180 research outputs found

    The effect of functional splinting on mild dysplastic hips after walking onset

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    BACKGROUND: For treatment of Graf class IIb dysplastic hips at walking onset a treatment concept with abduction splints allowing patterns as walking and crawling under constant abduction control was investigated. However, as the splint still incapacitates child movements the research question remains whether the physiologically progressing maturation of hips can be significantly altered using such abduction splints for walking children. METHODS: Of 106 children showing late hip dysplasia, 68 children treated with the Hoffman-Daimler (HD-splint) abduction splint were compared with 38 children with neglect of the abduction treatment in this retrospective study. Radiographic analyses were performed measuring the development of the age dependent acetabular angle. RESULTS: The regression analysis for splint treatment showed a significant linear regression for both splint treatment and no splint treatment group (r(2 )= 0,31 respectively r(2 )= 0,33). No statistical difference between both treatment groups was apparent. CONCLUSION: Considering the characteristics of this study, there seems to be no strong rationale supporting the use of an abduction device in growing children. As no significant difference between treatment groups is apparent, a future controlled prospective study on splinting effects can be considered ethically allowed

    Which New Approaches to Tackling Neglected Tropical Diseases Show Promise?

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    This PLoS Medicine Debate examines the different approaches that can be taken to tackle neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Some commentators, like Jerry Spiegel and colleagues from the University of British Columbia, feel there has been too much focus on the biomedical mechanisms and drug development for NTDs, at the expense of attention to the social determinants of disease. Burton Singer argues that this represents another example of the inappropriate “overmedicalization” of contemporary tropical disease control. Peter Hotez and colleagues, in contrast, argue that the best return on investment will continue to be mass drug administration for NTDs

    Para que servem os inventĂĄrios de fauna?

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    InventĂĄrios de fauna acessam diretamente a diversidade de uma localidade, em um determinado espaço e tempo. Os dados primĂĄrios gerados pelos inventĂĄrios compĂ”em uma das ferramentas mais importantes na tomada de decisĂ”es a respeito do manejo de ĂĄreas naturais. Entretanto, vĂĄrios problemas tĂȘm sido observados em diversos nĂ­veis relacionados aos inventĂĄrios de fauna no Brasil e vĂŁo desde a formação de recursos humanos atĂ© a ausĂȘncia de padronização, de desenho experimental e de seleção de mĂ©todos inadequados. SĂŁo apresentados estudos de caso com mamĂ­feros, rĂ©pteis, anfĂ­bios e peixes, nos quais sĂŁo discutidos problemas como variabilidade temporal e mĂ©todos para detecção de fauna terrestre, sugerindo que tanto os inventĂĄrios quanto os programas de monitoramento devam se estender por prazos maiores e que os inventĂĄrios devem incluir diferentes metodologias para que os seus objetivos sejam plenamente alcançados.Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved
