2,533 research outputs found

    Bayesian inference for a semi-parametric copula-based Markov chain

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    This paper presents a method to specify a strictly stationary univariate time series model with particular emphasis on the marginal characteristics (fat tailedness, skewness etc.). It is the first time in time series models with specified marginal distribution, a non-parametric specification is used. Through a Copula distribution, the marginal aspect are separated and the information contained within the order statistics allow to efficiently model a discretely-varied time series. The estimation is done through Bayesian method. The method is invariant to any copula family and for any level of heterogeneity in the random variable. Using count times series of weekly rearm homicides in Cape Town, South Africa, we show our method efficiently estimates the copula parameter representing the first-order Markov chain transition density

    Characterization of qutrit channels in terms of their covariance and symmetry properties

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    We characterize the completely positive trace-preserving maps on qutrits (qutrit channels) according to their covariance and symmetry properties. Both discrete and continuous groups are considered. It is shown how each symmetry group restricts arbitrariness in the parameters of the channel to a very small set. Although the explicit examples are related to qutrit channels, the formalism is sufficiently general to be applied to qudit channels

    Determinants of responsibility for health, spiritual health and interpersonal relationship based on theory of planned behavior in high school girl students

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    Background: Adolescence is a sensitive period of acquiring normal and abnormal habits for all of life. The study investigates determinants of responsibility for health, spiritual health and interpersonal relations and predictive factors based on the theory of planned behavior in high school girl students in Tabriz. Methods: In this Cross-sectional study, 340 students were selected thorough multi-stage sampling. An author-made questionnaire based on standard questionnaires of Health Promotion and Lifestyle II (HPLPII), spiritual health standards (Palutzian & Ellison) and components of the theory of planned behavior (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention) was used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated in a pilot study. Data were analyzed using SPSS v.15 and descriptive and analytical tests (Chi-square test, Pearson correlation co-efficient and liner regression test in backward method). Results: Students' responsibility for health, spiritual health, interpersonal relationships, and concepts of theory of planned behavior was moderate. We found a significant positive correlation (p<0/001) among all concepts of theory of planned behavior. Attitude and perceived behavioral control predicted 35 of intention of behavioral change (p<0.001). Attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control predicted 74 of behavioral change in accountability for health (p<0.0001), 56 for behavioral change in spiritual health (p<0.0001) and 63 for behavioral change in interpersonal relationship (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Status of responsibility for health, spiritual health and interpersonal relationships of students was moderate. Hence, behavioral intention and its determinants such as perceived behavioral control should be noted in promoting intervention programs

    CCHP System Performance Based on Economic Analysis, Energy Conservation, and Emission Analysis

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    This chapter includes the basic configuration of combined cooling heat and power (CCHP) systems and provides performance analysis based on energy, economic and environmental consideration applicable to buildings. The performance parameter for energy savings measure used for the analysis is primary energy consumption (PEC) of CCHP system. Parameters used for economic analysis are the simple payback period (SPP), annual savings (AS), internal rate of return (IRR) and equivalent uniform annual savings (EUAS). The emissions savings are determined for carbon dioxide (CDE), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and methane (CH4). Economic, energy, and emission performance criteria have been utilized for three types prime movers in five different building types, consisting of a primary school, a restaurant, a small hotel, an outpatient clinic, and a small office building. Performance for economic analysis indicated that economic savings career, unlike ICE, which is preferable in terms of economic and energy savings, emission analysis shows that micro-turbine poses be observed for the ICE in all building types, and the micro-turbine in some building types. For all types of prime mover based CCHP systems, lower CO2 emission is observed for all building types. However, emission characteristics compared to other types of prime movers. Overall, CCHP system with optimum use of its appropriate prime movers can provide potential energy, economic and environmental benefit in buildings

    Prevalence and factors associated with anxiety and depression among family practitioners in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objective: We aimed to assess anxiety and depression and to identify the factors associated with these conditions among family practitioners in Karachi, Pakistan.Methods: A self-reported postal survey was conducted among 540 family practitioners in Karachi during the months of July - August 2003. Aga Khan University Anxiety and Depression Scale (AKUADS) was used to assess anxiety and depression. Additional questions were also inquired to get information about socio-demographic, professional and lifestyle characters.Results: Using AKUADS, 155 (39%) family practitioners had anxiety and depression. Mutlivariate analysis disclosed five factors to be significantly associated with anxiety and depression; these were female sex (AOR = 6.4, 95% CI 3.2-12.6); age group of \u3c 35 years (AOR = 23.3, 95% CI 9.0-60.3); lack of regular exercise (AOR = 4.9, 95% CI 2.4-10.2) and working for more than 48 hours per week (AOR = 12.7, 95% CI 6.2-26.2).CONCLUSION: This study reveals that prevalence of anxiety and depression among family practitioners in Karachi is high and higher than general population in Karachi. Further research and intervention studies are required to identify preventive measures in this regard and also to assess the impact of these interventions


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    In general, education quality can be conceptually determined by the evaluation of students’ satisfaction. In fact, satisfying the students in programme of studies is a key element which directly effect on future students’ intake to a programme or course. The purpose of present study was to determine the impact of programme quality on students' satisfaction amongst the Sri Lankan senior secondary schools students and to analyze which dimensions of programme quality contribute the most in achieving students' satisfaction. This study used quantitative method and administered a questionnaire to 410 Biosystems Technology students from senior secondary schools in the central province of Sri Lanka. The findings revealed that programme quality is an important antecedent and determinant of the students' satisfaction with their programme of study. Interestingly, the findings indicated that subject availability for electives is the critical factor that contributes the most on students' satisfaction followed by subject content in major, classroom environment and class size and also school facilities and learning resources. Thus, the findings of the present study have provided significant contribution to the body of the knowledge in programme quality and students' satisfaction and also relevant authorities in general education such as policymakers, curriculum developers, and other relevant personnel to make necessary amendments to be improve the quality of existing programme that ensures the students' satisfaction.  Article visualizations

    Gene therapy restores vision in rd1 mice after removal of a confounding mutation in Gpr179

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    The rd1 mouse with a mutation in the Pde6b gene was the first strain of mice identified with a retinal degeneration. However, AAV-mediated gene supplementation of rd1 mice only results in structural preservation of photoreceptors, and restoration of the photoreceptor-mediated a-wave, but not in restoration of the bipolar cell-mediated b-wave. Here we show that a mutation in Gpr179 prevents the full restoration of vision in rd1 mice. Backcrossing rd1 with C57BL6 mice reveals the complete lack of b-wave in a subset of mice, consistent with an autosomal recessive Mendelian inheritance pattern. We identify a mutation in the Gpr179 gene, which encodes for a G-protein coupled receptor localized to the dendrites of ON-bipolar cells. Gene replacement in rd1 mice that are devoid of the mutation in Gpr179 successfully restores the function of both photoreceptors and bipolar cells, which is maintained for up to 13 months. Our discovery may explain the failure of previous gene therapy attempts in rd1 mice, and we propose that Grp179 mutation status should be taken into account in future studies involving rd1 mice


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    In order to answer the questions raised to guide this study, there is need to review previous literature that relates to variables understudied. Also, to operationally define key concepts used for this study to ensure clarity of the concepts. Literature review shows a vibrant section and significant untouched materials to structure the infrastructure of a precise subject component in whichever category of a research study. It is conducted to obtain a clear consideration about the precise area of study. The literature review is arranged developing themes directly drawn from the literature, chronologically and thematically in this study. Researchers followed literature Review as the main methodology to review the existing empirical knowledge to build conceptual content to support for the proposed research directions. The findings provide the insights on how empirical findings being shared in literature reviews connecting the concept of Band Citizenship behavior and related concepts and implications. Based on the discussion, postulate the future research directions in line with the empirical knowledge gaps found within.  Article visualizations


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    Libraries and information centers are service units held with the responsibility of providing varied information services based on a number of resources. It covers tangible assets, namely library building, equipment, furniture, information resources and staff. The intangible element has been the information services provided by the libraries. The tangible assets and intangible services of libraries are changing greatly due to the development and changes in the area of information technology. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate to accomplish the relationship between Service Quality dimensions, customer experience (CE) library patronage (LP) and library user attitude (LUA) in the context of university library service quality in Sri Lanka. In addition, it investigates the mediating effect of customer experience in the relationship between dimensions of library service quality and the library patronage.  Article visualizations