766 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of an exactly solvable t-J ladder model

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    We study a system of one-dimensional t-J models coupled to a ladder system. A special choice of the interaction between neighbouring rungs leads to an integrable model with supersymmetry, which is broken by the presence of rung interactions. We analyze the spectrum of low-lying excitations and ground state phase diagram at zero temperature.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pp. incl. 1 figur

    Calculation forces from bar movement on parallel bars in gymnastics

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    Modern artistic gymnastics apparatus have elastic properties, which the gymnast should use. It is important to know how a gymnast can give energy to the apparatus, especially to the bar(s) and how the stored energy can be used by the gymnast. The parallel bars were not included in such questions in the research yet. A static calibration at different positions of one bar was utilized as a precondition for the calculation of the forces during gymnastics exercises. Using synchronized 2D-video-analysis of the bar movement and the gymnasts performance (2 cameras) we calculate the forces based on our calibration. Examples of force-time-curves from parallel bars dismounts from German national gymnastics team will be shown. Using force-time-characteristics for supporting motor learning is a difficult task for the future

    Thermodynamics of the (1,1/2) Ferrimagnet in Finite Magnetic Fields

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    We investigate the specific heat and magnetisation of a ferrimagnet with gS=1 and S=1/2 spins in a finite magnetic field using the transfer matrix DMRG down to T=0.025J. Ferromagnetic gapless and antiferromagnetic gapped excitations for H=0 lead to rich thermodynamics for H > 0. While the specific heat is characterized by a generic double peak structure, magnetisation reveals two critical fields, Hc1=1.76(1) and Hc2=3.00(1) with square-root behaviour in the T=0 magnetisation. Simple analytical arguments allow to understand these experimentally accessible findings.Comment: 5 pages, 7 eps figures, uses RevTeX, submitted to PR

    Combined effect of frustration and dimerization in ferrimagnetic chains and square lattice

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    Within the zero-temperature linear spin-wave theory we have investigated the effect of frustration and dimerization of a Heisenberg system with alternating spins s1s_{1} and s2s_{2} on one- and two-dimensional lattices. The combined effect most visibly appears in the elementary excitation spectra. In contrast to the ground state energy that decreases with dimerization and increases with frustration, the excitation energies are shown to be suppressed in energy by both dimerization and frustration. The threshold value of frustration that signals a transition from a classical ferrimagnetic state to a spiral state, decreases with dimerization, showing that dimerization further helps in the phase transition. The correlation length and sublattice magnetization decrease with both dimerization and frustration indicating the destruction of the long-range classical ferrimagnetic. The linear spin wave theory shows that in the case of a square lattice, dimerization initially opposes the frustration-led transition to a spiral magnetic state, but then higher magnitudes of lattice deformation facilitate the transition. It also shows that the transition to spiral state is inhibited in a square lattice beyond a certain value of dimerization.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 12 postscript figure

    Геофизические исследования скважин для выявления коллекторов и определения их фильтрационно-емкостных свойств на Вынгаяхинском газо-нефтяном месторождении (Тюменская область)

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    Объектом исследования является месторождение Вынгаяхинское. Цель работы – проектирование комплекса геофизических методов исследования скважин с целью изучения пластов- коллекторов Вынгаяхинского месторождения (ЯНАО). В процессе исследования проводились сбор и анализ геофизических материалов для обоснования оптимального комплекса. В результате исследования предложен комплекс ГИС для выявления и исследования нефтенасыщенных коллекторов. Область применения: предназначаемый комплекс ГИС может применяться на любых месторождениях нефти с терригенно-поровым типом коллекторов. Экономическая значимость работы определяется необходимостью исследований для подсчетов запасов.The object of this study is to deposit Vyngayakhinskoye. The purpose of the work - design of geophysical methods for wells to examine plastov- collectors Vyngayakhinskoye deposit (Yamalo-Nenets District). The study carried out collection and analysis of geophysical data to support the optimum combination. The study proposed a set of GIS for the detection and investigation of oil-saturated reservoir. Scope: intended complex GIS can be used on any oil fields with terrigenous pore type reservoirs. The economic significance of the work is determined by the necessity of research for calculation of reserves

    Electronic Ladders with SO(5) Symmetry: Phase Diagrams and Correlations at half-filling

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    We construct a family of electronic ladder models with SO(5) symmetry which have exact ground states in the form of finitely correlated wave functions. Extensions for these models preserving this symmetry are studied using these states in a variational approach. Within this approach, the zero temperature phase diagram of these electronic ladders at half filling is obtained, reproducing the known results in the weak coupling (band insulator) and strong coupling regime, first studied by Scalapino, Zhang and Hanke. Finally, the compact form of the variational wave functions allows to compute various correlation functions for these systems.Comment: RevTeX+epsf macros, 23 pp. including figure

    Magnetic Properties of a Quantum Ferrimagnet: NiCu(pba)(D_2O)_3 . 2D_2O

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    We report the results of magnetic measurements on a powder sample of NiCu(pba)(D_2O)_3 \cdot 2D_2O(pba=1,3propylenebis(oxamato))whichisoneoftheprototypicalexamplesofan (pba=1,3-propylenebis(oxamato)) which is one of the prototypical examples of an S=1/2and1ferrimagneticchain.Susceptibility(=1/2 and 1 ferrimagnetic chain. Susceptibility(\chi)showsamonotonousincreasewithdecreasingtemperature(T)andreachesamaximumatabout7K.Intheplotof) shows a monotonous increase with decreasing temperature (T) and reaches a maximum at about 7 K. In the plot of \chi Tversus versus T,theexperimentaldataexhibitabroadminimumandarefittothe, the experimental data exhibit a broad minimum and are fit to the \chi TcurvecalculatedfortheferrimagneticHeisenbergchaincomposedofS=1/2and1.Fromthisfit,wehaveevaluatedthenearestneighborexchangeconstant curve calculated for the ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chain composed of S=1/2 and 1. From this fit, we have evaluated the nearest-neighbor exchange constant J/k_B=121 K,thegvaluesofNi, the g-values of Ni^{2+}andCu and Cu^{2+},, g_{Ni}=2.22and=2.22 and g_{Cu}=2.09,respectively.Appliedexternalfielddependenceof=2.09, respectively. Applied external field dependence of \chi T$ at low temperatures is reproduced fairly well by the calculation for the same ferrimagnetic model.Comment: 7pages, 4 postscript figures, usues REVTEX. appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn vol 67 No.7 (1998

    Elementary excitations in the gapped phase of a frustrated S=1/2 spin ladder: from spinons to the Haldane triplet

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    We use the variational matrix-product ansatz to study elementary excitations in the S=1/2 ladder with additional diagonal coupling, equivalent to a single S=1/2 chain with alternating exchange and next-nearest neighbor interaction. In absence of alternation the elementary excitation consists of two free S=1/2 particles ("spinons") which are solitons in the dimer order. When the nearest-neighbor exchange alternates, the "spinons" are confined into one S=1 excitation being a soliton in the generalized string order. Variational results are found to be in a qualitative agreement with the exact diagonalization data for 24 spins. We argue that such an approach gives a reasonably good description in a wide range of the model parameters.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 11 embedded figures, uses psfig and multico

    Low Temperature Properties of Quantum Antiferromagnetic Chains with Alternating Spins S=1 and 1/2

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    We study the low-temperature properties of S=1 and 1/2 alternating spin chains with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange couplings using analytical techniques as well as a quantum Monte Carlo method. The spin-wave approach predicts two different low-lying excitations, which are gapped and gapless, respectively. The structure of low-lying levels is also discussed by perturbation theory in the strength of the Ising anisotropy. These analytical findings are compared with the results of quantum Monte Carlo calculations and it turns out that spin-wave theory well describes the present system. We conclude that the quantum ferrimagnetic chain exhibits both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic aspects.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, six figures, submitted to J. Phys. Cond. Ma