318 research outputs found

    Topological Defects Coupling Smectic Modulations to Intra-unit-cell Nematicity in Cuprate

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    We study the coexisting smectic modulations and intra-unit-cell nematicity in the pseudogap states of underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{\delta}. By visualizing their spatial components separately, we identified 2\pi topological defects throughout the phase-fluctuating smectic states. Imaging the locations of large numbers of these topological defects simultaneously with the fluctuations in the intra-unit-cell nematicity revealed strong empirical evidence for a coupling between them. From these observations, we propose a Ginzburg-Landau functional describing this coupling and demonstrate how it can explain the coexistence of the smectic and intra-unit-cell broken symmetries and also correctly predict their interplay at the atomic scale. This theoretical perspective can lead to unraveling the complexities of the phase diagram of cuprate high-critical-temperature superconductors

    One-Component Order Parameter in URu2_2Si2_2 Uncovered by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Machine Learning

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    The unusual correlated state that emerges in URu2_2Si2_2 below THO_{HO} = 17.5 K is known as "hidden order" because even basic characteristics of the order parameter, such as its dimensionality (whether it has one component or two), are "hidden". We use resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to measure the symmetry-resolved elastic anomalies across THO_{HO}. We observe no anomalies in the shear elastic moduli, providing strong thermodynamic evidence for a one-component order parameter. We develop a machine learning framework that reaches this conclusion directly from the raw data, even in a crystal that is too small for traditional resonant ultrasound. Our result rules out a broad class of theories of hidden order based on two-component order parameters, and constrains the nature of the fluctuations from which unconventional superconductivity emerges at lower temperature. Our machine learning framework is a powerful new tool for classifying the ubiquitous competing orders in correlated electron systems

    Commensurate 4a04a_0 period Charge Density Modulations throughout the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+xBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} Pseudogap Regime

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    Theories based upon strong real space (r-space) electron electron interactions have long predicted that unidirectional charge density modulations (CDM) with four unit cell (4a0a_0) periodicity should occur in the hole doped cuprate Mott insulator (MI). Experimentally, however, increasing the hole density p is reported to cause the conventionally defined wavevector QAQ_A of the CDM to evolve continuously as if driven primarily by momentum space (k-space) effects. Here we introduce phase resolved electronic structure visualization for determination of the cuprate CDM wavevector. Remarkably, this new technique reveals a virtually doping independent locking of the local CDM wavevector at Q0=2π/4a0|Q_0|=2\pi/4a_0 throughout the underdoped phase diagram of the canonical cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8. These observations have significant fundamental consequences because they are orthogonal to a k-space (Fermi surface) based picture of the cuprate CDM but are consistent with strong coupling r-space based theories. Our findings imply that it is the latter that provide the intrinsic organizational principle for the cuprate CDM state

    Quantum limit transport and destruction of the Weyl nodes in TaAs

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    Weyl fermions are a new ingredient for correlated states of electronic matter. A key difficulty has been that real materials also contain non-Weyl quasiparticles, and disentangling the experimental signatures has proven challenging. We use magnetic fields up to 95 tesla to drive the Weyl semimetal TaAs far into its quantum limit (QL), where only the purely chiral 0th Landau levels (LLs) of the Weyl fermions are occupied. We find the electrical resistivity to be nearly independent of magnetic field up to 50 tesla: unusual for conventional metals but consistent with the chiral anomaly for Weyl fermions. Above 50 tesla we observe a two-order-of-magnitude increase in resistivity, indicating that a gap opens in the chiral LLs. Above 80 tesla we observe strong ultrasonic attenuation below 2 kelvin, suggesting a mesoscopically-textured state of matter. These results point the way to inducing new correlated states of matter in the QL of Weyl semimetals

    Impact of dietary manganese on experimental colitis in mice

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    Diet plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A recent epidemiological study has shown an inverse relationship between nutritional manganese (Mn) status and IBD patients. Mn is an essential micronutrient required for normal cell function and physiological processes. To date, the roles of Mn in intestinal homeostasis remain unknown and the contribution of Mn to IBD has yet to be explored. Here, we provide evidence that Mn is critical for the maintenance of the intestinal barrier and that Mn deficiency exacerbates dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)â induced colitis in mice. Specifically, when treated with DSS, Mnâ deficient mice showed increased morbidity, weight loss, and colon injury, with a concomitant increase in inflammatory cytokine levels and oxidative and DNA damage. Even without DSS treatment, dietary Mn deficiency alone increased intestinal permeability by impairing intestinal tight junctions. In contrast, mice fed a Mnâ supplemented diet showed slightly increased tolerance to DSSâ induced experimental colitis, as judged by the colon length. Despite the wellâ appreciated roles of intestinal microbiota in driving inflammation in IBD, the gut microbiome composition was not altered by changes in dietary Mn. We conclude that Mn is necessary for proper maintenance of the intestinal barrier and provides protection against DSSâ induced colon injury.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/1/fsb220201_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/2/fsb220201-sup-0002-TableS3.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/3/fsb220201-sup-0005-TableS6.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/4/fsb220201.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/5/fsb220201-sup-0003-TableS4.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/6/fsb220201-sup-0004-TableS5.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154377/7/fsb220201-sup-0001-TableS1-S2.pd

    Dirac Spectrum in Piecewise Constant One-Dimensional Potentials

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    We study the electronic states of graphene in piecewise constant potentials using the continuum Dirac equation appropriate at low energies, and a transfer matrix method. For superlattice potentials, we identify patterns of induced Dirac points which are present throughout the band structure, and verify for the special case of a particle-hole symmetric potential their presence at zero energy. We also consider the cases of a single trench and a p-n junction embedded in neutral graphene, which are shown to support confined states. An analysis of conductance across these structures demonstrates that these confined states create quantum interference effects which evidence their presence.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, additional references adde

    Inter edge Tunneling in Quantum Hall Line Junctions

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    We propose a scenario to understand the puzzling features of the recent experiment by Kang and coworkers on tunneling between laterally coupled quantum Hall liquids by modeling the system as a pair of coupled chiral Luttinger liquid with a point contact tunneling center. We show that for filling factors ν1\nu\sim1 the effects of the Coulomb interactions move the system deep into strong tunneling regime, by reducing the magnitude of the Luttinger parameter KK, leading to the appearance of a zero-bias differential conductance peak of magnitude Gt=Ke2/hG_t=Ke^2/h at zero temperature. The abrupt appearance of the zero bias peak as the filling factor is increased past a value ν1 \nu^* \gtrsim 1, and its gradual disappearance thereafter can be understood as a crossover controlled by the main energy scales of this system: the bias voltage VV, the crossover scale TKT_K, and the temperature TT. The low height of the zero bias peak 0.1e2/h\sim 0.1e^2/h observed in the experiment, and its broad finite width, can be understood naturally within this picture. Also, the abrupt reappearance of the zero-bias peak for ν2\nu \gtrsim 2 can be explained as an effect caused by spin reversed electrons, \textit{i. e.} if the 2DEG is assumed to have a small polarization near ν2\nu\sim2. We also predict that as the temperature is lowered ν\nu^* should decrease, and the width of zero-bias peak should become wider. This picture also predicts the existence of similar zero bias peak in the spin tunneling conductance near for ν2\nu \gtrsim 2.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure