33 research outputs found

    Evaluating Ecohydrological Theories of Woody Root Distribution in the Kalahari

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    The contribution of savannas to global carbon storage is poorly understood, in part due to lack of knowledge of the amount of belowground biomass. In these ecosystems, the coexistence of woody and herbaceous life forms is often explained on the basis of belowground interactions among roots. However, the distribution of root biomass in savannas has seldom been investigated, and the dependence of root biomass on rainfall regime remains unclear, particularly for woody plants. Here we investigate patterns of belowground woody biomass along a rainfall gradient in the Kalahari of southern Africa, a region with consistent sandy soils. We test the hypotheses that (1) the root depth increases with mean annual precipitation (root optimality and plant hydrotropism hypothesis), and (2) the root-to-shoot ratio increases with decreasing mean annual rainfall (functional equilibrium hypothesis). Both hypotheses have been previously assessed for herbaceous vegetation using global root data sets. Our data do not support these hypotheses for the case of woody plants in savannas. We find that in the Kalahari, the root profiles of woody plants do not become deeper with increasing mean annual precipitation, whereas the root-to-shoot ratios decrease along a gradient of increasing aridity

    Fire-induced albedo change and surface radiative forcing in sub-Saharan Africa savanna ecosystems: Implications for the energy balance

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    Surface albedo is a critical parameter that controls surface energy balance. In dryland ecosystems, fires play a significant role in decreasing surface albedo, resulting in positive radiative forcing. Here we investigate the long-term effect of fire on surface albedo. We devised a method to calculate short-, medium-, and long-term effect of fire-induced radiative forcing and their relative effects on energy balance. We used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data in our analysis, covering different vegetation classes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Our analysis indicated that mean short-term fire-induced albedo change in SSA was 0.022, 0.035, and 0.041 for savannas, shrubland, and grasslands, respectively. At regional scale, mean fire-induced albedo change in savannas was 0.018 and 0.024 for northern sub-Saharan of Africa and the southern hemisphere Africa, respectively. The short-term mean fire-induced radiative forcing in burned areas in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was 5.41W m , which contributed continental and global radiative forcings of 0.25 and 0.058 W m , respectively. The impact of fire in surface albedo has long-lasting effects that varies with vegetation type. The long-term energetic effects of fire-induced albedo change and associated radiative forcing were, on average, more than 19 times greater across SSA than the short-term effects, suggesting that fires exerted far more radiative forcing than previously thought. Taking into account the actual duration of fire’s effect on surface albedo, we conclude that the contribution of SSA fires, globally and throughout the year, is ~0.12 W m . These findings provide crucial information on possible impact of fire on regional climate variability. -2 -2 -

    Evaluation of the Influence of In Situ Stress on the Stability of Mine Pit Walls: A Case Study of Songwe Mine

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    The investigation of the influence of in situ stress in Open Pit Mine (OPM) projects has not been accorded a deserved attention despite being a fundamental concern in the design of underground excavations. Hence, its long-term potential adverse impacts on pit slope performance are overly undermined. Nevertheless, in mines located in tectonically active settings with a potential high horizontal stress regime like the Songwe mine, the impact could be considerable. Thus, Using FLAC3D 5.0 software, based on Finite Difference Method (FDM) code, we assessed the role of stress regimes as a potential triggering factor for slope instability in Songwe mine. The results of the evaluated shearing contours and quantified strain rate and displacement values reveal that high horizontal stress can reduce the stability performance of the pit-wall in spite of the minimal change in Factor of Safety (FoS). Since mining projects have a long life span, it would be recommendable to consider “in situ stress-stability analyses” for OPM operations that would be planned to extend to greater depths and those located in tectonically active regions

    Resilience and recovery potential of duneland vegetation in the southern Kalahari

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    Many dune fields around the world have undergone alternating periods of mobilization and stabilization in response to changes in wind power and rainfall. However, in modern times disturbances associated with land use are believed to be a dominant factor contributing to the activation of stabilized vegetated dunes in drylands, while the reduction in human activities such as grazing and farming may lead to stabilization of once active dune fields. The Kalahari region of southern Africa has recently begun to exhibit visible signs of dune mobilization, a process that could lead to an activation of aeolian transport in the region with important implications for the biogeochemistry of downwind terrestrial and marine ecosystems. It is still unclear whether the region is poised at a tipping point between its current state (i.e., vegetated fixed linear dunes), and a "degraded" state (i.e., barren and active dunes). Here we investigate the ability of the landscape to recover from the degraded state by assessing the resilience of duneland vegetation and evaluating the vegetation and soil characteristics. Using field observations and soil seed bank experiments, we show that palatable perennial grass cover is reduced while the seedbank is depleted on grazed dunefields. Conversely, the interdunes generally exhibit relatively rich seed banks. Soils from grazed and ungrazed sites show that plant available nutrient contents are not significantly different; therefore, soil nutrients are likely not a major factor limiting the recovery of perennial vegetation in this region. It is observed that the perennial grasses reestablish on the recovering dunes after grazers have been excluded, indicating that the landscape is still able to recover after years of denudation and that any irreversible shift to a stable degraded state is likely during extended periods of disturbance and/or climatic shifts that promote the degraded state. We also find that changes in grass cover, grass community composition, and seed bank can serve as indicators of whether the system has irreversibly shifted from a vegetated to a bare dune state. © 2014 Bhattachan et al

    An analysis of structure: Biomass structure relationships for characteristic species of the western Kalahari, Botswana

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    Savannah ecosystems are important carbon stocks on the Earth, and their quantification is crucial for understanding the global impact of climate and land-use changes in savannahs. The estimation of aboveground/belowground plant biomass requires tested allometric relationships that can be used to determine total plant biomass as a function of easy-to-measure morphological indicators. Despite recent advances in savannah ecology, research on allometric relations in savannahs remains confined to a few site-specific studies where basal area is typically used as the main morphometric parameter with plant biomass. We investigate allometric relations at four sites along a 950-km transect in the Kalahari across mean rainfall gradient 170 mm yr-1-550 mm yr-1. Using data from 342 harvested trees/shrubs, we relate basal area, height and crown diameter to aboveground biomass. These relationships are strongest in trees and weakest in small shrubs. Strong allometric relationships are also determined for morphologically similar groups of woody vegetation. We show that crown diameter can be used as an alternative to basal area in allometric relationships with plant biomass. This finding may enhance the ability to determine aboveground biomass over large areas using high-resolution aerial or satellite imagery without requiring ground-based measurements of basal area. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd