153 research outputs found

    Production of Semiconductor Quantum Dots on Polymer Matrix by Chemical Method and their Size Control

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    Solubility analysis of homologous series of amino acids and solvation energetics in aqueous potassium sulfate solution

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    In this study we estimated the solubilities of glycine, D,L-alanine, D,L-nor-valine and D,L-serine in aqueous mixtures of potassium sulfate (K2SO4) at 298.15 K using analytical ‘gravimetric method’. The experimental solubilities of homologous series of amino acids in aqueous K2SO4 mixture were discussed in terms of relative solubility, salting-in and salting-out effect by evaluating the influential constants. The effect of physicochemical and chemical factors on solubility were discussed briefly and correlated with the thermodynamics. Initially, the study of solvation energetics such as transfer Gibbs energies were evaluated based on the calculations from solubility data and relative stability of the experimental molecules was discussed under the experimental condition. © 2019 The Author(s

    Influence of Zinc on the yield and nutrition of wet season rice (Oryza sativa) grown under aeric endoaquept

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    A field experiment on wet season kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv IET 4094 was conducted during the year 2010- 11 and 2011-12 in an aeric endoaquept to study the influence of applied zinc on the growth, yield and nutrition of rice. The results show that the application of chelated zinc (Zn-EDTA) increased N, P, K and Zn concentration in dry matter and grains of rice. The highest amount of N, P,K and Zn in rice dry matter and grain have been found to be recorded in the treatment where the recommended levels of NPK (80:40:40) and chelated zinc in two splits (one at basal and the second one at grand tillering stage) were applied. The percent increase in the yield of grain (43.20) and straw (68.50) were also recorded highest in the treatment where Zn-EDTA was applied in two splits (0.5 kg/ha as basal + 0.5 kg/ha at grand tillering stage) over that of the control, while that of the same percent increase of the applied Zn–EDTA was highest in rice grain yield (18.40) over that of the corresponding highest level of ZnSO4.7H2O (20 kg/ha) at two splits

    Evaluation of an Organic Package of Practice Towards Green Gram Cultivation and Assessment of its Effectiveness in Terms of Crop Sustainability and Soil Quality Development

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    Restoration of soil has been identified as the option; to ensure crop sustainability. However, as per Trophobiosis Theory of French Scientist F. Chaboussou, focus on development of healthy plants is necessary to abate pest and disease invasion so as to ensure sustained crop performance, even under unfavorable environmental conditions. The present study, in randomized block design with green gram as test crop; was undertaken in Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Howrah, West Bengal) to evaluate the effectiveness of Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology towards crop yield and soil quality development under different sustainable models viz. organic cultivation, integrated soil with organic crop management and non- chemical crop management; as compared to conventional farming practice. Highest yield was recorded under organic (933 kg ha-1) followed by integrated (921 kg ha-1) and non- chemical plant management (902 kg ha-1). The results were well corroborated with the plant development index obtained under these treatments. Favorable trend of soil quality under sustainable models especially in terms of microbial properties indicated the role of quality compost towards speedy rejuvenation of soil dynamics. The study indicated that reduction of synthetic fertilizers and qualitative management of soil is essential to restrict yield decline. However, plant management shall be prerequisite for ensuring crop sustainability without any time lag and under the changing climatic patterns. In this respect the potential of IRF Technology has been well accounted

    Modalities of NADP-malic enzyme activities under light and darkness indicate its regulation with reference to C4 weed

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    NADP –ME is the key enzyme for decarboxylation reactions in C4 CO2 concentration pathways. So, Amaranthus viridis has been evaluated with regards to photosynthetic NADP-malic enzyme for its response under light and darkness. Illumination (1000–1200 µEm-2s-1) for 40 minutes under 2 mM bicarbonate (HCO3-) sensitivity increased activity by 1.97 & 3.77-fold over darkness under 4.0 mM and 0.01 mM malate respectively. Limiting (0.01 mM) and saturated (4.0 mM) malate concentration had significant changes in enzyme activities. The different kinetic parameters indicated had the feedback inhibition under illumination. The activity with the inducer (citrate and succinate) and inhibitor (pyruvate and oxalate) was significant with substrate concentrations. Dithiol had reduced the activity by inhibition of the diminishing effect of light activation treatment. Therefore, NADP-ME is stringently regulated by redox changes with illumination as a key factor. Moreover, the pattern of polymorphic gene expression may be supportive in molecular modulation under light/darkness. This study may support the role of NADP-ME as a biomarker for C4 weed species under oxidative stress through light/darkness