20 research outputs found

    Characteristics of growth of yeasts and yeast-like fungi on chromogenic medium CHROMagar Candida (GRASO)

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    Early detection and correct diagnosis of fungal infection is important for further therapy and prophylaxis. Currently, there are a number of proposals related to rapid diagnostic tests. To those we can include chromogenic media, such as CHROMagar® Candida (GRASO). This medium has been developed to differentiate four species of genus Candida. Its use in laboratory has opened up possibilities for growing not only the genus Candida, but also other fungi. The study suggests that medium CHROMagar® Candida can provide an excellent pre-test, or be used as complementary to biochemical tests. Establishing a full template of colours would enable more efficient and fuller use of the medium properties, especially in the discrimination of the teleomorphic form from anamorphic

    Wpływ zanieczyszczeń przemysłowych na jakość wód dolnego odcinka rzeki Dobrej

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    Between 2007 and 2008 water samples were collected from the River Dobra (right-side tributary of the River Widawa). The samples were gathered in four seasons from five sites of the Lower Dobra River. The following parameters were measured: temperature, water reaction, alkalinity, hardness, and oxygen, nitrites (III and V), ammonium, chlorides, calcium, phosphorus, sulfates and magnesium content. The influence of contaminants from a plant on the quality of the Lower Dobra River was researched. Almost all examined parameters were on average higher on the site II in comparison with the other researched sites. The highest changes were observed in phosphorus (an increase of 192 %), chlorides (an increase of 155 %) and nitrates(V) (an increase of 153 %) concentration. No differences were determined in an average content of nitrates(III) but their concentration in sewage was different depending on the season. It was two-fold higher in summer and winter. There were no significant differences in water reaction between the River Dobra and sewage from the plant. On the site II both higher significant increase in chlorides concentration and significant increase in phosphorus content as compared with other measurement sites were noted. These results cause higher significant increase of an electric conductivity of water. Despite the fact that many pollutants were introduced into the Lower Dobra River an average concentrations of magnesium (15 %) and nitrates(III) (7 %) were higher in water of the River Dobra near the Widawa (site V) than in water coming from the River Dobra above a sewage tributary (site I). Water conductivity was measured at higher level with the highest in autumn -1345 uS o cm ^-1 and the lowest in winter - 706 uS o cm^-1.W latach 2007-2008 zebrano próbki wody z rzeki Dobrej (prawostronnego dopływu Widawy). Próbki zebrano w 4 porach roku z 5 miejsc - dolnej rzeki Dobrej. Określono: temperaturę, odczyn, zasadowość, twardość, zawartość: tlenu, azotynów(III i V), amoniaku, chlorków, wapnia, fosforanów, siarczanów i magnezu. Celem tej pracy było określenie wpływu zanieczyszczenia ściekami przemysłowymi dolnego odcinka rzeki Dobrej na jakość wody rzeki Widawy. Prawie wszystkie badane parametry były średnio większe na stanowisku II niż na pozostałych stanowiskach w rzece Dobrej. Największe średnie zmiany były w koncentracji fosforanów (wzrost o 192 %), koncentracji chlorków (wzrost o 155 %), koncentracji azotanów(V) (wzrost o 153 %). Nie było żadnych średnich różnic w zawartości azotanów(III), ale ich koncentracja ; w ściekach była zróżnicowana (latem i zimą dwukrotnie większa niż w rzece Dobrej). Nie było większych różnic pomiędzy odczynem pH rzeki Dobrej i ścieków z zakładu (3 % więcej). Na stanowisku II zanotowano zarówno duży wzrost koncentracji chlorków, jak i wzrost zawartości fosforanów powodujący duży wzrost przewodności elektrolitycznej. Chociaż wiele związków było zawartych w ściekach wprowadzonych w dolnym odcinku rzeki Dobrej, jednakże tylko średnie koncentracje magnezu (15 %) i azotanów(III) (7 %) były większe w wodzie z rzeki Dobrej w pobliżu Widawy (stanowisko V) niż w wodzie pochodzącej z rzeki Dobrej powyżej dopływu ścieków (stanowisko I). Większa była także przewodniość elektrolityczna, ale ten parametr był bardzo zróżnicowany. Największa przewodniość była jesienią (max 1345 uS o cm^-1), a najmniejsza zimą (min. 706 uS o cm^-1)

    Wpływ zastosowania nanomiedzi na stopień pokrycia opryskiwanych obiektów

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    The main purpose of the study was to compare the average and total degree of covering the sprayed plants with the foliar fertilizer with copper and the nanocopper. The measurement of covering degree was performed in "Aporo” sprayed chamber at a constant speed of (11.16 m·s-1) and at two pressures values 0.2 and 0.28 MPa for two nozzles standard: onestream XR110-02, and a dual-stream DF120-02. Tests were conducted at a constant speed for different pressures and two conventional nozzles. The samplers in the form of water sensitive paper were used. The degree of covering was calculated using a computer image analysis method. Statistical tests were carried out based on an analysis of the average group and homogeneity of variance (ANOVA). It was found that, when the nanocopper was applied, the average degree of covering and the total degree of covering were higher than while using the foliar fertilizer (Mikrovit) with copper, regardless of the pressure and the nozzle used in tests.Celem badań było porównanie średniego oraz całkowitego stopnia pokrycia roślin opryskiwanych nawozem dolistnym miedzi i nanomiedzią Badania stopnia pokrycia wykonano w komorze opryskowej "Aporo". Doświadczenie przeprowadzono ze stałą prędkością opryskiwania (11.16 m·s-1), przy dwóch ciśnieniach roboczych 0.2 i 0.28 MPa dla dwóch rozpylaczy standardowych: XR 110-02 i DF 120-02. Użyto próbników w postaci papierków wodoczułych, które umieszczano na powierzchniach poziomych i pionowych sztucznych roślin. Stopień pokrycia obliczono dzięki wykorzystaniu komputerowej metody analizy obrazu. Przeprowadzono testy statystyczne oparte na analizie średnich w grupach oraz analizę jednorodności wariancji (ANOVA). Stwierdzono, że przy zastosowaniu do oprysku pierwiastka nanomiedzi średni stopień pokrycia oraz cał- kowity stopień pokrycia był wyższy niż przy zastosowaniu nawozu dolistnego Mikrovit, niezależnie od ciśnienie oraz rozpylacza wykorzystanego w badaniach

    Wyniki wieloletnich analiz mikologicznych materiałów biologicznych pochodzących z wybranych ontocenoz narządowych – drożdże i grzyby drożdżopodobne

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    This paper reviews the results of an extensive monitoring study, spanning 20-years of observation from three medical centres in Olsztyn on the dynamics and species diversity of fungi most frequently colonizing the respiratory and digestive systems of humans. The experimental materials were swabs and specimens from the gastrointestinal tract, swabs from the oral cavity and pharynx, as well as sputum and bronchial fluid from the respiratory system. The biological material was subjected to routine mycological diagnostics, taxonomic determination and identification. In total, 41 species of yeast and yeast-like fungi were isolated, including 34 from the respiratory and 25 from the digestive system. In the last decade, a significant increase has been noticed in the counts of fungi, especially the gastrointestinal tract, reported from people. As many as 18 species were isolated from both systems – they were predominated by fungi of the genus Candida and their perfect forms. Worthy of notice are also frequent isolations of yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) and detection of an endemic species, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, in the respiratory system, and of the sexual stages of Rhodosporidium diobovatum and Rhodosporidium kratochvilovae from the gastrointestinal tract

    Effects of nanoporous anodic titanium oxide on human adipose derived stem cells

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    Katarzyna Malec,1 Joanna Góralska,1 Magdalena Hubalewska-Mazgaj,2 Paulina Glowacz,1 Magdalena Jarosz,3 Pawel Brzewski,4 Grzegorz D Sulka,3 Marian Jaskula,3 Iwona Wybranska1 1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Jagiellonian University Medical College, 2Department of Genetic Research and Nutrigenomics, Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, 3Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, 4Department of Dermatology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland Abstract: The aim of current bone biomaterials research is to design implants that induce controlled, guided, successful, and rapid healing. Titanium implants are widely used in dental, orthopedic, and reconstructive surgery. A series of studies has indicated that cells can respond not only to the chemical properties of the biomaterial, but also, in particular, to the changes in surface topography. Nanoporous materials remain in focus of scientific queries due to their exclusive properties and broad applications. One such material is nanostructured titanium oxide with highly ordered, mutually perpendicular nanopores. Nanoporous anodic titanium dioxide (TiO2) films were fabricated by a three-step anodization process in propan-1,2,3-triol-based electrolyte containing fluoride ions. Adipose-derived stem cells offer many interesting opportunities for regenerative medicine. The important goal of tissue engineering is to direct stem cell differentiation into a desired cell lineage. The influence of nanoporous TiO2 with pore diameters of 80 and 108 nm on cell response, growth, viability, and ability to differentiate into osteoblastic lineage of human adipose-derived progenitors was explored. Cells were harvested from the subcutaneous abdominal fat tissue by a simple, minimally invasive, and inexpensive method. Our results indicate that anodic nanostructured TiO2 is a safe and nontoxic biomaterial. In vitro studies demonstrated that the nanotopography induced and enhanced osteodifferentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells from the abdominal subcutaneous fat tissue. Keywords: adipose-derived stem cells, anodic titanium oxide, nanotopography, osteogenic differentiation, biomaterial

    The potential anti‐infective applications of metal oxide nanoparticles: A systematic review

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    Microbial infections present a major global healthcare challenge, in large part because of the development of microbial resistance to the currently approved antimicrobial drugs. This demands the development of new antimicrobial agents. Metal oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) are a class of materials that have been widely explored for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. They are reported to have wide‐ranging antimicrobial activities and to be potent against bacteria, viruses, and protozoans. The use of MONPs reduces the possibility of resistance developing because they have multiple mechanisms of action (including via reactive oxygen species generation), simultaneously attacking many sites in the microorganism. However, despite this there are to date no MONPs clinically approved for antimicrobial therapy. This review explores the recent literature in this area, discusses the mechanisms of MONP action against microorganisms, and considers the barriers faced to the use of MONPs in humans. These include biological challenges, of which the potential for an immune response and off‐target toxicity are key. We explore in detail the possible benefits/disbenefits of an immune response being initiated, and consider the effect of production method (chemical vs. green synthesis) on cytotoxicity. There are also a number of technical and manufacturing challenges hindering MONP translation to the clinic which are additionally discussed in depth. In the short term, there are potentially some “quick wins” from the repurposing of already‐approved nanoparticle‐based medicines for anti‐infective applications, but a number of hurdles, both technical and biological, lie in the path to long‐term clinical translation of new MONP‐based formulations. This article is categorized under: Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Nanomedicine for Infectious Disease Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Emerging Technologies Toxicology and Regulatory Issues in Nanomedicine > Toxicology of Nanomaterial