18,324 research outputs found

    Struggling over procedures and other interventions: a comment on David Graeber’s “Anthropology and the rise of the professional-managerial class"

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    Special section meditation on David Graeber's Anthropology and the rise of the professional-managerial clas

    Success Strategies Being Implemented in Fresh Milk Supply Chains

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    Deregulation of the Australian dairy industry, and ensuing supermarket strategies are transforming the fresh milk supply chains. Factors such as increasing consumer awareness, concerns about food safety and environment, innovation, supply chain integration and rationalisation of supply base are adding momentum to this transformation. Milk processors in response to changing market expectations are getting proactive in their relationship with retailers across all aspects of business, innovating to generate sufficient returns from proprietary brands and strategically orienting themselves to develop a mixed customer portfolio and appropriate management structures to service that portfolio. Milk producers are expanding businesses to achieve production and cost efficiencies and strengthening contractual relationships on input and output side for a greater security.Livestock Production/Industries,

    A panorama of play: A literature review

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    Tracing the Ephemeral: Mapping Young Children’s Running Games

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    Young children’s play is highly multimodal, with gesture, gaze, movement and speech often combined simultaneously in collaborative meaning-making. This article argues for a multimodal social semiotic perspective on play, recognising that this requires representation of data that brings multimodal elements into careful consideration. In this article, multimodal transcription is used to examine a video recording of three and four-year-old children playing a chasing game in an English nursery school. Map-like transcripts, including an animated transcript, are used to document an instance of their play, drawing particular attention to placement in space over time. Whilst such moments of play may at first appear fleeting and chaotic, multimodal transcription reveals the communicative, creative and agentive capacities of young children in a multitude of forms. The transcripts highlight and make evident the ways in which roles and rules of play are carefully negotiated moment-by-moment in multiple modes. In this way, map-like multimodal transcripts are presented as devices to highlight meaning-making where it may not normally be looked for, seen or recognised

    Nucleosynthesis Modes in the High-Entropy-Wind of Type II Supernovae: Comparison of Calculations with Halo-Star Observations

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    While the high-entropy wind (HEW) of Type II supernovae remains one of the more promising sites for the rapid neutron-capture (r-) process, hydrodynamic simulations have yet to reproduce the astrophysical conditions under which the latter occurs. We have performed large-scale network calculations within an extended parameter range of the HEW, seeking to identify or to constrain the necessary conditions for a full reproduction of all r-process residuals N_{r,\odot}=N_{\odot}-N_{s,\odot} by comparing the results with recent astronomical observations. A superposition of weighted entropy trajectories results in an excellent reproduction of the overall N_{r,\odot}-pattern beyond Sn. For the lighter elements, from the Fe-group via Sr-Y-Zr to Ag, our HEW calculations indicate a transition from the need for clearly different sources (conditions/sites) to a possible co-production with r-process elements, provided that a range of entropies are contributing. This explains recent halo-star observations of a clear non-correlation of Zn and Ge and a weak correlation of Sr - Zr with heavier r-process elements. Moreover, new observational data on Ru and Pd seem to confirm also a partial correlation with Sr as well as the main r-process elements (e.g. Eu).Comment: 15 pages, 1 table, 4 figures; To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector : Prince Edward Island

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    Les gens sont de plus en plus opposĂ©s aux grĂšves qui, dans le secteur public, semblent toucher davantage la population que les participants eux-mĂȘmes. Ainsi, les comparaisons entre les taux de salaire qui sont payĂ©s dans les secteurs public et privĂ© suscitent de plus en plus de critiques Ă  mesure que les niveaux de traitement des employĂ©s du secteur public atteignent et dĂ©passent ceux du secteur privĂ©. L'un et l'autre doivent relever le dĂ©fi en trouvant la solution opportune.La faiblesse du rĂ©gime de nĂ©gociation collective dans le secteur public, qu'il s'agisse du gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral, des provinces ou des municipalitĂ©s, rĂ©side dans l'impuissance Ă  reconnaĂźtre que le secteur public diffĂšre du secteur privĂ©. Le ConseilĂ©conomique du Canada a constatĂ© que tant les nĂ©gociateurs des organismes publics eux-mĂȘmes que ceux de leurs employĂ©s sont soumis au mĂȘme type de contraintes que celles que la concurrence des marchĂ©s fait peser sur les nĂ©gociations collectives dans le recteur privĂ©. Les gouvernements dĂ©tiennent un pouvoir de taxer illimitĂ© et les syndicats des employĂ©s des services publics sont en mesure, du moins dans les secteurs-clĂ©s, de disloquer la vie Ă©conomique, ce qui leur permet potentiellement d'obtenir de avantages inĂ©quitables sur le secteur privĂ© qui forme plus de quatre-vingts pour cent de la main-d'oeuvre et qui fournit la grande partie des impĂŽts sur les revenus qui alimentent les bordereaux de paie de l'État.La nouvelle rĂ©glementation du gouvernement de l'Ăźle du Prince-Édouard en matiĂšre de nĂ©gociations collectives pour ce qui concerne les enseignants et les fonctionnaires s'inspire de critĂšres suggĂ©rĂ©s par le Conseil Ă©conomique et qui existent depuis longtemps dans la fonction publique en Grande-Bretagne, en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande ainsi que dans le Tennessee Valley Act, etc. Les nĂ©gociateurs et les arbitres doivent Ă©tablir les taux de salaire des employĂ©s du secteur public de façon Ă  les ajuster aux taux qui sont payĂ©s par les « bons » employeurs du secteur privĂ©. L'Ăźle du Prince-Edouard dĂ©finit le « bon employeur » en parlant « des employeurs qui paient les meilleurs salaires » dans l'Ăźle. Si l'on tient compte des taux de salaire payĂ©s par les autres gouvernements des Maritimes, on tiendra Ă©galement compte des diffĂ©rences Ă©conomiques entre les provinces, tel le revenu disponible, par exemple, ainsi que d'autres facteurs comme la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'avoir un personnel compĂ©tent.De pareils critĂšres modifient le concept de la force qui existe dans le secteur privĂ© en limitant beaucoup les divergences possibles dans les nĂ©gociations. Ainsi, la cueillette en commun et l'Ă©change des donnĂ©es entre les parties devient chose possible. Le recours Ă  ces critĂšres rend plus praticable l'acceptation du mĂ©canisme de l'arbitrage dans les diffĂ©rends, puisque l'arbitre est, lui aussi, obligĂ© de s'en tenir Ă  ces critĂšres. La grĂšve devient ainsi un moyen inopportun et inutile de rĂ©soudre les diffĂ©rends dans les services publics lorsqu'il existe de meilleures façons de les rĂ©soudre.Le rĂ©gime apparaĂźtra ainsi Ă©quitable tant aux employĂ©s des services publics qu'aux contribuables, ce qui est important pour les hommes politiques, car le gouvernement peut ainsi avoir sa part de travailleurs compĂ©tents et ceux-ci ĂȘtre en mesure de voir Ă©voluer leurs traitements selon les changements qui se produisent dans le secteur privĂ©.Le rĂ©gime de nĂ©gociation du gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral a cessĂ© de s'inspirer du type de nĂ©gociation britannique en 1966 en optant pour le concept de la force et en nĂ©gligeant de dĂ©finir ce qu'il entendait par le « bon » employeur du secteur privĂ©.L'Ăźle du Prince-Edouard a aussi copiĂ© le fort efficace systĂšme de consultation instituĂ©e en Grande-Bretagne en vue de rĂ©soudre les questions relatives aux conditions de travail par l'Ă©tablissement de conseils consultatifs mixtes tant au niveau du gouvernement lui-mĂȘme que des diffĂ©rents ministĂšres.Un rĂ©gime d'arbitrage fondĂ© sur des « comparaisons Ă©quitables » peut aussi s'appliquer dans les entreprises d'intĂ©rĂȘt public, comme les chemins de fer, par exemple, et dans les municipalitĂ©s ainsi que partout oĂč les entreprises subviennent Ă  leurs besoins Ă  mĂȘme les impĂŽts des contribuables.The author reports on Prince Edward Island's attempt to solve some of the key issues of public sector bargaining through Us recent collective bargaining regulations for teachers and the public service

    Effects of motion on jet exhaust noise from aircraft

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    The various problems involved in the evaluation of the jet noise field prevailing between an observer on the ground and an aircraft in flight in a typical takeoff or landing approach pattern were studied. Areas examined include: (1) literature survey and preliminary investigation, (2) propagation effects, (3) source alteration effects, and (4) investigation of verification techniques. Sixteen problem areas were identified and studied. Six follow-up programs were recommended for further work. The results and the proposed follow-on programs provide a practical general technique for predicting flyover jet noise for conventional jet nozzles

    Exploring transmission Kikuchi diffraction using a Timepix detector

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    Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a well-established scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based technique [1]. It allows the non-destructive mapping of the crystal structure, texture, crystal phase and strain with a spatial resolution of tens of nanometers. Conventionally this is performed by placing an electron sensitive screen, typically consisting of a phosphor screen combined with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera, in front of a specimen, usually tilted 70° to the normal of the exciting electron beam. Recently, a number of authors have shown that a significant increase in spatial resolution is achievable when Kikuchi diffraction patterns are acquired in transmission geometry; that is when diffraction patterns are generated by electrons transmitted through an electron-transparent, usually thinned, specimen. The resolution of this technique, called transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), has been demonstrated to be better than 10 nm [2,3]. We have recently demonstrated the advantages of a direct electron detector, Timepix [4,5], for the acquisition of standard EBSD patterns [5]. In this article we will discuss the advantages of Timepix to perform TKD and for acquiring spot diffraction patterns and more generally for acquiring scanning transmission electron microscopy micrographs in the SEM. Particularly relevant for TKD, is its very compact size, which allows much more flexibility in the positioning of the detector in the SEM chamber. We will furthermore show recent results using Timepix as a virtual forward scatter detector, and will illustrate the information derivable on producing images through processing of data acquired from different areas of the detector. We will show results from samples ranging from gold nanoparticles to nitride semiconductor nanorods
