 241 women (60 young nulliparous, 60 young parous, 60 old nulliparous, and 61 old parous) completed a web-based questionnaire. After listening to three types of infant sounds (laughter, cooing, and crying), participants responded with their valence for hearing infant sounds and estimated infant valence on an 11-point Likert scale.ResultsThe analysis for emotional resonance revealed that the correlation coefficient between self and estimated infant valences was greater in young parous and old nulliparous women than in young nulliparous women, in laughter and cooing sounds. However, correlation coefficients for crying did not differ among any of the four groups.ConclusionThe degree of emotional resonance for infant valence increased depending on age and parous-experience for positive infant sounds

    Clinical significance of VEGF-A, -C and -D expression in esophageal malignancies

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    Vascular endothelial growth factors ( VEGF)- A, - C and - D are members of the proangiogenic VEGF family of glycoproteins. VEGF-A is known to be the most important angiogenic factor under physiological and pathological conditions, while VEGF-C and VEGF-D are implicated in the development and sprouting of lymphatic vessels, so called lymphangiogenesis. Local tumor progression, lymph node metastases and hematogenous tumor spread are important prognostic factors for esophageal carcinoma ( EC), one of the most lethal malignancies throughout the world. We found solid evidence in the literature that VEGF expression contributes to tumor angiogenesis, tumor progression and lymph node metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma ( SCC), and many authors could show a prognostic value for VEGF-assessment. In adenocarcinoma (AC) of the esophagus angiogenic properties are acquired in early stages, particularly in precancerous lesions like Barrett's dysplasia. However, VEGF expression fails to give prognostic information in AC of the esophagus. VEGF-C and VEGF-D were detected in SCC and dysplastic lesions, but not in normal mucosa of the esophagus. VEGF-C expression might be associated with lymphatic tumor invasion, lymph node metastases and advanced disease in esophageal SCC and AC. Therapeutic interference with VEGF signaling may prove to be a promising way of anti-angiogenic co-treatment in esophageal carcinoma. However, concrete clinical data are still pending

    Modified Whole-Mount In situ Hybridization Protocol for the Detection of Transgene Expression in Electroporated Chick Embryos

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    hybridization. hybridization (WISH).Here we describe a modification to the WISH protocol that is essential to prevent DNA cross-hybridization and to specifically detect transgene mRNA transcripts in electroporated embryos. Our optimized WISH procedure can be applied not only to electroporated chick embryos but also to other embryos or adult tissues that have been transfected with large amounts of reporter- or expression construct DNA

    Mass Transfer by Stellar Wind

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    I review the process of mass transfer in a binary system through a stellar wind, with an emphasis on systems containing a red giant. I show how wind accretion in a binary system is different from the usually assumed Bondi-Hoyle approximation, first as far as the flow's structure is concerned, but most importantly, also for the mass accretion and specific angular momentum loss. This has important implications on the evolution of the orbital parameters. I also discuss the impact of wind accretion, on the chemical pollution and change in spin of the accreting star. The last section deals with observations and covers systems that most likely went through wind mass transfer: barium and related stars, symbiotic stars and central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The most recent observations of cool CSPN progenitors of barium stars, as well as of carbon-rich post-common envelope systems, are providing unique constraints on the mass transfer processes.Comment: Chapter 7, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe

    Secondary metabolites of the sponge-derived fungus Acremonium persicinum

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    This study reports the isolation and characterization of six new acremine metabolites, 5-chloroacremine A (4), 5-chloroacremine H (5), and acremines 0 (6), P (7), Q(8), and R (9), together with the known acremines A (1), F (2), and N (3) from the fungus Acremonium persicinum cultured from the marine sponge Anomoianthella rubra. The relative configuration of acremine F (2) was determined by analyses of proton coupling constant values and NOESY data, and the absolute configuration confirmed as (IS, 4S, 6R) by X-ray crystallographic analysis of the borate ester derivative 15. Acremines O, P, and R were each shown to be of 8R configuration by H-1 NMR analyses of MPA esters. The relative configurations suggested for acremines P and Q were each deduced by molecular modeling together with NOESY and coupling constant data. The (3)J(H-C) values in acremine P were measured using the pulse sequence EXSIDE, and the observed (3)J(H8-C4) of 5.4 Hz and small (3)J(H-C) values

    Antimicrobial activity and bioactive compounds of portuguese wild edible mushrooms methanolic extracts

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    The antimicrobial properties of phenolic extracts of Portuguese wild edible mushroom species (Lactarius deliciosus, Sarcodon imbricatus and Tricholoma portentosum) against pathogens were investigated. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were evaluated for the entire mushroom, the cap and the stipe, separately; the portion of the mushroom used proved to be influenced in the results obtained, which are directly correlated with the content of total phenols and flavonoids in the extracts. The growth of Grampositive bacteria (Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis,) was well inhibited by these mushrooms, while Escherichia coli (Gramnegative bacteria) was resistant. The study on the antifungal effect of these mushrooms revealed that Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans were differently inhibited for the mushrooms used
