32 research outputs found

    Microangiopathy in the cerebellum of patients with mitochondrial DNA disease

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    Neuropathological findings in mitochondrial DNA disease vary and are often dependent on the type of mitochondrial DNA defect. Many reports document neuronal cell loss, demyelination, gliosis and necrotic lesions in post-mortem material. However, previous studies highlight vascular abnormalities in patients harbouring mitochondrial DNA defects, particularly in those with the m.3243A>G mutation in whom stroke-like events are part of the mitochondrial encephalopathy lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome. We investigated microangiopathic changes in the cerebellum of 16 genetically and clinically well-defined patients. Respiratory chain deficiency, high levels of mutated mitochondrial DNA and increased mitochondrial mass were present within the smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells comprising the vessel wall in patients. These changes were not limited to those harbouring the m.3243A>G mutation frequently associated with mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes, but were documented in patients harbouring m.8344A>G and autosomal recessive polymerase (DNA directed), gamma (POLG) mutations. In 8 of the 16 patients, multiple ischaemic-like lesions occurred in the cerebellar cortex suggestive of vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction. Indeed, changes in vascular smooth muscle and endothelium distribution and cell size are indicative of vascular cell loss. We found evidence of blood–brain barrier breakdown characterized by plasma protein extravasation following fibrinogen and IgG immunohistochemistry. Reduced immunofluorescence was also observed using markers for endothelial tight junctions providing further evidence in support of blood–brain barrier breakdown. Understanding the structural and functional changes occurring in central nervous system microvessels in patients harbouring mitochondrial DNA defects will provide an important insight into mechanisms of neurodegeneration in mitochondrial DNA disease. Since therapeutic strategies targeting the central nervous system are limited, modulating vascular function presents an exciting opportunity to lessen the burden of disease in these patients

    Higuchi Dimension of Digital Images

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    There exist several methods for calculating the fractal dimension of objects represented as 2D digital images. For example, Box counting, Minkowski dilation or Fourier analysis can be employed. However, there appear to be some limitations. It is not possible to calculate only the fractal dimension of an irregular region of interest in an image or to perform the calculations in a particular direction along a line on an arbitrary angle through the image. The calculations must be made for the whole image. In this paper, a new method to overcome these limitations is proposed. 2D images are appropriately prepared in order to apply 1D signal analyses, originally developed to investigate nonlinear time series. The Higuchi dimension of these 1D signals is calculated using Higuchi's algorithm, and it is shown that both regions of interests and directional dependencies can be evaluated independently of the whole picture. A thorough validation of the proposed technique and a comparison of the new method to the Fourier dimension, a common two dimensional method for digital images, are given. The main result is that Higuchi's algorithm allows a direction dependent as well as direction independent analysis. Actual values for the fractal dimensions are reliable and an effective treatment of regions of interests is possible. Moreover, the proposed method is not restricted to Higuchi's algorithm, as any 1D method of analysis, can be applied

    Складові компоненти мовної особистості в контексті міжкультурної комунікації

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу складових компонентів мовної особистості в контексті міжкультурної комунікації, їх взаємодії та функціонуванню з точки зору прагматичної спрямованості мовленнєвого впливу. Детально розглядаються три рівні структури мовної особистості (структурно-мовний, лінгвокогнітивний ті мотиваційний) із визначенням специфіки їхніх складових компонентів.Статья посвящена анализу составляющих компонентов языковой личности в контексте межкультурной коммуникаций, их взаимодействию и функционированию с точки зрения прагматической направленности речевого воздействия. Детально рассматриваются три уровня структуры языковой личности (структурно-языковой, лингвокогнитивный и мотивационный) с последующим определением специфики их составляющих компонентов.The article is dedicated to the linguistic personality constituent components' analysis in terms of cross-cultural communication, their interaction and functioning with the speech influence pragmatic orientation taken into consideration. The three levels of the linguistic personality (that is, structural linguistic, lingo cognitive and motivation ones) are under analysis with the following their constituent components specificity determinatio