264 research outputs found

    The Star Clusters in the Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449

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    We examine the star clusters in the irregular galaxy NGC 4449. We use a near-infrared spectrum and broad-band images taken with the HST to place a limit of 8--15 Myrs on the age of the bright central ojbect in NGC 4449. Its luminosity and size suggest that it is comparable to young super star clusters. However, there is a peculiar nucleated-bar structure at the center of this star cluster, and we suggest that this structure is debris from the interaction that has produced the counter-rotating gas systems and extended gas streamers in the galaxy. From the images we identify 60 other candidate compact star clusters in NGC 4449. Fourteen of these could be background elliptical galaxies or old globular star clusters. Of the star clusters, three, in addition to the central object, are potentially super star clusters, and many others are comparable to the populous clusters found in the LMC. The star clusters span a large range in ages with no obvious peak in cluster formation that might be attributed to the interaction that the galaxy has experienced.Comment: To be published in PASP, Feb. 2001; also attainable from ftp.lowell.edu, cd pub/dah/n4449pape

    Contrasting patterns of genetic diversity at three different genetic markers in a marine mammal metapopulation

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    Many studies use genetic markers to explore population structure and variability within species. However, only a minority use more than one type of marker and, despite increasing evidence of a link between heterozygosity and individual fitness, few ask whether diversity correlates with population trajectory. To address these issues, we analyzed data from the Steller’s sea lion, Eumetiopias jubatus, where three stocks are distributed over a vast geographical range and where both genetic samples and detailed demographic data have been collected from many diverse breeding colonies. To previously published mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) and microsatellite data sets,we have added new data for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, comprising 238 loci scored in 285 sea lions sampled from 23 natal rookeries. Genotypic diversity was low relative to most vertebrates, with only 37 loci (15.5%) being polymorphic. Moreover, contrasting geographical patterns of genetic diversity were found at the three markers, with Nei’s gene diversity tending to be higher for AFLPs and microsatellites in rookeries of the western and Asian stocks, while the highest mtDNA values were found in the eastern stock. Overall, and despite strongly contrasting demographic histories, after applying phylogenetic correction we found little correlation between genetic diversity and either colony size or demography. In contrast, we were able to show a highly significant positive relationship between AFLP diversity and current population size across a range of pinniped species, even though equivalent analyses did not reveal significant trends for either microsatellites or mtDNA

    Evaluating Exposure of Northern Fur Seals, Callorhinus Ursinus, to Microplastic Pollution Through Fecal Analysis

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    Environmental microplastics are widely documented in marine life and bioaccumulation may present risks to marine predators. Investigations of microplastics in marine mammals are increasing, though none have examined animals routinely consumed by humans. Here, we investigate microplastic exposure in the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), a species consumed by humans, using fecal material. We examined 44 feces (scat) at sites encompassing the seals\u27 eastern Pacific range. Multiple contamination control measures were implemented, including field and laboratory controls. Fragments were the most common microplastic recovered, in 55% (24/44) of scat and no controls (range 1 to 86 fragments/scat, mean 16.6, sd 19.1). Microplastic fibers were recovered from 41% of scats (18/44), though some controls contained fibers confounding fiber results. Fecal analysis documented northern fur seal exposure to microplastics throughout their eastern Pacific range. © 201

    Work functions, ionization potentials, and in-between: Scaling relations based on the image charge model

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    We revisit a model in which the ionization energy of a metal particle is associated with the work done by the image charge force in moving the electron from infinity to a small cut-off distance just outside the surface. We show that this model can be compactly, and productively, employed to study the size dependence of electron removal energies over the range encompassing bulk surfaces, finite clusters, and individual atoms. It accounts in a straightforward manner for the empirically known correlation between the atomic ionization potential (IP) and the metal work function (WF), IP/WF∌\sim2. We formulate simple expressions for the model parameters, requiring only a single property (the atomic polarizability or the nearest neighbor distance) as input. Without any additional adjustable parameters, the model yields both the IP and the WF within ∌\sim10% for all metallic elements, as well as matches the size evolution of the ionization potentials of finite metal clusters for a large fraction of the experimental data. The parametrization takes advantage of a remarkably constant numerical correlation between the nearest-neighbor distance in a crystal, the cube root of the atomic polarizability, and the image force cutoff length. The paper also includes an analytical derivation of the relation of the outer radius of a cluster of close-packed spheres to its geometric structure.Comment: Original submission: 8 pages with 7 figures incorporated in the text. Revised submission (added one more paragraph about alloy work functions): 18 double spaced pages + 8 separate figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Trends in Metal Oxide Stability for Nanorods, Nanotubes, and Surfaces

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    The formation energies of nanostructures play an important role in determining their properties, including the catalytic activity. For the case of 15 different rutile and 8 different perovskite metal oxides, we find that the density functional theory (DFT) calculated formation energies of (2,2) nanorods, (3,3) nanotubes, and the (110) and (100) surfaces may be described semi-quantitatively by the fraction of metal--oxygen bonds broken and the bonding band centers in the bulk metal oxide

    Development of a tight-binding potential for bcc-Zr. Application to the study of vibrational properties

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    We present a tight-binding potential based on the moment expansion of the density of states, which includes up to the fifth moment. The potential is fitted to bcc and hcp Zr and it is applied to the computation of vibrational properties of bcc-Zr. In particular, we compute the isothermal elastic constants in the temperature range 1200K < T < 2000K by means of standard Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The agreement with experimental results is satisfactory, especially in the case of the stability of the lattice with respect to the shear associated with C'. However, the temperature decrease of the Cauchy pressure is not reproduced. The T=0K phonon frequencies of bcc-Zr are also computed. The potential predicts several instabilities of the bcc structure, and a crossing of the longitudinal and transverse modes in the (001) direction. This is in agreement with recent ab initio calculations in Sc, Ti, Hf, and La.Comment: 14 pages, 6 tables, 4 figures, revtex; the kinetic term of the isothermal elastic constants has been corrected (Eq. (4.1), Table VI and Figure 4

    Mapping of the Disease Locus and Identification of ADAMTS10 As a Candidate Gene in a Canine Model of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

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    Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of blindness worldwide, with elevated intraocular pressure as an important risk factor. Increased resistance to outflow of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork causes elevated intraocular pressure, but the specific mechanisms are unknown. In this study, we used genome-wide SNP arrays to map the disease gene in a colony of Beagle dogs with inherited POAG to within a single 4 Mb locus on canine chromosome 20. The Beagle POAG locus is syntenic to a previously mapped human quantitative trait locus for intraocular pressure on human chromosome 19. Sequence capture and next-generation sequencing of the entire canine POAG locus revealed a total of 2,692 SNPs segregating with disease. Of the disease-segregating SNPs, 54 were within exons, 8 of which result in amino acid substitutions. The strongest candidate variant causes a glycine to arginine substitution in a highly conserved region of the metalloproteinase ADAMTS10. Western blotting revealed ADAMTS10 protein is preferentially expressed in the trabecular meshwork, supporting an effect of the variant specific to aqueous humor outflow. The Gly661Arg variant in ADAMTS10 found in the POAG Beagles suggests that altered processing of extracellular matrix and/or defects in microfibril structure or function may be involved in raising intraocular pressure, offering specific biochemical targets for future research and treatment strategies

    Hereditary cataract in the Bengal cat in Poland

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    Background: This paper reports the significant prevalence of a presumed hereditary cataract in the Bengal cat breed in Poland. The nuclear part of the lens is affected and previous reports from Sweden and France for this type of feline cataract suggest that a recessive mode of inheritance is probably involved. Results: Presumed congenital or neonatal cataract involving the posterior nuclear part of each lens was initially diagnosed in a 12 month old male Bengal cat. As both parents and a sibling were also affected with cataract, a group of 18 related and 11 non-related cats was then subsequently examined. Eight related cats and one non- related cat were found to be similarly affected. A breed survey was then completed using an additional five centres across Poland and a further 190 related cats were examined. A total of 223 cats have been involved in this study, with 75 (33%) being affected with several types of cataract and 67 (30%) being specifically affected with the same or similar nuclear lesions. Eight cats (3.6%) presented with other cataract types and a prominence of the posterior lens suture lines was recorded in 65 cats unaffected with cataract (29%). There were no demonstrable vision problems. Neither age nor coat colour was significantly associated with the nuclear cataract, but the nuclear cataract group had a higher proportion of females than the unaffected group. Pedigree analysis has indicated probable inheritance as a recessive trait. Conclusions: These findings suggest that a presumably inherited nuclear cataract is present in the Bengal cat breed in Poland. It is considered to be either congenital or of very early onset, probably being inherited as a recessive trait. Although the lesion has no noticeable effect on vision, breeders in Poland and worldwide should be aware of the disease and clinical examination of young breeding stock prior to reproduction is advisable
