812 research outputs found

    Extreme Precision Antenna Reflector Study Results

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    Thermal and mechanical distortion degrade the RF performance of antennas. The complexity of future communications antennas requires accurate, dimensionally stable antenna reflectors and structures built from materials other than those currently used. The advantages and disadvantages of using carbon fibers in an epoxy matrix are reviewed as well as current reflector fabrications technology and adjustment. The manufacturing sequence and coefficient of thermal expansion of carbon fiber/borosilicate glass composites is described. The construction of a parabolic reflector from this material and the assembling of both reflector and antenna are described. A 3M-aperture-diameter carbon/glass reflector that can be used as a subassembly for large reflectors is depicted. The deployment sequence for a 10.5M-aperture-diameter antenna, final reflector adjustment, and the deployment sequence for large reflectors are also illustrated

    Modelling the Self-Assembly of Virus Capsids

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    We use computer simulations to study a model, first proposed by Wales [1], for the reversible and monodisperse self-assembly of simple icosahedral virus capsid structures. The success and efficiency of assembly as a function of thermodynamic and geometric factors can be qualitatively related to the potential energy landscape structure of the assembling system. Even though the model is strongly coarse-grained, it exhibits a number of features also observed in experiments, such as sigmoidal assembly dynamics, hysteresis in capsid formation and numerous kinetic traps. We also investigate the effect of macromolecular crowding on the assembly dynamics. Crowding agents generally reduce capsid yields at optimal conditions for non-crowded assembly, but may increase yields for parameter regimes away from the optimum. Finally, we generalize the model to a larger triangulation number T = 3, and observe more complex assembly dynamics than that seen for the original T = 1 model.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Force-induced rupture of a DNA duplex

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    The rupture of double-stranded DNA under stress is a key process in biophysics and nanotechnology. In this article we consider the shear-induced rupture of short DNA duplexes, a system that has been given new importance by recently designed force sensors and nanotechnological devices. We argue that rupture must be understood as an activated process, where the duplex state is metastable and the strands will separate in a finite time that depends on the duplex length and the force applied. Thus, the critical shearing force required to rupture a duplex within a given experiment depends strongly on the time scale of observation. We use simple models of DNA to demonstrate that this approach naturally captures the experimentally observed dependence of the critical force on duplex length for a given observation time. In particular, the critical force is zero for the shortest duplexes, before rising sharply and then plateauing in the long length limit. The prevailing approach, based on identifying when the presence of each additional base pair within the duplex is thermodynamically unfavorable rather than allowing for metastability, does not predict a time-scale-dependent critical force and does not naturally incorporate a critical force of zero for the shortest duplexes. Additionally, motivated by a recently proposed force sensor, we investigate application of stress to a duplex in a mixed mode that interpolates between shearing and unzipping. As with pure shearing, the critical force depends on the time scale of observation; at a fixed time scale and duplex length, the critical force exhibits a sigmoidal dependence on the fraction of the duplex that is subject to shearing.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Coarse-grained modelling of supercoiled RNA

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    We study the behaviour of double-stranded RNA under twist and tension using oxRNA, a recently developed coarse-grained model of RNA. Introducing explicit salt-dependence into the model allows us to directly compare our results to data from recent single-molecule experiments. The model reproduces extension curves as a function of twist and stretching force, including the buckling transition and the behaviour of plectoneme structures. For negative supercoiling, we predict denaturation bubble formation in plectoneme end-loops, suggesting preferential plectoneme localisation in weak base sequences. OxRNA exhibits a positive twist-stretch coupling constant, in agreement with recent experimental observations.Comment: 8 pages + 5 pages Supplementary Materia

    Evolutionary Dynamics in a Simple Model of Self-Assembly

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    We investigate the evolutionary dynamics of an idealised model for the robust self-assembly of two-dimensional structures called polyominoes. The model includes rules that encode interactions between sets of square tiles that drive the self-assembly process. The relationship between the model's rule set and its resulting self-assembled structure can be viewed as a genotype-phenotype map and incorporated into a genetic algorithm. The rule sets evolve under selection for specified target structures. The corresponding, complex fitness landscape generates rich evolutionary dynamics as a function of parameters such as the population size, search space size, mutation rate, and method of recombination. Furthermore, these systems are simple enough that in some cases the associated model genome space can be completely characterised, shedding light on how the evolutionary dynamics depends on the detailed structure of the fitness landscape. Finally, we apply the model to study the emergence of the preference for dihedral over cyclic symmetry observed for homomeric protein tetramers

    Monodisperse self-assembly in a model with protein-like interactions

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    We study the self-assembly behaviour of patchy particles with `protein-like' interactions that can be considered as a minimal model for the assembly of viral capsids and other shell-like protein complexes. We thoroughly explore the thermodynamics and dynamics of self assembly as a function of the parameters of the model and find robust assembly of all target structures considered. Optimal assembly occurs in the region of parameter space where a free energy barrier regulates the rate of nucleation, thus preventing the premature exhaustion of the supply of monomers that can lead to the formation of incomplete shells. The interactions also need to be specific enough to prevent the assembly of malformed shells, but whilst maintaining kinetic accessibility. Free-energy landscapes computed for our model have a funnel-like topography guiding the system to form the target structure, and show that the torsional component of the interparticle interactions prevents the formation of disordered aggregates that would otherwise act as kinetic traps.Comment: 11 pages; 10 figure

    Coarse-grained simulations of DNA overstretching

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    We use a recently developed coarse-grained model to simulate the overstretching of duplex DNA. Overstretching at 23C occurs at 74 pN in the model, about 6-7 pN higher than the experimental value at equivalent salt conditions. Furthermore, the model reproduces the temperature dependence of the overstretching force well. The mechanism of overstretching is always force-induced melting by unpeeling from the free ends. That we never see S-DNA (overstretched duplex DNA), even though there is clear experimental evidence for this mode of overstretching under certain conditions, suggests that S-DNA is not simply an unstacked but hydrogen-bonded duplex, but instead probably has a more exotic structure.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    DNA nanotweezers studied with a coarse-grained model of DNA

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    We introduce a coarse-grained rigid nucleotide model of DNA that reproduces the basic thermodynamics of short strands: duplex hybridization, single-stranded stacking and hairpin formation, and also captures the essential structural properties of DNA: the helical pitch, persistence length and torsional stiffness of double-stranded molecules, as well as the comparative flexibility of unstacked single strands. We apply the model to calculate the detailed free-energy landscape of one full cycle of DNA 'tweezers', a simple machine driven by hybridization and strand displacement.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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