18 research outputs found

    Examination of Combustion-Generated Smoke Particles from Biomass at Source: Relation to Atmospheric Light Absorption

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    The formation of carbonaceous aerosols from biomass combustion is associated with a high degree of uncertainty in global climate models. In this work, soot samples were generated from the combustion of pine wood, wheat straw and barley straw in a fixed bed stove; as well as from the combustion of biomass pyrolysis model compounds. Samples were collected on filters, which were used for the determination of Absorption Angstrom Exponent (AAE). In addition, the content and composition of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) were determined, and the interrelationships between these and the AAE were examined. It was found that the spectroscopic signature of samples with high ‘brown carbon’ emissions was comparable to that of many PAH and polyphenols, with AAE ranging from 1.0–1.2 for model compounds to 0.5–5.7 for biomass. In addition to the filter samples, particles were collected directly onto microscopy grids and analysed by transmission electron microscopy–electron energy loss spectroscopy (TEM-EELS) in order to determine structural characteristics. This was used to examine the impact of combustion conditions and flue gas dilution on particle structure. Smouldering phase and diluted particles were found to be less graphitic and twice as oxygenated as undiluted flaming phase particles. The results are interpreted to better understand the impact of combustion processes on soot formation from biomass combustion. Abbreviations: AAE: absorption angstrom exponent; ATN: light attenuation; AToFMS: aerosol time of flight mass spectrometer; BC: black carbon; BrC: brown carbon; C:O: carbon to oxygen ratio; CPD: cyclopentadienyl radical C5H5; DMS: differential mobility spectrometer; EC: elemental carbon; EELS: electron energy loss spectroscopy; HACA: hydrogen abstraction carbon addition; MCE: modified combustion efficiency; OA: organic aerosols; OC: organic carbon; PM: particulate matter; POM: primary (particulate)organic matter; Py-GC/MS: pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; sp2: amount of sp2 orbital hybridisation in atomic structure; SSA: single scattering albedo; TC: total carbon (BC+OC) or (EC+OC); TEM: transmission electron microscope; TGA: thermogravimetric analysis

    District-level analysis of socio-demographic factors and COVID-19 infections in Greater Accra and Ashanti regions, Ghana

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    Since December 2019 when COVID-19 was detected, it took the world by surprise in terms of spread and morbidity/mortality. The high rate of spread and casualties recorded from COVID-19 called for research in all directions to find ways to contain and reverse the incidences. It is against this background that this paper sought to measure the association of the socio-demographic factors in the hard-hit districts in Greater Accra and Ashanti to analyze its relationship with the novel COVID-19 virus. Data on COVID-19 cases from 35 Districts in both Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions were collected from the Ghana Health Service and population data from Ghana Statistical Service. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were generated using R. We found that some socio-demographic variables have an association with COVID-19 infections. For example, age and religion especially Christianity and Islam pose risk to COVID-19. The population aged 15–64 was particularly at high risk of infections due to the high level of movement of this age group. We, therefore, recommend that places of congregation such as Churches and Mosques be targeted for vigorous sensitization on COVID-19 protocols and prevention. Also, districts with a high population between the ages of 15–64 should step sensitization efforts to educate their inhabitants on the need to reduce travel and related activities to curb the spread of the virus

    Barriers to formal healthcare utilisation among poor older people under the livelihood empowerment against poverty programme in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana

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    Abstract: Background: Even though there is a growing literature on barriers to formal healthcare use among older people, little is known from the perspective of vulnerable older people in Ghana. Involving poor older people under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme, this study explores barriers to formal healthcare use in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana. Methods: Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 30 poor older people, 15 caregivers and 15 formal healthcare providers in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana. Data were analysed using the thematic analytical framework, and presented based on an a posteriori inductive reduction approach. Results: Four main barriers to formal healthcare use were identified: physical accessibility barriers (poor transport system and poor architecture of facilities), economic barriers (low income coupled with high charges, and non-comprehensive nature of the National Health Insurance Scheme [NHIS]), social barriers (communication/language difficulties and poor family support) and unfriendly nature of healthcare environment barriers (poor attitude of healthcare providers). Conclusions: Considering these barriers, removing them would require concerted efforts and substantial financial investment by stakeholders. We argue that improvement in rural transport services, implementation of free healthcare for poor older people, strengthening of family support systems, recruitment of language translators at the health facilities and establishment of attitudinal change programmes would lessen barriers to formal healthcare use among poor older people. This study has implications for health equity and health policy framework in Ghana

    Erbium-doped chalcogenide glass thin film on silicon using femtosecond pulsed laser with different deposition temperatures

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    The properties of Er3+- doped gallium lanthanum sulphide thin films prepared on a silicon substrate by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition were studied as a function of process temperature. The films were characterised using transition electron microscopy imaging, X-ray diffractometry, Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and UV–Vis–NIR spectroscopy.The results show that by increasing the substrate temperature, the deposited layer thickness increases and the crystallinity of the films changes. The room temperature photoluminescence and lifetimes of the 4I13/2→4I15/2 transition of Er3+ are reported in the paper

    Data_Sheet_1_District-level analysis of socio-demographic factors and COVID-19 infections in Greater Accra and Ashanti regions, Ghana.docx

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    Since December 2019 when COVID-19 was detected, it took the world by surprise in terms of spread and morbidity/mortality. The high rate of spread and casualties recorded from COVID-19 called for research in all directions to find ways to contain and reverse the incidences. It is against this background that this paper sought to measure the association of the socio-demographic factors in the hard-hit districts in Greater Accra and Ashanti to analyze its relationship with the novel COVID-19 virus. Data on COVID-19 cases from 35 Districts in both Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions were collected from the Ghana Health Service and population data from Ghana Statistical Service. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were generated using R. We found that some socio-demographic variables have an association with COVID-19 infections. For example, age and religion especially Christianity and Islam pose risk to COVID-19. The population aged 15–64 was particularly at high risk of infections due to the high level of movement of this age group. We, therefore, recommend that places of congregation such as Churches and Mosques be targeted for vigorous sensitization on COVID-19 protocols and prevention. Also, districts with a high population between the ages of 15–64 should step sensitization efforts to educate their inhabitants on the need to reduce travel and related activities to curb the spread of the virus.</p