12 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA melalui Media Gambar pada SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh Kabupaten Melawi

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    This study aimed to obtain information about the presence or absence of an increase in the Natural Sciences learning outcomes in second grade SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh associated with the use of media images. Form of research in the form of classroom action research ( CAR ) conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of phases of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. To obtain data on student learning outcomes data taken from test results of Cycle I and II. While data on teacher learning and student activity sheets are taken from observations of teachers and students. Indicator of the success of this research is active students in learning activities reached 65 % and the observation of students in research kaktifan cycle I and II. Furthermore, comparing the percentage of active students in the first cycle reaches 30 % and the second cycle the percentage of student activity to 65 %. While the results of research on student learning in the first cycle and second cycle reached 63.85 into 71.25. The conclusions in this study that the use of media images can enhance learning outcomes for students of Natural Sciences class II SD Muhammadiyah Nanga Pinoh

    The association between myopia and gender in Indian schoolchildren in Kuala Lumpur

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    A vision screening study was carried out among Indian schoolchildren around Kuala Lumpur to determine whether the prevalence of myopia was higher in boys or girls. Altogether 749 students (49.7% boys and 50.3% girls) aged 7-18 years were screened and their refractive error examined using retinoscopy without cycloplegia. For the right eye 15.1% of the girls’ eyes were found to be myopic as compared to 16.9% of the boys, of which chi-square showed no significant difference (p = 0.44). For the left eye 18.8% of the girls’ eyes were myopic as compared to 16.4% of the boys. Chi square also showed no significant difference (p = 0.26). When high myopia (> -6.00D) was considered, there was no difference found between boys and girls. The number of students with high myopia greater than -6.00D was also very small (0.3%-0.5%). In conclusion, itwas found that there was no significant difference in myopia between girls and boys among Indian schoolchildren

    The Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Developing Student Discipline

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    This study aims to determine the efforts made by the teacher and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the teacher in developing the discipline of the students of SMPIT Al-Ridwan. The type of research used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. This research was conducted at SMPIT Al-Ridwan Telukjambe Timur Kab. Karawang. The results show that: (1) the teacher's efforts in developing student discipline at SMPIT Al-Ridwan through enforcement of regulations, giving punishments, giving rewards, and teacher consistency in motivating students, (2) factors supporting the efforts of teachers in developing student discipline at SMPIT Al -Ridwan through internal and external factors. (3) The inhibiting factors of the teacher's efforts in developing the discipline of SMPIT Al-Ridwan students through internal and external factors

    Distraction osteogenesis in the craniomaxillofacial region. Part 1: history, principles, indications, types and protocol

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    Abstract: Distraction osteogenesis offers superior skeletal advancement compared to conventional osteotomy. As the surgical outcomes can be technically-dependent, it is important to understand the principle, indications, assessment and preparation prior to its application. This review is the first part of two articles which will provide clinicians updates on the history, principles, clinical indications, types of devices and protocol for distraction osteogenesis in the craniomaxillofacial region. Important issues in these essential aspects of distraction osteogenesis are comprehensively discussed based on clinical cases and supported by literature. Understanding the principles of distraction osteogenesis is mandatory to ensure optimum surgical outcome. The technique offers many advantages to the field of craniomaxillofacial surgery and can be considered as an alternative bone augmentation and lengthening technique as it produces stable and reliable outcomes


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    Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB) province consists of two main islands, Lombok and Sumbawa, to the east of Bali Island, Indonesia. Most of the area is known to be moderately malaria endemic, but the exact malaria epidemiology has not been elucidated. At least 30 deaths per year are thought to be caused by falciparum malaria in Lombok alone, judging from the hospital data. According to the Gebrak Malaria Team in West Lombok, the annual incidence in the district of West Lombok from 1996 to 1999 was consistently over 40‰. In the present report, we describe the small malaria endemic foci in the West Lombok and Sumbawa districts. Falciparum malaria is predominant over vivax malaria and other types of malaria. There are 11 species of Anopheles vector, but three of these species, An. subpictus, An. maculates and An. barbirostris, are of primary importance in malaria transmission and An. sundaicus and An. aconitus are of secondary importance. Our data from Sekotong, West Lombok, and Sumbawa supported the importance of An. subpictus in coastal areas but suggested the existence of different transmission peaks according to environmental conditions. The usual transmission peak comes in the dry season but is affected by climatic and geographical conditions. Although there were many malaria endemic foci along the coast, the width and grade of the foci varied widely. The presence of malaria endemic foci inland, although likely, has not been definitively reported to date