1,621 research outputs found

    Common Patterns in the Evolution between the Luminous Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary Subclasses

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    The X-ray transient XTE J1701-462 was the first source observed to evolve through all known subclasses of low-magnetic-field neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs), as a result of large changes in its mass accretion rate. To investigate to what extent similar evolution is seen in other NS-LMXBs we have performed a detailed study of the color-color and hardness-intensity diagrams (CDs and HIDs) of Cyg X-2, Cir X-1, and GX 13+1 -- three luminous X-ray binaries, containing weakly magnetized neutron stars, known to exhibit strong secular changes in their CD/HID tracks. Using the full set of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Proportional Counter Array data collected for the sources over the 16 year duration of the mission, we show that Cyg X-2 and Cir X-1 display CD/HID evolution with close similarities to XTE J1701-462. Although GX 13+1 shows behavior that is in some ways unique, it also exhibits similarities to XTE J1701-462, and we conclude that its overall CD/HID properties strongly indicate that it should be classified as a Z source, rather than as an atoll source. We conjecture that the secular evolution of Cyg X-2, Cir X-1, and GX 13+1 -- illustrated by sequences of CD/HID tracks we construct -- arises from changes in the mass accretion rate. Our results strengthen previous suggestions that within single sources Cyg-like Z source behavior takes place at higher luminosities and mass accretion rates than Sco-like Z behavior, and lend support to the notion that the mass accretion rate is the primary physical parameter distinguishing the various NS-LMXB subclasses.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables -- matches published version in Ap

    On the geometric nature of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations in neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries

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    We report on a detailed analysis of the so-called ~1 Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the eclipsing and dipping neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-676. This type of QPO has previously been shown to have a geometric origin. Our study focuses on the evolution of the QPO as the source moves through the color-color diagram, in which it traces out an atoll-source-like track. The QPO frequency increases from ~0.4 Hz in the hard state to ~25 Hz as the source approaches the soft state. Combining power spectra based on QPO frequency reveals additional features that strongly resemble those seen in non-dipping/eclipsing atoll sources. We show that the low-frequency QPOs in atoll sources and the ~1 Hz QPO in EXO 0748-676 follow similar relations with respect to the noise components in their power spectra. We conclude that the frequencies of both types of QPOs are likely set by (the same) precession of a misaligned inner accretion disk. For high-inclination systems, like EXO 0748-676, this results in modulations of the neutron-star emission due to obscuration or scattering, while for lower-inclination systems the modulations likely arise from relativistic Doppler boosting and light-bending effects.Comment: Updated to published version (ApJ, 812, 80

    San Francisco Bay Area corporate history : a selected annotated bibliography

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    Discovery of the near-infrared counterpart to the luminous neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary GX 3+1

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    Using the High Resolution Camera onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we have measured an accurate position for the bright persistent neutron-star X-ray binary and atoll source GX 3+1. At a location that is consistent with this new position we have discovered the near-infrared (NIR) counterpart to GX 3+1 in images taken with the PANIC and FourStar cameras on the Magellan Baade Telescope. The identification of this K_s=15.8+-0.1 mag star as the counterpart is based on the presence of a Br-gamma emission line in a NIR spectrum taken with the FIRE spectrograph on the Baade Telescope. The absolute magnitude derived from the best available distance estimate to GX 3+1 indicates that the mass donor in the system is not a late-type giant. We find that the NIR light in GX 3+1 is likely dominated by the contribution from a heated outer accretion disk. This is similar to what has been found for the NIR flux from the brighter class of Z sources, but unlike the behavior of atolls fainter (Lx ~ 1e36 to 1e37 erg/s) than GX 3+1, where optically-thin synchrotron emission from a jet probably dominates the NIR flux.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Simbol untuk Menunjang Sistem Informasi Desain Kemasan Makanan dan Minuman Plastik

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    The use of plastic as packaging food and beverages has increased along with the development of technological and cultural changes in society. But this change has not been followed by an adequate understanding of the various types of plastic and usefulness. Symbols and information system on packaging become important information for consumer and visual communication designer. Based on field research, literature research and desktop research, the author summarizes that the information in the form of significant symbols are important to be put on the design of plastic packaging for food or beverage. During this time, several foods and beverages in plastic packaging have included the plastic code. But generally consumers do not have enough knowledge about these codes. This is where the role of visual communication designers becomes an important. Symbols and information systems which prepared in well design will be more easily to understand. With easily understandable symbol and information systems, consumer certainly would be wiser to choose and avoid the negative impact during the bad use of food and beverage plastics packaging

    The Complex Phase Lag Behavior of the 3-12 Hz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations during the Very High State of XTE J1550-564

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    We present a study of the complex phase lag behavior of the low-frequency (<20 Hz) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the X-ray transient and black-hole candidate XTE J1550-564 during its very high state. We distinguish two different types of low-frequency QPOs, based on their coherence and harmonic content. The first type is characterized by a 6 Hz QPO with a Q (the QPO frequency divided by the QPO width) of <3 and with a harmonic at 12 Hz. The second type of QPO is characterized by a 6 Hz QPO with a Q value of >6 and with harmonics at 3, 12, 18, and possibly at 9 Hz. Not only the Q values and the harmonic content of the two types are different, but also their phase lag behavior. For the first type of QPO, the low energy photons (<5 keV) of both the 6 Hz QPO and its harmonic at 12 Hz lag the hard energy photons (>5 keV) by as much as 1.3 radian. The phase lags of the second type of QPO are more complex. The soft photons (<5 keV) of the 3 and the 12 Hz QPOs lag the hard photons (>5 keV) by as much as 1.0 radian. However, the soft photons of the 6 Hz QPO precede the hard ones by as much as 0.6 radian. This means that different harmonics of this type of QPO have different signs for their phase lags. This unusual behavior is hard to explain when the lags are due to light-travel-time differences between the photons at different energies, e.g., in a Comptonizing region surrounding the area where the QPOs are formed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 29 September 199

    MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VI. Kinematics Analysis of a Complete Sample of Blazar Jets

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    We discuss the jet kinematics of a complete flux-density-limited sample of 135 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) resulting from a 13 year program to investigate the structure and evolution of parsec-scale jet phenomena. Our analysis is based on new 2 cm Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) images obtained between 2002 and 2007, but includes our previously published observations made at the same wavelength, and is supplemented by VLBA archive data. In all, we have used 2424 images spanning the years 1994-2007 to study and determine the motions of 526 separate jet features in 127 jets. The data quality and temporal coverage (a median of 15 epochs per source) of this complete AGN jet sample represents a significant advance over previous kinematics surveys. In all but five AGNs, the jets appear one-sided, most likely the result of differential Doppler boosting. In general the observed motions are directed along the jet ridge line, outward from the optically thick core feature. We directly observe changes in speed and/or direction in one third of the well-sampled jet components in our survey. While there is some spread in the apparent speeds of separate features within an individual jet, the dispersion is about three times smaller than the overall dispersion of speeds among all jets. This supports the idea that there is a characteristic flow that describes each jet, which we have characterized by the fastest observed component speed. The observed maximum speed distribution is peaked at ~10c, with a tail that extends out to ~50c. This requires a distribution of intrinsic Lorentz factors in the parent population that range up to ~50. We also note the presence of some rare low-pattern speeds or even stationary features in otherwise rapidly flowing jets... (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted by the Astronomical Journal; online only material is available from http://www.cv.nrao.edu/2cmVLBA/pub/MOJAVE_VI_suppl.zi

    MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in AGN with VLBA Experiments. VII. Blazar Jet Acceleration

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    We discuss acceleration measurements for a large sample of extragalactic radio jets from the MOJAVE program which studies the parsec-scale jet structure and kinematics of a complete, flux-density-limited sample of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Accelerations are measured from the apparent motion of individual jet features or "components" which may represent patterns in the jet flow. We find that significant accelerations are common both parallel and perpendicular to the observed component velocities. Parallel accelerations, representing changes in apparent speed, are generally larger than perpendicular acceleration that represent changes in apparent direction. The trend for larger parallel accelerations indicates that a significant fraction of these changes in apparent speed are due to changes in intrinsic speed of the component rather than changes in direction to the line of sight. We find an overall tendency for components with increasing apparent speed to be closer to the base of their jets than components with decreasing apparent speed. This suggests a link between the observed pattern motions and the underlying flow which, in some cases, may increase in speed close to the base and decrease in speed further out; however, common hydro-dynamical processes for propagating shocks may also play a role. About half of the components show "non-radial" motion, or a misalignment between the component's structural position angle and its velocity direction, and these misalignments generally better align the component motion with the downstream emission. Perpendicular accelerations are closely linked with non-radial motion. When observed together, perpendicular accelerations are usually in the correct direction to have caused the observed misalignment.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa
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