554 research outputs found

    Cellular Calcium Regulation in Hypertension

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    In vascular muscle cells, two distinct types of functionally important calcium (Ca2++) channels, called transient (T) and sustained (L), are differentiated by dihydropyridine calcium antagonists (CaA). We studied the ratio of T/L Ca2++ channels in isolated, spontaneously contracting azygous venous cells of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) by quantitating Ca2++ currents and intracellular Ca2++ release. While total transmembranous Ca2++ current was not different between the two strains, the proportion of Ca2++ currents carried by L-type channels was enhanced in vascular muscle cells from SHR. We have recently compared subcellular distribution of intracellular free Ca2++ concentration in the same cells, at rest and during stimulation, by quantitation with a digital photon-counting camera. Fura-2 fluorescence intensity showed that Ca2++ release was principally from sarcoplasmic reticulum and that cells from SHR had higher levels of Ca2++ upon calcium channel stimulation, especially at the cell periphery. These findings suggest fundamental differences in SHR and WKY vascular muscle cells implicating the importance of changes in calcium channels, modulation of Ca2++ release, and Ca2++ uptake in SHR hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1989;2:655-65

    Pathology of acute and subchronic nitrate poisening in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    The pathology of nitrate poisoning by forest fertilizers to reindeer was studied. The post mortem picture differed with substance, dose and time of exposure. Animals that died from acute ammonium nitrate intoxication had lesions similar to those found in acute ammonium and nitrate poisoning in sheep and cattle, without developing methaemoglobinemia. The animal that died from acute sodium nitrate poisoning probably died from acute collapse of the blood pressure without developing methaemoglobinemia and without any significant post mortem lesions. Animals dead of subchronic sodium nitrate poisoning all developed methaemoglobinemia. Animals dead within 24 hours only revealed subserous haemorrhages in the pleura and haemorrhages in musculus longissimus costarum and musculus longissimus dorsi. Similar pleural and muscular haemorrhages were also found in animals that died 60 - 200 hours after exposure but in these animals were also found what is considered common lesions in connection with nitrate/nitrite posoning; i.e. discolorated and poorly clotted blood, cardiac hamorrhages etc. The constant finding of these pleural and muscular haemorrhages may indicate almost pathognomonic lesions, in reindeer, in connection with nitrate poisoning of subchronic and chronic nature. The two animals that died from voluntarily drinking ammonium-nitrate dissolved in water developed lesions indicative of a combined effect of ammonium and nitrate poisoning. Patologin vid akut och subkronisk nitratforgiftning hos ren (Rangifer tarandus L) Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Patologin vid nitratforgiftning, orsakad av skogsgodselmedel, hos ren har undersokts. Obduktionsbilden varierade med godselmedel, dosering och exponeringstid. Djuren som dog av akut ammoniumnitratforgiftning uppvisade likartade forandringar som ses vid akut ammonium-och nitratforgiftning hos får och notkreatur. Inget av djuren utvecklade methaemoglobinemi. Det djur som dog av akut natriumnitratforgiftning dog troligen av en akut blodtryckskollaps utan att utveckla methaemoglobinemi. Djur vilka dog av subkronisk natriumnitratforgiftning utvecklade alla methaemoglobinemi. Djuren som dog inom 24 timmar uppvisade enbart subserosa Modningar i pleura och blodningar i musculus longissimus costarum och musculus longissimus dorsi. Liknande blodningar i pleura och samma muskler sigs också hos djur som dog 60 - 200 timmar efter exposition. Hos dessa djur sågs emellertid också forhindringar som anses vanliga i samband med nitrat/nitritforgiftning såsom, missfårgat dåligt koagulerat blod, blodningar i hjårtat etc. Det genomgående fyndet av dessa blodningar i pleura och dorsala rygg- brostmuskler, hos ren, i samband med nitratforgiftning av subkronisk eller kronisk karaktår, ar en indikation på synbarligen patognomoniska forandringar. De två djur som dog efter att frivilligt ha druckit ammoniumnitrat lost i vatten utvecklade forandringar tydande pi en kombinerad effekt av ammonium- och nitratforgiftning. Poron (Rangifer tarandus L) åkillisen subkroonisen nitraattimyrkytyksen patologia. Abstract in Finnsih / Yhteenveto: Tutkittiin metsånlannoitteiden aiheuttaman nitraattimyrkytyksen patologiaa poroissa. Ruumiinavau-skuva vaihteli lannoitteesta, annostuksesta ja altistamisajasta riippuen. Akilliseen ammoniumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuolleissa elaimisså muutokset olivat samankaltaisia kuin lampaiden ja nautojen akillisessa ammonium ja nitraattimyrkytyksessa. Yhteenkaån elåimeen ei kehittynyt methemoglobinemiaa. Eras akilliseen natriumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuollut elain menehtyi luultavasti akilliseen verenpainekollapsiin ilman methemoglobinemian kehittymista. Kaikkiin subkrooniseen natriumnitraattimyrkytykseen kuolleisiin elåimiin kehittyi methemoglobinemia. Kahden-kymmenenneljån tunnin sisalla kuolleissa elaimisså ilmeni ainoastaan rintakalvonalaisia verenvuotoja sekå verenvuotoja Musculus longissimus costarumissa ja M. longissimus dorsissa. Samankaltaisia verenvuotoja rintakalvossa ja samoissa lihaksissa nåhtiin myos niisså elaimisså, jotka kuolivat 60 - 200 tuntia altistamisen jålkeen. Nåisså elaimisså havaittiin kuitenkin myos nitraatti/nitriittimyrkytyksen yhteydesså tavallisina pidettåviå muutoksia kuten våriltåån muuttunut ja huonosti hyytynyt veri, verenvuotoja sydåmesså jne. Porojen subkroonisessa tai kroonisess nitraattimyrkytyksesså såånnollisenå loydoksenå tavatut verenvuodot rintakalvossa ja ylemmåsså selkårintalihaksistossa viittaavat siihen, ettå muutokset ilmeisesti ovat tålle myrkytykselle ominaisia. Niihin kahteen elaimeen, jotka kuolivat juotuaan vapaaehtoisesti veteen liuotettua ammoniumnitraattia, kehittyi ammonium - ja nitraattimyrkytyksen yhteisvaikutukseen viittaavia muutoksia

    Metal-support interaction: The key factor governing activity of Pd/SnO2 catalyst for denitration of ground water

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    Two mesoporous nanocristalline Pd/SnO2 catalysts were prepared by modified solgel technique differing in the pH conditions (pH = 2 and 9.5) of the synthesis of their supports. Samples achieved different activity and selectivity in water denitration reaction using hydrogen. XPS results of reduced samples indicate a strong interaction between the Pd and the Sn possibly as a result of electron shift from Sn to Pd. The solid solution of Pd2+ and SnO2 is formed by taking O from the surface of the support. In such a way some SnO2-X species may stay onto the surface and be responsible for its pronounced activity

    Символи Степової України: некрополістичні пам’ятки козаччини

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    Дослідження містить унікальні дані про символи козацьких хрестів – витвори народного кам’янорізного мистецтва, узагальнює матеріал про хрести запорожців. Пласт наведеної інформації стане корисним дослідникам, які вивчають перебіг історичного процесу у часи руйнування Старої Січі 1709 р. і Нової Січі у 1775р., а також безпосередньо вітчизняну некрополістику, палеографію, пам’яткознавство, символіку.This review represents greatly informed bulk of rare memorials, examined in the book of I.V. Sapozhnykov «Stone crosses of steppe Ukraine (XVIII – first half of the XIX) – Odesa: publishing house «Chornomor’ya», 1997. – 165p., ill.: I – XXVI». The investigation has unique material about zaporozhtch’s crosses. The bulk of suggested information can be useful for investigators who study historical processes during elimination of Staraya Sich (1709) and Novaya Sich (1775), and also for those ones who study domestic necropolises, paleography, symbolism and memorial study

    Vascular risk factors in the Swiss population

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    Background and Purpose : Identification of the population at risk of stroke remains the best approach to assess the burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Methods : The prevalence of hypertension (HT), hypercholesterolemia (HCh), diabetes mellitus (DM), overweight (OW), obesity (OB), tobacco use (SM), and their combinations was examined in 4458 Swiss persons (1741 men and 2717 women, mean age 57.8 ± 15 years), who volunteered for the present survey. Results : OW was the most prevalent risk factor (50 %), followed by HT (47%), HCh (33%), SM (13 %) and DM (1.6 %). The proportion of persons without risk factors (RF) was 19.9%, with 1 RF 41.5%, 2 RF 33.8%, 3 RF 4%, and 4 RF 0.9%. OW was more prevalent in men than in women (53% vs. 41%, P=0.02). More men than women aged 41-50 years and 51-60 years had HT (49 % vs. 36%, P=0.01, and 52 % vs. 42%, P=0.02). The prevalence of HCh and DM did not show any sex-related differences. HT, OW and HCh were not only the most common single risk factors, but were also most likely to aggregate with each other. Conclusions : The majority of Swiss people have one or two vascular risk factors. OW and HT are by far most common and are likely to aggregate with each other. A small modification of these two factors would reduce the incidence of stroke and myocardial infarction significantl

    Where are the Pots and Pans? Collective Responses in Ireland to Neoliberalization in a Time of Crisis: Learning from Latin America

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    Since 2008, Ireland has experienced a profound multi-faceted crisis, stemming from the collapse of the financial and property sectors. Despite enduring six years of neoliberal austerity measures in response to this situation, popular protest has been muted. Using Silva's [(2009) Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press)] framework of analysis of popular responses in Latin America to that region's debt crisis of the 1980s and 1990s, this article seeks to investigate why this has been the case. We assess how the crisis is being framed among popular and civil society groups, and whether increased associational and collective power is developing. In doing so, we look at processes of intra-group cooperation, cross-group cooperation and framing and brokerage mechanisms. We then ask, where such processes exist, if they can lead to a comprehensive challenge to the neoliberal policies currently being implemented, as happened in much of Latin America. We conclude that the crisis has not yet reached sufficient depth or longevity to foster a more robust popular response, but propose that analysis of similar processes in Latin America can help us understand better why this is the case, not just in Ireland, but in other countries of Europe experiencing similar situations

    Occlusive dressing-induced secretomes influence the migration and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells and fibroblasts differently

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    Background: Fingertip injuries treated with occlusive dressings (ODs) lead to nearly scar-free, functionally, and aesthetically pleasing results. We hypothesized that paracrine factors in the wound fluid (secretome) may influence migration and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and fibroblasts and modulate the wound-healing process. Methods: We could collect wound fluid samples from 4 fingertip injuries and 7 split skin donor sites at the 5th day during dressing change. Blood serum samples served as controls. The proliferation rate of MSCs and fibroblasts (HS27) was continuously measured through impedance analysis for 60h and by Alamarblue analysis after 72h. Cell migration was evaluated continuously for 15h and confirmed by the in vitro wound-healing assay. Results: Migration of MSCs under the influence of both wound fluids was significantly faster than controls from 4 to 6h after incubation and reversed after 9h. MSC proliferation in wound fluid groups showed a significant increase at 5 and 10h and was significantly decreased after 45h. Fibroblasts in wound fluid groups showed overall a significant increase in migration and a significant decrease in proliferation compared to controls. Conclusion: OD-induced secretomes influence MSCs and fibroblasts and thereby possibly modulate wound healing and scar tissue formation

    Impact of postdilatation on performance of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in patients with acute coronary syndrome compared with everolimus-eluting stents: A propensity score-matched analysis from a multicenter “real-world” registry

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    Background: Safety and efficacy of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BRS) and the role of postdilatation on outcome in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients compared with those of everolimus-eluting stents (EES) remain unknown. The aim of the study is to compare the safety and efficacy of BRS with EES in ACS and to investigate the role of BRS postdilatation. Methods: Consecutive ACS patients undergoing BRS implantation in 8 centers were com­pared with those with EES before and after propensity score matching. Major adverse cardiac event (MACE), myocardial infarction, and target lesion revascularization (TLR) were the primary endpoint. Sensitivity analysis was performed according to postdilatation after BRS implantation. We enrolled 303 BRS and 748 EES patients; 215 from each group were com­pared after matching, and 117 (55.2%) BRS patients were treated with postdilatation. Results: After a median follow-up of 24.0 months, MACE rates were higher in BRS patients than in EES patients (9.3% vs. 4.7%, p < 0.001), mainly driven by TLR (6.1% vs. 1.9%, p < 0.001). Stent thrombosis increased in the BRS group (2.8% vs. 0.9%, p = 0.01). How­ever, after sensitivity analysis, MACE rates in BRS patients with postdilatation were signifi­cantly lower than in those without, comparable to EES patients (6.0% vs. 12.6% vs. 4.7%, p < 0.001). The same trend was observed for TLR (3.4% vs. 8.4% vs. 1.9%, p < 0.001). Stent thrombosis rates were higher in both the BRS groups than in EES patients (2.6% vs. 3.2% vs. 0.9%, p = 0.045). Conclusions: Postdilatation appears effective when using BRS in ACS patients. MACE rates are comparable to those of EES, although scaffold thrombosis is not negligible. Randomized prospective studies are required for further investigation

    EU aggregate demand as a way out of crisis? Engaging the post-Keynesian critique

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Post-Keynesians have delivered an important advance in providing explanations of the Eurozone Crisis, not the least in demonstrating how the formation of the European integration project lacked the means to manage effectively the macroeconomic imbalances between ‘core’ and ‘peripheral’ spaces across the region. Through a critical engagement with such descriptions, this article argues that to account more adequately for the formation of the asymmetrical and crisis-ridden forms of development across the Eurozone, it is necessary to focus on the uneven and combined development of Europe’s ‘peripheral’ spaces and their integration into an expanded free trade regime since the 1980s. It is through a focus on the structuring condition of uneven and combined development shaped by capitalist social relations of production and attendant class struggles that we can better locate the origins of the present crisis