349 research outputs found

    All roads lead to Rome: channelling inter-campus, interlibrary and off-campus requests through a single user interface

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    The message from remote library clients is clear and unequivocal - they want material quickly and easily. They would prefer not to have to differentiate between the three library services of intercampus, interlibrary, or off-campus requests - they just want a particular document or book forwarded to them as soon as possible. At the University of Southern Queensland Library, VDX software has been utilised to provide a single search and request interface for library material. Differentiating between individual clients,it displays and activates only those services for which a particular client is eligible. Remote undergraduates for example, have the ability to search and request from USQ catalogue only, while those students eligible for interlibrary loans can search and initiate requests across a range of catalogues. Whilst simplifying processes for clients, the challenge to Library staff has been to successfully manipulate the software and work processes to handle this complex arrangement. This paper will discuss the introduction of this new initiative focusing on the following issues: - Background - Client view - Dual services and associated challenges - Impact on staff - Improvements planned in the next six months - Marketing - Conclusio

    Is child weight status correctly reported to parents? Cross-sectional analysis of National Child Measurement Programme data using ethnic-specific BMI adjustments.

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    BACKGROUND: BMI underestimates and overestimates body fat in children from South Asian and Black ethnic groups, respectively. METHODS: We used cross-sectional NCMP data (2015-17) for 38 270 children in three inner-London local authorities: City & Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets (41% South Asian, 18.8% Black): 20 439 4-5 year-olds (48.9% girls) and 17 831 10-11 year-olds (49.1% girls). We estimated the proportion of parents who would have received different information about their child's weight status, and the area-level prevalence of obesity-defined as ≄98th centile-had ethnic-specific BMI adjustments been employed in the English National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). RESULTS: Had ethnic-specific adjustment been employed, 19.7% (3112/15 830) of parents of children from South Asian backgrounds would have been informed that their child was in a heavier weight category, and 19.1% (1381/7217) of parents of children from Black backgrounds would have been informed that their child was in a lighter weight category. Ethnic-specific adjustment increased obesity prevalence from 7.9% (95% CI: 7.6, 8.3) to 9.1% (8.7, 9.5) amongst 4-5 year-olds and from 17.5% (16.9, 18.1) to 18.8% (18.2, 19.4) amongst 10-11 year-olds. CONCLUSIONS: Ethnic-specific adjustment in the NCMP would ensure equitable categorization of weight status, provide correct information to parents and support local service provision for families

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Pada Tema Sehat Itu Penting Terintegrasi Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran Di Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 4 Tana Toraja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis kebutuhan modul, merancang prototipe modul, mengevaluasi modul pada tema sehat itu penting terintegrasi ayat-ayat Al-Quran pada kelas V MIN 4 Tana toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode 4D yang dilakukan sekolah MIN 4 Tana. Jenis penelitian ini adalah R&D yang berfokus pada pengembangan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MIN 4 Tana toraja dan objeknya adalah modul tema sehat itu penting (subtema peredaran darahku sehat). Data dalam penelitian dikumpulkan melalui angket dan wawancara. Dari hasil analisis kebutuhan bahwa pendidik MIN 4 Tana Toraja belum menggunakan bahan ajar berupa modul saat proses pembelajaran oleh karenanya penulis mengembangkan dan menghasilkan modul tema sehat itu penting terintegrasi ayat-ayat Al-quran sebagain alat bantu dalam belajar. Modul yang telah dibuat selanjutnya divalidasi oleh 3 ahli validator diantaranya ahli materi/desain, validator bahasa, dan validator agama. Hasil validasi kemudian dianalisis untuk mengetahui kevalidan produk yang telah ditotalkan dan bernilai sangat valid dengan presentase 89% hasil dibuktikan dengan nilai dari ahli materi/desain 87% nilai dari ahli agama, dan nilai dari ahli bahasa 72%

    Analisis Pembangunan Berbasis Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Sumber Daya Masyarakat

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    : Community Based Development is known as the concept of building a more open space so that community would be able to involve in the development process so that development could adjust the need to utilize the potential tto improve quality of life. Research model used is qualitative research, with research location in Selorejo village, dau sub-district, Malang regency, through interviews and documentation, then in determining the sample, researchers using the purposive sampling, data analysis uses analytical models of Miles and Huberman , while testing the validity of the data is done using triangulation techniques. Research concludes 1) . community awareness to actively involve in every community-based development process is already well supported by a culture of mutual cooperation is still strong. 2). Efforts to improve human resource quality in Selorejo village is still low. There's an effort to optimize human quality development via education and health such as creating Early Education, Kindergarten, and Islamic Elementary School directed to orange farmers, skill training for Youth group and woman group. Keywords: development, human resourc

    A Comparative Unit Cost Analysis of Echocardiography Service between Activity-Based Costing, Ina-Cbgs, and Hospital Charge at Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital

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    Background: All countries allocate a portion of resources to the health sector. Under the National Health Insurance (NHI, JKN), tariffs of hospital care service are pre determined by the Indonesian Case Base Groups (INA-CBGs) payment scheme. Anecdotal evidence reported that there often occurred some discrepancy between hospital charge and INA-CBGs tariff for a specified hospital care service. This gap may cause either loss or excess profit to the hospital. This study aimed to estimate and compare the unit costs of providing echocardiography service using Activity Based Costing (ABC) method, hospital charge, and INA-CBGs tariff, respectively, at Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital. Subjects and Method: This was a cost analysis conducted at Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital, Yogyakarta. A sample of patients aged ≄45 years who used echocardiography was selected for this study. The dependent variable was unit cost of echocardiography. The independent variable was costing method (ABC, hospital charge, and INA-CBGs tariff). The data were obtained from the financial management of the hospital. Results: The estimated unit costs of echocardiography using ABC method, hospital charge, and INA-CBGs were Rp309.370, Rp343.000, Rp369.500, respectively. The estimated unit cost using ABC method was Rp33.630 lower than hospital charge and Rp 60.130 lower than INA-CBGs tariff. Conclusion: The unit cost using ABC method was lower than hospital charge and INA-CBGs tariff. Corrective policy action should be made to fill this gap. Keywords: echocardiography, unit cost, activity-based costing, hospital charge INA-CBGs tarif

    The Wife's Participation to Increase of Fishermen Household Income in Berombang Village Panai Hilir Sub District Labuhanbatu Regency of Nort Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted in the Berombang Village Labuhanbatu North Sumatra province in April 2015. The aim of this study is Knowing wife's participation in increasing the household income of fishermen in the Berombang Village method used is survey method. Determination of the respondents random sampling (simple random sampling). The poopulation Berombang Village has a population of 32 577 respondent. Wife of a fisherman ranged between Rp. 300,000 to Rp. 2,800,000 / month. Husband earned income (fishing) ranged RP. 1,121,205 / month. Average income of household Rp. 2,778,738 / month. By comparison husband and wife income2of Rp. 411 359. T test test results showed revenue wives and husbands are not real perberbedaan, the difference is shown by 0.276> 0.005. While the proportion of the income of fishermen wife on household income is high (51-100%)


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    This research was intended to analyze the effect of mind mapping towards students writing skill at the second semester students of FPBS IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016. This study was quasi experimental research, where the sample was cluster randomly selected with the total number of sample was 65 students which were divided into 2 classes; 29 students were in the control group and there were 36 students belong to experimental group. In order to collect the research data, the writer used writing test to comprehend the students’ ability in managing text based on mind mapping concept. After the data was obtained, then it was analyzed by applying descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis. Regarding to the data analysis it was found that the students’ ability before treatment was 69.72 in the significant level 95%. On post-test data analysis, the students mean writing ability increased into 77.22. The inferential analysis or hypothesis testing also proved that the t-test was higher than t-table in the significant level 95% (α =0.05) and degree of freedom 63 (4.158 > 2.000) with ρ value (sig.) 0.00 < 0.05. It was clearly claimed that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which stated that mind-mapping was effective towards students writing at second semester students of FPBS IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016 was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) that said main-mapping is not effective toward students writing at second semester students of FPBS IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016 was rejected. Those data evidently proved that mind mapping was effective towards students writing especially at second semester students of FPBS IKIP Mataram in academic year 2015/2016

    Pengaruh Faktor Bauran Pemasaran terhadap Pertimbangan Nasabah Memilih Bank Syariah di Kota Medan

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    The expansion of syari'ah bank in Indonesia recently can be concluded to have a significant development, it also take a large number of attention from the Indonesian goverment though Indonesian central Bank, Bank Indonesia in monitoring the development of syari'ah bank industry. Consumers behaviour toward syari'ah bank, which is shown by a variety respon. Consumer consideration in choosing syariah bank, has become a very interesting topics to be discuss in knowing the information on how far does Indonesian people interest with syari'ah bank and what kind of factors can affect the community to deal with syari'ah bank by being the customer of syariah bank. One of the factors is marketing mix strategy which the company, syari'ah bank, has formulated. The purpose of this research is to analize the effect of marketing mix, which are product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence, towards customer consideration in choosing syariah bank. And also to inform which the most dominant factor from the all seven factors to be consider by customer. The field research is the city, Medan, with population all of Medan's syariah bank individual customer, through, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Medan Branch Office; Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Medan Branch Office; BNI Syariah, Medan Branch Office, using purposive sampling method, with 100 number of respondents in finishing the survey. Hypothesis examination involves mutiple regression analysis. Result indicates only three of seven marketing mix factors, which are product, place, and people has significantly affect customer consideration in choosing syariah bank in Medan. The other four factors, price, promotion, process, and physical evidence does not significantly affect customer consideration. The one factor gives the most dominant consideration is the product

    Analysis of the subunit assembly of the type IC restriction-modification enzyme EcoR124I

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    Type I restriction-modification (R-M) enzymes are composed of three different subunits, of which HsdS determines DNA specificity, HsdM is responsible for DNA methylation and HsdR is required for restriction. The HsdM and HsdS subunits can also form an independent DNA methyltransferase with a subunit stoichiometry of M2S1. We found that the purified Eco R124I R-M enzyme was a mixture of two species as detected by the presence of two differently migrating specific DNA-protein complexes in a gel retardation assay. An analysis of protein subunits isolated from the complexes indicated that the larger species had a stoichiometry of R2M2S1and the smaller species had a stoichiometry of R1M2S1. In vitro analysis of subunit assembly revealed that while binding of the first HsdR subunit to the M2S1complex was very tight, the second HsdR subunit was bound weakly and it dissociated from the R1M2S1complex with an apparent K d of approximately 2.4 x 10(-7) M. Functional assays have shown that only the R2M2S1complex is capable of DNA cleavage, however, the R1M2S1complex retains ATPase activity. The relevance of this situation is discussed in terms of the regulation of restriction activity in vivo upon conjugative transfer of a plasmid-born R-M system into an unmodified host cell
