3 research outputs found

    CDR2 antigen and Yo antibodies

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    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) is often associated with Yo antibodies that are directed against human cerebellar degeneration-related protein 2 (CDR2). Such antibodies may also be found in ovarian cancer patients without PCD. We studied if there was an association between Yo antibody production and differences in CDR2 cDNA sequence, mRNA or CDR2 expression in ovarian cancers. We found similar CDR2 cDNA sequence, mRNA and protein levels in primary ovarian cancers, with or without associated Yo antibodies. CDR2 was also present in other cancers, as well as in normal ovary tissue. The results suggest that Yo antibodies are not only related to the expression of CDR2 alone, but also to immune dysregulation

    Managing visitor sites in Svalbard: from a precautionary approach towards knowledge-based management

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    Increased tourism in the Arctic calls for more knowledge to meet management challenges. This paper reviews existing knowledge of the effects of human use on vegetation, fauna and cultural heritage in Svalbard, and it addresses the need for site-specific knowledge for improved management. This paper draws upon scientific studies, knowledge held by management authorities and local people, the Governor's database on visitors and visited sites and our own data from landing sites we visited. There is a certain level of basic knowledge available, allowing us to roughly grade the vulnerability of sites. However, there is a thorough lack of site-specific data related to the management of single locations or groups of similar locations. Future research needs to address specific on-site challenges in the management of visitor sites. Relevant management models and measures are discussed. We contend that a shift away from a blanket application of the precautionary principle and towards a more integrated, site-specific and evidence-based management plan will contribute to more trusted and reliable, and thereby acceptable among stakeholders, decisions in the management of growing tourism activity in Svalbard