4 research outputs found

    Anthelmintic Activity of Tanacetum vulgare L. (Leaf and Flower) Extracts against Trichostrongylidae Nematodes in Sheep In Vitro

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by the Latvia Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Support Service Republic of Latvia ā€œDevelopment of herbal plants containing medical extracts with anti-parasitic effectā€ No. 18-00-A01620-000028. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 by the authors.Due to the high prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep, the growing anthelmintic resistance, and the development of organic farming systems, sustainable alternatives are being sought. One such method is phytotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro ovicidal and larvicidal activity of extracts of tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare L.) growing in Latvia on gastrointestinal nematodes (Trichostrongylidae) in sheep. The leaves and flowers of the tansy were extracted separately in 70%, 50%, and 30% ethanol and acetone. Six concentrations were prepared from each extract 500 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL, 100 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, and 10 mg/mL. In vitro egg hatching test and micro-agar larval development test were performed. Extracts of tansy have strong larvicidal activity. The highest percentage of larvae inhibition for most of the extracts was 100%, but for egg inhibition, it was 95.8% for the 200 mg/mL concentration of 50% acetone and 93.3% for the 500 mg/mL concentration of 50% ethanol leaf extracts. All tansy extracts had ovicidal and larvicidal activity against Trichostrongylidae in sheep.Peer reviewe

    The Religious Symbolism in Louise Erdrichā€™s Novels

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    Å Ä« pētÄ«juma autors analizē, kādā veidā tiek izmantoti reliÄ£iskie simboli LuÄ«zes Erdrikas tetraloÄ£ijā, kas sastāv no romāniem ā€œMÄ«las MedicÄ«naā€, ā€œPēdasā€, ā€œBieÅ”u Karalieneā€ un ā€œBingo Pilsā€. ReliÄ£isko simbolismu analizÄ“Å”ana viņas romānos ļaus saprast Amerikas indiāņu sarežģīto identitātes veidoÅ”anās procesu Amerikas kolonizācijas apstākļos. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir analizēt, kādos veidos Erdrika izmanto reliÄ£isko simbolismu minētajā tetraloÄ£ijā. PētÄ«juma metodes ir padziļinātā lasÄ«Å”ana, stāstÄ«juma analÄ«ze un salÄ«dzinoŔā interpretatÄ«vā metode, balstoties uz postkoloniālās, Amerikas Indiāņu, stāstÄ«juma analÄ«zes un kulturvēsturiskā diskursa analÄ«zes metodoloÄ£ijām. Å ajā pētÄ«jumā izmantotās metodoloÄ£ijas ir postkoloniālā un Amerikas indiāņu literatÅ«ras kriticisma apvienojums. Rezultāti liecina, ka attieksme pret kristietÄ«bu tetraloÄ£ijā ir attēlota izmantojot humoru un ironiju. Erdrika tetraloÄ£ijā ir attēlojusi dažādus veidus, kā veidojas tetraloÄ£ijas tēlu identitāte Amerikas koloniālisma apstākļos.The author of this paper analyses how the religious symbols in Louise Erdrich tetralogy, consisting of novels Love Medicine, Tracks, The Beet Queen and The Bingo Palace, are represented. The argument on religious symbolism in her novels will add to an understanding of complexities in the shaping of Native American identity under American coloniality. The goal of the research paper is to discuss the ways in which Erdrich uses religious symbolism in her tetralogy. The methods of analysis for this study are close reading, narrative analysis and comparative literary interpretation, informed by the methodologies of postcolonial studies, Native American studies, narrative analysis, cultural-historical discursive analysis. The methodologies used in this research are at the intersection of postcolonial and Native American. The results suggest that the attitude towards Christianity in the tetralogy is depicted by using humor or irony and that Erdrich has depicted various ways of how the identity of the tetralogyā€™s characters have formed under the American coloniality

    Crenosoma vulpis associated eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy in a young dog in Latvia

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    peer reviewedA 1.5-year-old male American Staffordshire Terrier with a chronic cough was referred to the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies veterinary hospital. A diagnosis of bronchopneumopathy was reached by means of radiography and CT. Nematode parasites were detected during bronchoscopy and were collected by bronchoalveolar lavage. Parasitological examination confirmed infection with Crenosoma vulpis. Treatment with fenbendazole at 50Ā mg/kg for 3 days was effective

    Traditional Latvian herbal medicinal plants used to treat parasite infections of small ruminants: A review

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    Numerous treatment agents offering prophylaxis against livestock parasites are commercially available. However, because of increasing antiparasitic drug resistance, the increased popularity of environmentally friendly lifestyle choices, and organic farming, there is more demand for new alternatives to livestock anthelmintic control strategies and medications. It is important to develop antiparasitics that are safe, effective, inexpensive, and environmentally safe. Local, traditional herbal plants such as tansy, mugwort, wormwood, and heather may serve as treatments for intestinal parasites of sheep. This overview provides knowledge of traditional Latvian plants with antiparasitic activities to establish a database for further research to develop new herbal antiparasitic drugs